What Does Factual Mean In A Sentence?


Meaning of factually in English

in a way that relates to facts and whether they are true or not: He’s making statements that are not factually accurate.

What’s the meaning of factual and literary?

true to fact; not exaggerated; actual or factual: a literal description of conditions. … (of persons) tending to construe words in the strict sense or in an unimaginative way; matter-of-fact; prosaic.

Is factually incorrect a word?

When we say “factually incorrect,” we don’t mean that the guideline or essay states something that some may disagree with, but makes an assertion of fact that is in reality, untrue.

What is factually correct?

adjective. Something that is factual is concerned with facts or contains facts, rather than giving theories or personal interpretations. factually adverb

What is factually true?

adjective. Something that is factual is concerned with facts or contains facts, rather than giving theories or personal interpretations.

What is a literal meaning example?

Literal language is used to mean exactly what is written. For example: “It was raining a lot, so I rode the bus.” In this example of literal language, the writer means to explain exactly what is written: that he or she chose to ride the bus because of the heavy rain. … It was raining cats and dogs, so I rode the bus.

Is the basic precise literal meaning of the word?

Connotation refers to the wide array of positive and negative associations that most words naturally carry with them, whereas denotation is the precise, literal definition of a word that might be found in a dictionary.

What do you call the literal meaning of the word?

The literal meaning of a word is its original, basic meaning: The literal meaning of “television” is “seeing from a distance”. You will need to show more than just a literal understanding of the text. Compare. figurative (LANGUAGE)

What does unbiased mean?

1 : free from bias especially : free from all prejudice and favoritism : eminently fair an unbiased opinion. 2 : having an expected value equal to a population parameter being estimated an unbiased estimate of the population mean.

How do you use factually?

Factually sentence example

  1. Beside, many of the exhibits are out of their time, or factually inaccurate. …
  2. Jule spoke calmly and factually , his explanations making some strange sense, after her interactions with Jonny and meeting a real vampire.

How do you use the word factual?

Factual in a Sentence ?

  1. That two plus two equals four is a completely factual statement, and no one can ever claim it to be false.
  2. I gave a factual retelling of where I had been last night, telling my partner only the truth and the facts.

What are factual details?

Something that is factual is concerned with facts or contains facts, rather than giving theories or personal interpretations.


What is the example of factual description?

The example of factual description are as follows: 1:The cow is a domestic animal with four legs, two horns and a tail. It eats grass, hay and other vegetarian food items. It gives milk.

What is an example of a factual question?

The word factual’ comes from the word “FACT’, and as the word suggests, this type of question requires you to retrieve facts given in the passage. Examples of factual questions: who, what, where,when,why and how questions.

What is precise in your own words?

1 : exactly or sharply defined or stated. 2 : minutely exact. 3 : strictly conforming to a pattern, standard, or convention.

What are precise words?

What is precise language? Precise language is the use of exact nouns, adjectives, verbs, etc., to help produce vivid mental pictures without resorting to using too many words to convey thoughts. When you use specific words in your writing, you create strong, compelling images in the minds of the readers.

How do you describe a precise person?

someone who is precise is always careful to be accurate and to behave correctly. Synonyms and related words. Careful and cautious. careful.

Is literal and literally the same?

The word “literally” used to mean in a literal manner or sense or exactly. It was used to highlight that the surrounding words were not being used figuratively (e.g., metaphorically).

What is the difference between literal and literally?

Speaking grammatically, literal is an adjective, and describes nouns: “This is a literal translation.” (Ohmyrichard described this.) If you ask someone “Do you know what time it is?” and that person answers “Yes” but doesn’t tell you the time, he is being too literal. Literally is an adverb, and describes actions.

What is difference between literal meaning and real meaning?

is that literal is exactly as stated; read or understood without additional interpretation; according to the letter or verbal expression; real; not figurative or metaphorical while actual is existing in act or reality, not just potentially; really acted or acting; occurring in fact.

Can this story be factually true?

No, this story cannot be factually true. It is just a fantasy. You can add more points to this question as its answer vary from person to person.

What does Factually speaking mean?

1 of, relating to, or characterized by facts. 2 of the nature of fact; real; actual. ♦ factualism n. ♦ factualist n.

What is the difference between actual and factual?

As adjectives the difference between factual and actual

is that factual is of or characterised by or consisting of facts while actual is existing in act or reality, not just potentially; really acted or acting; occurring in fact.
