What Does Elpenor Teach Odysseus?


What does Elpenor ask Odysseus to do? … he wanted Odysseus to burn his body. He wants Odysseus to do this because he thinks his curse will make the gods do something bad to Odysseus.

Why is Elpenor in the land of the dead?

First to approach is Elpenor, one of Odysseus’ men who died just before the crew left Circe’s home. … Because of the urgency of Odysseus’ journey to the Land of the Dead, Elpenor was left unburied, and his spirit requests proper rites when the Greeks return to Aeaea.

Should I help Elpenor?

At the Entrails of Gaia, you’ll have the option to say whether you think Elpenor has changed or not. If you choose to accept that he’s changed, he’ll be happy and go off contented. … If you forgive Elpenor, Poseidon wins the bet, if you don’t, Hades wins.

What happens if I leave Elpenor behind?

Whether players leave Elpenors behind or clear his path can change his dialogue a little in The Snake Sheds His Skin, but doesn’t change the outcome.

What do you get for killing Elpenor?

Left For Dead

I Killed Elpenor – If you choose this option, the man says you will pay. He will late put a bounty on your head for telling the truth. Losing Your Family Can Be Very Hard – If you choose this option, the man will ask for some help killing bandits. You get paid and get some leather for helping him out.

Who what is to blame for Elpenor’s death?

What caused Elpenor’s death? He fell off of Circe’s roof. … He blamed himself for all of these deaths.

What does the ghost of Elpenor request?

What does the ghost of Elpenor request? The ghost of Elpenor tells Odysseus not to forget him. … In this episode, Odysseus shows appreciation. He has more of an appreciation for his life after he visited The Land of the Dead because he saw his mother there.

What happens to Elpenor?

Elpenor had dies after a fall from the roof of Circe’s palace, but he did not receive burial. Odysseus promised to fulfill Elpenor’s directions for a proper burial. Then Odysseus conversed with Tiresias, who explained that only the souls whom Odysseus allowed to drink of the blood could converse with him.

What does Elpenor represent?

In Greek mythology, Elpenor (Ἐλπήνωρ, gen.: Ἐλπήνορος), also spelled Elpinor, was the youngest comrade of Odysseus. While on the island of Circe, he became drunk and decided to spend the night on the roof. In the morning he slipped on the ladder, fell, and broke his neck.

What does the ghost of Elpenor beg Odysseus do for him?

The first to appear is that of Elpenor, the crewman who broke his neck falling from Circe’s roof. He begs Odysseus to return to Circe’s island and give his body a proper burial.

Why can Ulysses not embrace his dead mother?

Expert Answers

Odysseus cannot hug her, no matter how much he wants to, for his mother is now a “shade,” living in Hades. There is a division between flesh and spirit that cannot be connected.

Does Odysseus give Elpenor a proper burial?

While Odysseus was staying on Aeaea, Circe’s island, Elpenor became drunk and climbed onto the roof of Circe’s palace to sleep. … When Odysseus arrived in Hades, Elpenor was the first shade to meet Odysseus, and pleaded with him to return to Aeaea and give him a proper cremation and burial.


Who kept Odysseus for 7 years?

According to Homer, Calypso kept Odysseus prisoner at Ogygia for seven years.

Who is the first soul Odysseus allows to drink blood?

Odysseus asked Tiresias how to speak to the ghost of his mother, and Tiresias explained that a ghost would speak only if it drank the animals’ blood. Odysseus let his mother drink the blood, and suddenly she recognized him.

How does Eurylochus justify killing the cattle?

17. How does Eurylochus justify killing the cattle? He convinces the men that it would be better to die at sea than die of starvation on an island with so much readily available food. He tells them that if they make sacrifices to the gods, the gods will spare them for having touched the sacred cattle.

What was Odysseus fatal flaw?

His final flaw, stubbornness, was the cause of the deaths of many of his men. He refuses to learn from his mistakes and continues to put his men in harm’s way. This is clearly shown when Odysseus and his men continue to explore unknown lands even after their bitter experience with the Cyclops.

Do the members of the crew deserve the punishment they receive for killing the cattle?

Why is Odysseus unable to keep his men from killing cattle? … Do the members of the crew deserve the punishment they receive for killing the cattle? No, they didn’t deserve to die, they were only hungry. If you were Telemachus or Penelope, how would you react to the stranger’s arrival?

What did the men want to do with Cyclops stuff?

When they find the cave that belongs to Polyphemus, they are impressed at how much food there is stored there. They want to steal some of the food and bring it back to their ship. Specifically, they want to take a bunch of cheese and then come back for the lambs and kids.

Is Charybdis a God?

Charybdis, the daughter of the sea god Pontus and the earth goddess Gaia, was a deadly whirlpool. Three times a day, Charybdis would pull in and push out water with such force that ships would be sunk.

What does Elpenor’s death symbolize?

After finishing his task in the underworld, Odysseus returned to Aeaea and cremated Elpenor’s body, then buried him with his armour and marked the grave with an oar of his ship. … Elpenor’s death in a careless accident is very much a symbol for the foolish behavior of the men throughout the book.

Is Elpenor a cultist?

Elpenor of Kirrha (died 431 BCE) was a member of the Eyes of Kosmos branch of the Cult of Kosmos leading up to the Peloponnesian War.

What happens if you keep the spear of Kephalos?

If you show interest in the spear, she will offer you a reward to retrieve it for her. Once you retrieve it, it will be up to if you want to give her the spear as promised or keep it for yourself. The priestess will tell you that according to legend, the spear has been hidden in the caves nearby for years.

Can you save Kephallonia from the plague?

As far as we know, the family cannot be found afterwards, leaving it unclear if they survive, and there is no way to cure the plague. Kephallonia will be affected permanently by this, and will appear as a blighted hellscape for the rest of the game.
