What Does Edify Mean Example?


Edification in a Sentence ?

  1. Because Shirley is a committed lifelong learner, she visits the library at least once a week for personal edification and intellectual enrichment.
  2. The timeless fables of Aesop may have been created for the edification of children about some of life’s important lessons.

What does edify a person mean?

1 : to instruct and improve especially in moral and religious knowledge : uplift also : enlighten, inform.

Is edifying positive or negative?

Good literature, art, and music are edifying. The original meaning of edify was “to build,” and things that are edifying build up a person, especially in an intellectual or moral way. It’s often used in the negative. If you say something is not edifying, you mean that it’s unpleasant and unacceptable.

What does Unedify mean?

: not morally uplifting or instructive : not edifying …

What is the full meaning of edification?

Edification is defined as spiritual, moral or intellectual improvement. … The act of edifying, or the state of being edified; a building up, especially in a moral, emotional, or spiritual sense; moral, intellectual, or spiritual improvement; through encouragement and instruction.

What is the biblical meaning of edification?

edification Add to list Share. If something is for your edification, watch out! It means it’s designed to improve you in some way, whether morally, educationally, or spiritually.

How do you use Edify in a sentence?

Edify sentence example

  1. Edify for others, that’s why he says “He that prophesies edifies the church.” …
  2. Sermons that edify are well attended; and his parishioners are as much edified by his good example as by his excellent discourses. …
  3. He did not pronounce windy orations about things that did not concern or edify them.

What is network marketing edification?

When you edify your upline and establish them as an expert in the minds of the people you are talking to, they will want to meet your upline. When your upline edifies you in return, it will build credibility in you. Edification is a way for somebody who is brand new in the business to have instant credibility.

What are some edifying words?


  • illuminating.
  • improving.
  • inspiring.
  • refining.
  • cultural.
  • educational.
  • educative.
  • illuminative.

What is opposite of edify?

Antonyms & Near Antonyms for edifying. unenlightening, unilluminating, uninformative, uninstructive.


What is malfeasance?

Primary tabs. Intentional conduct that is wrongful or unlawful, especially by officials or public employees. Malfeasance is at a higher level of wrongdoing than nonfeasance (failure to act where there was a duty to act) or misfeasance (conduct that is lawful but inappropriate).

What does God say about encouragement?

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” “May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had.” yes, establish the work of our hands.”

What is the root word of auspicious?

Auspicious comes from Latin auspex, which literally means “bird seer” (from the words avis, meaning “bird,” and specere, meaning “to look at”).

What does Cordality mean?

: sincere affection and kindness : cordial regard. Synonyms & Antonyms Example Sentences Learn More About cordiality.

What does the word enlightenment?

1 : the act or means of enlightening : the state of being enlightened. 2 capitalized : a philosophical movement of the 18th century marked by a rejection of traditional social, religious, and political ideas and an emphasis on rationalism —used with the.

What is a Surfet?

1 : an overabundant supply : excess. 2 : an intemperate or immoderate indulgence in something (such as food or drink) 3 : disgust caused by excess.

Is Imbicilic a word?

of, relating to, or characteristic of an imbecile. contemptibly stupid, silly, or inappropriate: an imbecilic suggestion.

What is the meaning of acrimony in English?

: anger and bitterness : harsh or biting sharpness especially of words, manner, or feelings The dispute continued with increased acrimony.

What helmsman means?

English Language Learners Definition of helmsman

: a person (especially a man) who steers a ship or boat. See the full definition for helmsman in the English Language Learners Dictionary.

How do you pronounce edify?

Break ‘edify’ down into sounds: + + – say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them. Record yourself saying ‘edify’ in full sentences, then watch yourself and listen.

What does pedantic mean?

Pedantic is an insulting word used to describe someone who annoys others by correcting small errors, caring too much about minor details, or emphasizing their own expertise especially in some narrow or boring subject matter.
