What Does Accentless Mean?


The name of this accentless accent varies; sometimes it’s called Standard American, or Broadcast English, or Network English, or, as it was created by two independent linguists in the 1920s and 1930s, General American. It is a neutral accent, one without distinguishing features.

What is the neutral American accent?

In American English, there is a neutral accent called General American. Wikipedia states that “General American is perceived by most Americans to be ‘accent-less’, meaning a person who speaks in such a manner does not appear to be from anywhere.”

Do Americans have an accent?

Like many countries, the United States is one filled with a diverse set of people, and thus a great number of English accents exist. As American pop culture is widely disseminated across the world, you may already be familiar with the more notable accents.

Who has cockney accent?

Cockney, dialect of the English language traditionally spoken by working-class Londoners. Cockney is also often used to refer to anyone from London—in particular, from its East End.

Why is there no accent when singing?

A person’s accent is easily detectable when they are speaking at normal speed. When singing, the pace is often slower. … As a result, regional accents can disappear because syllables are stretched out and stresses fall differently than in normal speech.

Why do English singers not have an accent?

While there can be various reasons that accents ‘disappear’ in song, the most obvious reason has to do with phonetics, the pace at which they sing and speak, and the air pressure from one’s vocal cords. … Words are drawn out and more powerfully pronounced and the accent becomes more neutral.

Why do most singers sound American?

As far as why “American” and not some other accent, it’s simply because the generic “American” accent is fairly neutral. … Once this takes place, singers are forced to stress syllables as they are accented in the music, which forces singers to elongate their vowels.

What do you call people from Michigan?

Michigander and Michiganian are unofficial demonyms for natives and residents of the U.S. state of Michigan. Less common alternatives include Michiganer, Michiganite, Michiganese, and Michigine.

Why do I say Melk instead of milk?

You may have noticed that the way Canadians speak is changing and the reason why words sound different these days is because linguists have confirmed we’re going through the Canadian Vowel Shift. “Milk” is being pronounced more like “melk.” The word “dress” is starting to sound like “drass.”

What is Michigan most known for?

Michigan is known for fishing, thanks to its 3,288-mile coastline, the longest freshwater coastline in the United States. Forestry is another important industry, as 90 percent of the Upper Peninsula is covered in trees.


Why are brummies called Brummies?

A Brummie is a term given to the name of the inhabitants of the city of Birmingham, England. Since Birmingham has been known as Brummagem to the locals for many centuries, it gave rise to the term ‘Brummie’, as well as ‘Brum’ (short for Brummagem).

Is Cockney accent posh?

RP English is said to sound posh and powerful, whereas people who speak Cockney English, the accent of working-class Londoners, often experience prejudice.

What is a posh accent?

“Posh” is a Britishism for upper-class. A posh accent would be someone who talks like the public school products who live/frequent Sloan Square in London and use expressions like N-Double-O-C (not of our class).

How do you talk like an American?

How to Speak English Like An American

  1. Understand the importance of contractions. …
  2. Master the standard American R. …
  3. Build and localize your vocabulary. …
  4. Turn some of your T’s into Ds’. …
  5. Work on your accent. …
  6. Record your own voice. …
  7. Get to know the idioms. …
  8. Check out free video lessons on YouTube.

Do actors need to do accents?

Outside the American acting world, the onus is on the word “play.” Commitment to accent work is a indicator of what an actor values. We should dare to be exceptional, which requires risk. … When Americans start attempting roles that require learning accents, then maybe we’ll start getting roles at home that don’t.

What is a Michigan troll?

A term coined by Yoopers to refer to residents of the Lower Peninsula of Michigan, because trolls live “under the bridge” (referring to the Mackinac Bridge).

Who is the most famous person born in Michigan?

30 famous celebrities you may not know are from Michigan

  • David Spade.
  • Ken Jeong.
  • John Hughes.
  • Courtney B. Vance.
  • Mary Lynn Rajskub.
  • David Alan Grier.
  • Elizabeth Berkley.
  • Verne Troyer.

Why is Michigan separated?

According to the Michigan Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Michigan acquired the UP as a result of the Toledo War. … The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 established a borderline between what would become Ohio and Indiana and the Michigan Territory from the southern tip of Lake Michigan across the Lower Peninsula.

Why do accents exist?

Dialects and accents developed historically when groups of language users lived in relative isolation, without regular contact with other people using the same language. … Invasion and migration also helped to influence dialect development at a regional level.
