What Does A Physiotherapist Treat?


Stretches and exercises – Physiotherapists teach various exercises and body stretching techniques, which help restore joint movements. Rehabilitation – A wide range of strengthening, preventative, and corrective exercises are used to alleviate disease conditions.

What is difference between physiotherapy and physical therapy?

What are the differences, and what is it that differentiates physiotherapy from physical therapy? The answer, you may be shocked to learn, is that physical therapy and physiotherapy are exactly the same! There is, in fact, no difference between the two terms and each term can be used interchangeably. They are synonyms.

Who needs physiotherapy?

People usually seek out physiotherapy when they’re recovering from a major injury/surgery, and they go through the treatment sessions to relieve the pain that restricts their mobility and strength.

What is the best time for physiotherapy?

The Right Time to Exercise

  • the risk of injury is lowest and physical performance peaks between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m.
  • muscles are strongest between 2 p.m. and 6 p.m.
  • lung function is most efficient in the late afternoon.
  • joints and muscles are most flexible in the early evening.

What problems do physiotherapists treat?

A physiotherapist can help treat many things, including:

  • back and knee pain.
  • sports injuries.
  • arthritis.
  • aches, sprains and injuries.
  • incontinence.
  • neurological conditions, like Parkinson’s disease or multiple sclerosis.
  • chronic diseases like diabetes, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and obesity.
  • managing after a stroke.

Is physio a waste of money?

Physiotherapy for people who suffer from mild to moderate lower back pain is a waste of time and a poor use of NHS money, according to a major study published today. Up to 85% of people have back pain at some time in their lives, and 10% have chronic back pain which interferes with their lives.

Can Physio make things worse?

Interestingly, while it means that physical therapy can lead to a traumatic experience, the reverse is true indeed. You are much more likely to worsen injuries and prolong the discomfort and pain you are already feeling by avoiding care at a physical therapy facility.

Is a physiotherapist a doctor?

Yes, physiotherapists who complete advanced studies can be called a doctor.

What are some examples of physiotherapy?

21 Types of Physiotherapists


What are the types of physiotherapy?

Geriatric, pediatric, and orthopedic physiotherapy are just a few to mention. Each addresses specific conditions and involves different treatment methods. All types of physiotherapy involve exercise. Depending on your needs, the therapist may also recommend joint mobilization, massage, traction, taping, or TENS.

What is the cost of physiotherapy?

The cost of physiotherapy in India ranges from Rs. 250- Rs. 1500 per session.

Why physiotherapy is needed?

Physiotherapy helps restore movement and function when someone is affected by injury, illness or disability. Moreover, physiotherapy is a healthcare profession that assesses, diagnoses, treats, and works to prevent disease and disability.


How quickly does physiotherapy work?

Minor injuries you might expect 2-3 sessions of physiotherapy; soft tissue injuries you would be looking more towards 6 – 8 weeks, as this is roughly how long it takes for soft tissue to heal in most cases; and more chronic or serious conditions taking 2 or more months of treatment depending on the level of progress …

Does physiotherapy really work?

There’s an enormous body of research supporting the use of physiotherapy for treating musculoskeletal problems. For example, dozens of studies have demonstrated that physiotherapy can help with joint injuries and pain relating to the back, neck, shoulder, knee wrist and ankle.

Is pain worse after physio?

Generally, if there is an increase in your presenting symptoms after a session, it’s something that you should discuss with your physio. Other pains or soreness that occur after treatment are usually very normal and natural and is actually a sign that the treatment is helping.

Is physio meant to hurt?

Will It Hurt? Physical therapy shouldn’t hurt, and it will be safe. But because you’ll use parts of your body that are injured or have chronic pain, physical therapy can be challenging, even hard. For example, you may feel sore after stretching or deep tissue massage.

Why is physiotherapy so painful?

Here are some common reasons you may experience some pain during physiotherapy: Scar tissue has formed – when an injury is healing, scar tissue forms around the injured area. Like filling a hole in a wall with plaster. Your body needs to do this quickly so it slaps that plaster down any which way it can.

Should I do physio everyday?

How Often Should You Do Your Exercises? It’s always best to listen to the advice of your physio but generally, exercises should initially be performed 2-3 times per day for 5 minutes each time. This amount of repetition allows the muscles to develop the “memory” they need to perform their role.

What makes a good physio?

Physiotherapists should have an organised mind

That means having excellent time management, organisation and problem-solving skills, as well as meticulous attention to detail. Keeping good patient records is a key part of a physiotherapy role, not least because you’ll be dealing with many long-term care plans.

How do you know if physical therapy is working?

How To Tell If Physical Therapy Is Working

  1. Patient-based feedback and survey questionnaires. In these assessments, patients respond to survey-like questions about how successful they feel their therapy has been. …
  2. Objective Tests and Measures. …
  3. Assessment of Functional Movement and Tasks.

How do physiotherapists diagnose?

Access to further investigations: For example, Imaging (ie x-rays, MRI, CT scans, ultrasound scans) or blood tests. Again, this is changing with many physiotherapists now able to refer directly for scans and blood tests.

Do physiotherapists work in hospitals?

Physiotherapists. … Physiotherapists often work as part of a multidisciplinary team in various areas of medicine and settings, including: hospitals.

What do physiotherapists do on a daily basis?

They guide patients to improve their strength and movement and prevent further problems in future. Physiotherapists work to diagnose the causes of injury and put together a treatment plan, sometimes including exercises, manual therapy and electrotherapy (using electrical energy as a medical treatment.
