What Do You Put In The Bottom Of A Planter Box For Drainage?

  1. Recycle Plastics. Plastic Water/Soda Bottles. …
  2. Reuse Packing Materials. …
  3. Unused Plastic Pots Turned Upside Down.
  4. Recycled Crushed Cans.
  5. Natural Materials. …
  6. Recycled Cardboard, Newspaper (Also for short term use only.)

How much drainage does a planter box need?

You need 1/4th inch drainage holes when using a planter that is 12 inches or less in diameter. You need 1/2 inch drainage holes when using a planter that is larger than 12 inches in diameter. The number of drainage holes you need would be between 3-8 for a planter that is 4-12 inches in diameter.

Should I put rocks in the bottom of my planter?

A: For years, experts told gardeners to put a layer of gravel, pebbles, sand or broken pieces of pot in the bottom of the pot before potting up houseplants or outdoor plants. The idea was to improve drainage. But research shows that this advice is wrong. Water doesn’t travel well from one medium to another.

Should I drill holes in the bottom of my planter?

Drainage Holes

Holes in the bottom of the planter are essential for proper drainage. The holes give the excess water an escape route so it doesn’t stay in the soil. … If the container is made from a material you can drill, add two or three more drainage holes.

What do you put in the bottom of a planter without drainage holes?

Some experts suggest using a layer of pebbles as a sort of drainage layer in those pots without drainage holes. This technique allows excess water to flow into the space with the pebbles, away from the the soil and therefore the roots of your plant.

What do I put at the bottom of my planter?

Heavy materials you can use to fill the bottom of your large planters include:

  1. Gravel.
  2. Pea pebbles.
  3. Landscape/river rock (big and small)
  4. Old ceramic tiles (intact or broken)
  5. Broken pieces of pottery.
  6. Bricks.
  7. Cinderblocks.

What do you put in the bottom of a wooden planter?

Place a sheet of plastic or metal screen cloth over the entire bottom of the pot to keep drainage holes open. Alternatively, put shards of broken flowerpot or other pottery over the holes.

Do I need to line a wooden planter box?

You need to line your planter box if it’s made from wood or metal. The liner will help prolong the planter’s life. You don’t need to use a liner if the planter is made using plastic, ceramic, or concrete as they are quite durable by themselves.

How do I keep my planter box from rotting?

The best way to prevent deck planters from rotting is with a liner. Lining a wood planter prevents water and fungi from contacting the wood. Preventing rotting by separating that which is good for the plants, water and fungi from the wood.

What do you fill the bottom of a large planter with?

Light Materials

If you have an especially big planter to fill, light, bulky materials are your best bet. Examples include plastic drink containers, milk jugs, crushed soda cans, foam packing materials and plastic or foam take-out containers.

Is it OK to put Styrofoam in the bottom of a planter?

Bottom Line on Foam

Foam doesn’t break down easily in the environment, which means it’s unlikely to degrade in a vegetable gardening container so it’s safe to use as filler.

Are pots without drainage holes bad?

If water does not have a way to drain freely, it gets trapped inside the pot and eventually deprives the roots of oxygen, creating roots rot, which is fatal to plants.


Why do some plant pots not have drainage holes?

Why Do Pots Need Drain Holes? With the exception of a few aquatic plants, plant roots don’t like to sit in water. They need to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide with the air, and excess water closes off the air pockets in soil. Plants in pots without drainage holes are prone to becoming overwatered.

Can packing peanuts be used in the bottom of planters?

You can use packing peanuts as long as they’re not the type that dissolves in water. Styrofoam peanuts do an excellent job. Make sure they’re secured within a bag to keep them stable and in place. It also makes your life easier if you decide to repot the plant.

How do you put plastic bottles in the bottom of a planter?


  1. Make sure all planters and pots have drainage holes in the bottom.
  2. Line the bottom with recycled bottles filling approximately 1/3 of the container for plants and flowers.
  3. Add soil, leaving about 8 in. for large pots and 4 in in medium pots.
  4. Add plantings, and finish with soil.

How do you seal inside a wooden planter?

You can line the insides of planter boxes with plastic wrap but be certain to provide drainage outlets. Water gardeners have successfully sealed their containers with plastic pond liner material and landscape tarp. They also use marine-grade paint to seal wood containers.

How do you treat a wooden planter box?

Linseed oil is an old-time, classic wood treatment. Made from natural flaxseed, linseed oil has very good preservative properties but takes quite a long time to dry. Avoid products that are mixed with solvents such as mineral spirits, and allow the container to dry out for several weeks before planting.

How do you fill a wooden planter box?

Possibilities include crushed aluminum cans, plastic milk jugs, plastic water bottles, plastic soda pop bottles and crunched, empty potting soil and soil amendment bags. Upending a stack of nursery pots inside a planter box also works well.

Do I need to line my raised garden bed?

So, should you line a raised garden bed? Yes, you should line your raised garden bed, since the pros of doing so outweigh the cons. A liner for your raised garden bed can insulate the soil against extreme temperatures, keep moles and gophers out, and prevent weeds from growing.

Can I use plywood for a planter box?

Untreated plywood is safe to use on your garden bed, so it is the best option. you’ll need to replace it every few years, but you’ll not need to worry about the toxic chemicals getting into your garden. If you go with the treated plywood, it is best to line some thick plastic to help keep things safe.

What do you line raised planters with?

If in doubt, line the inside of the bed with polythene. New railway sleepers may contain creosote that should not be used where skin contact is a possibility. Creosote is thought to have dissipated from older sleepers, and these may be used without concern about skin contact.

How many bags of soil do I need for a 4×8 raised bed?

For a 4×8 raised garden bed, you will need 15 bags of soil (1.5 cubic feet per bag) or 21.44 cubic feet of soil. This is assuming your raised garden bed is 8 inches high and the bags of soil you are buying contains 1.5 cubic feet of soil per bag.
