What Do You Mean By Armaments?


armament Add to list Share. Use the noun armament to talk about the kind of weapons that armies use when they wage wars. … In the seventeenth century, the word was mainly used to mean “naval force equipped for war,” and it comes from the Latin root armare, “to arm, or to furnish with weapons.”

What is the difference between armament and weapon?

As nouns the difference between weaponry and armament

is that weaponry is weapons, collectively; as, an array of weaponry while armament is a body of forces equipped for war.

What is another word for weapons?


  • arm,
  • armament,
  • munitions,
  • weaponry.

What is slang for knife?

What does shiv mean? A shiv is a slang term for a knife, especially a switchblade. It is most often used to refer to improvised blades made in prison and the act of stabbing (shivving) fellow inmates or guards with them.

Is a tank a weapon?

Tank, any heavily armed and armoured combat vehicle that moves on two endless metal chains called tracks. Tanks are essentially weapons platforms that make the weapons mounted in them more effective by their cross-country mobility and by the protection they provide for their crews.

Who invented gun in the world?

The first device identified as a gun, a bamboo tube that used gunpowder to fire a spear, appeared in China around AD 1000. The Chinese had previously invented gunpowder in the 9th century.

What is the first weapon?

The earliest unambiguous weapons to be found are the Schöningen spears, eight wooden throwing spears dating back more than 300,000 years.

What does the 2nd Amendment say word for word?

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.

Why are arms called guns?

The baseball origin is probably correct, according to Lighter. As early as 1929 the NYT was writing “A player’s arm is his gun or his wing. A good gun means that the possessor has a strong arm.

Are bullets considered arms?

The Right to keep and bear arms includes ammunition, it is an integral and essential part of any firearm, and all type of arms.

Where can u find armaments?

Armaments can be summoned by pressing whichever number button is bound under specials for PC Players or pressing the button centered at the top of the screen for mobile players.

What is a captor mean?

: someone who has captured a person and is keeping that person as a prisoner. See the full definition for captor in the English Language Learners Dictionary. captor. noun.

What does giving an ultimatum mean?

: a final proposition, condition, or demand especially : one whose rejection will end negotiations and cause a resort to force or other direct action.


What is the oldest gun in the world?

The oldest surviving firearm is the Heilongjiang hand cannon dated to 1288, which was discovered at a site in modern-day Acheng District where the History of Yuan records that battles were fought at that time; Li Ting, a military commander of Jurchen descent, led footsoldiers armed with guns in battle to suppress the …

Who invented ak47?

AK-47 designer and Red Army soldier Mikhail Kalashnikov in 1949. After five years of engineering, the former agricultural engineer made his famous weapon. It was based on a number of other designs floating around at the time, mostly Germany’s Sturmgewehr-44.

Which country invented guns?

The origin of firearms began with gunpowder and its invention, mostly likely in China, more than 1,000 years ago.

Are tanks bulletproof?

With the rather reserved variant name added to its nameplate, the Tank Military Edition comes with features that you won’t normally see in an SUV: thermal night vision, a firewall, a reinforced suspension, a smoke screen, bomb protection, and yes, B7-rated glass armor and level 7 ballistic protection.

What is the most powerful tank gun?

These are the 10 most powerful tanks in use today.

  • 8 Leopard 2A7+ – Germany. …
  • 7 Merkava IVm Windbreaker – Israel. …
  • 6 Leclerc XLR – France. …
  • 5 Challenger 2 CLEP – United Kingdom. …
  • 4 K2 Black Panther – South Korea. Via Pinterest. …
  • 3 Type 10 – Japan. Via Pinterest. …
  • 2 Type 99A – China. Via Pinterest. …
  • 1 T-90MS – Russia. Via Pinterest.

How many bullets can a tank carry?

Armament of the T-90MS MBT

The main armament of the tank is a 125mm 2A46M-5 high accuracy gun. The cannon can fire different types of ammunition. The tank has the capacity to carry up to 40 rounds of 125mm ammunition.

What do English people call knives?

In the UK, the term ‘Stanley’ is understood by all – it stands for a brand/make of knife: the Stanley Knife, and is a very sharp retractable blade housed in a thick-grip handle.

What do Roadmen call their friends?

F – Fam. ‘Fam‘ is one of the most common roadman slang words. Similarly to ‘bruv’, it’s used to greet someone that isn’t necessarily family but you’re very close to.
