What Do You Do With Cyclamen In The Summer?


Water your cyclamen plant only when the soil is dry to the touch, but do not leave the plant in this dry state so long that it shows visible signs of not being watered, such as droopy leaves and flowers. When you water the plant, water from below the leaves so that the water doesn’t touch the stems or leaves.

When should I stop watering my indoor cyclamen?

For indoor cyclamen, stop watering when they stop flowering and let the leaves go yellow and wither. This is usually in April, but could be a few weeks later. Then put them somewhere cool and dry, for the summer.

Do cyclamen survive summer?

Cyclamen hederifolium AGM: This excellent garden plant will provide ground cover from winter to spring. … Cyclamen purpurascens AGM: Very fragrant pink flowers borne with the heart-shaped, shiny, dark green and silvery mottled leaves, flowers from mid-late summer.

Do cyclamen like sun or shade?

The tubers are actually just “resting,” and need only enough water to keep from completely drying out until new leaves emerge in the fall. They tolerate sun or partial shade, but need protection from hot sun in the afternoons.

Do cyclamen need sun?

Light. Give cyclamen bright, indirect light in the winter when the plant is actively growing. In the summer, when the plant is dormant, it’s best to keep cyclamen in a cool, dark spot with good air circulation.

How do I keep my cyclamen blooming?

Begin fertilizing monthly, and place the plant in near a bright window in a cool room – about 65 °F (a bit colder at night – even as cool as 40 °F). The plant will start growing again and develop new blooms. Keep up the normal care of cyclamen and the plant will continue to grow and send blooms.

How do you revive a dying cyclamen?

To revive your cyclamen, you might try the same regimen as used after this dormancy period. Re-pot the tuber in a good compost and sand mix, set in an area that is sunny, but cool, and water as directed above. For all the trouble of reviving them, most folks toss out their cyclamens once they go dormant.

Why are the leaves on my indoor cyclamen turning yellow?

What yellow leaves on a cyclamen plant mean. In theory, cyclamen should become dormant in summer. As the weather warms, flowering stops and the leaves turn yellow. This is a sign that the plant wants to rest, so stop watering!

How long will a cyclamen live?

A well-tended cyclamen can live up to 100 years in the same spot. Cyclamen leaves have a tremendous range of shapes, even within a single species.

What to do when cyclamen finished flowering?

How to Treat Cyclamen After Blooming

  1. Gradually cut back on watering when the leaves begin to wilt and turn yellow.
  2. Use scissors to remove all remaining dead and dying foliage.
  3. Place the tuber in a container with the top half of the tuber sitting above the surface of the soil.

What conditions do cyclamen like?

In general, hardy cyclamen prefer poor, well-drained soils in full or part shade. Hardy cyclamen are easy to grow as long as you avoid heavy soils that are apt to get waterlogged. If you do have very wet soil it is probably best to grow cyclamen in pots or raised beds.

Are cyclamen indoor or outdoor plants?

Gardeners enjoy the sight of pretty jewelled cyclamen flowering in drifts outside, but cyclamen also makes a wonderful indoor plant, brightening up the home through late autumn and winter when days are at their shortest.

Are cyclamen toxic to dogs?

Cyclamen contains irritating saponins, and when any part of the plant (especially the tubers or roots) are chewed or ingested by dogs and cats, it can result in clinical signs of drooling, vomiting and diarrhea.


Why do cyclamens bloom in summer?

They flower either in autumn or spring. Yours are probably florists’ cultivars of Cyclamen persicum that flowers in spring as a species but the cultivars will flower all through the growing season. Putting it simply, your plant is going dormant for the summer and you should stop watering until September/early October.

What does an overwatered cyclamen look like?

Yellow leaves: Overwatering and too much heat will cause the leaves of your cyclamen to yellow. Yellow foliage in late winter/spring may also be a sign that your cyclamen is going into dormancy. Wilted leaves and flowers: Wilted flowers and foliage are a sign of improper watering.

Why has my cyclamen drooping?

Droopy cyclamen flowers occur when a plant has too much water. Cyclamens prefer moist soil but not boggy conditions. If planted in ground, make sure the soil percolates well; and if it doesn’t, add some gritty material to improve drainage. … Plants that are kept too wet will develop drooping leaves as well as crown rot.

What month do cyclamen go dormant?

When Do Cyclamens Go Dormant

Winters are mild and summers are dry. Plants learn to survive by blooming in winter or early spring and going dormant in the summer when moisture is scarce. With proper care, dormant cyclamen plants will reemerge in the fall. While they rest, cyclamens need dry soil and dim light.

Do cyclamen bloom all summer?

In the right conditions, the plants will bloom continuously for a couple of months. … During the hot, dry summers, cyclamen become dormant; their foliage yellows and dies back and plants show no signs of growth. They store energy for the next flowering season in their round tubers.

When should cyclamen be repotted?

Cyclamens, as a rule, should be repotted every two years or so. Depending upon your plant and its container, however, you may have more or less time before it fills up its pot and has to move. When repotting cyclamen plants, it’s really best to wait until their dormant period.

Can cyclamen stay outside in winter?

Outdoors. They can be used in hanging baskets and containers or planted into the ground. They don’t like heavy rain and strong winds so would appreciate a sheltered site in dappled shade with dry soil. They are fairly hardy and can tolerate frost down to about -3 to -4C (24 – 26F).

Do cyclamen plants like to be misted?

because of the high humidity they prefer. Never misting and keeping the leaves dry at all times helps prevent plant diseases. … Indoor cyclamen plants need to rest from late spring to early fall in a dark, cool area.

Should you deadhead cyclamen?

Deadheading. In order to extend the flowering of your cyclamen you will need to deadhead regularly and inspect the foliage for any faded leaves or signs of disease. … Do not cut the stems as this acts as a pathway for plant diseases such as botrytis to reach the tuber.

Do cyclamens multiply?

To grow cyclamen, plant tubers in early fall, about one inch deep, and six inches apart. Low mounds are their ideal habitat. The tubers do not multiply, but plants will self-sow, forming colonies. In summer the plants go dormant and need a little moisture to keep roots from dying back.
