What Do You Do If Your Cake Is Half Baked?


If your cake is not cooking in the middle, then put it back into the oven and cover tightly in tin foil. The tin foil will trap the heat and help to cook the inside of your cake. Bake for another 10-15 minutes and check after 5-7 mins to make sure it’s working.

Can you save an undercooked cake?

That’s not a cake you’ll want to serve. Here’s a solution: If you find you underbaked your cake soon after removing it from the oven and it’s still hot, pop it back in and bake it at least another 10 to 15 minutes more. Remember to do the doneness test before removing from the oven and cooling.

Can you Rebake a failed cake?

Slice the flop up and lay the pieces down on a lined baking tray, place in a 100°C (80°C for fan-forced) oven and leave for one to two hours or until crunchy and dried out. Store in an airtight container. Fix: Fold the broken pieces into ice cream. Or whip up this leftover cake pudding and no one will ever know!

How do you fix a soggy cake?

If the middle of the cake is too wet, bake it for up to 15 additional minutes. Add a piece of aluminum foil to the top to prevent it from browning as the middle finishes baking. If the bottom is too moist, add aluminum foil and/or turn off the upper heat of your oven and bake for a few more minutes.

Can you fix a sunken cake?

Scoop softened ice cream into the sunken center of the sunken cake and smooth it out. Freeze the cake for about 30 minutes, then take it out. Add frosting across the top of the ice cream and around the edges, just as you’d normally frost a cake, to finish the ice cream cake.

Why is my cake still raw in the middle?

When your cake isn’t cooking in the middle, it’s often because the oven was too hot or it wasn’t baked for long enough. … No matter how long it takes, a cake that’s slightly overcooked is better than an undercooked one, so just leave it to bake and test its doneness every 5-15 minutes until it’s fully baked.

Can you get food poisoning from an undercooked cake?

EATING raw cake mixture, dough or batter could land you with a nasty bout of food poisoning, experts have warned. But while you may worry raw eggs are to blame, you would be wrong! The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has warned licking the bowl after baking a cake increases your risk of E. coli.

Why is my cake burnt on the outside and raw in the middle?

If you find that your cakes are brown on the outside but are still raw on the inside then it is likely that the oven is too hot. Most cakes are baked at around 180c/350F/Gas Mark 4 on the middle shelf of the oven. … If the oven is running too high then you may need to turn it down slightly.

How do I get my cake to rise evenly?

Add the cake batter to the pans and smack them down on the counter a few times. This will eliminate any air bubbles. Put it in the oven and bake away. What’s happening here is that the moisture from towel is helping the cake bake more evenly, resulting in an even rise and a cake with a flat top.

How do I know if my cake is over baked?

Try to take your cake layers out a few minutes earlier, or as soon as a toothpick comes out with a few moist crumbs. If the toothpick comes out totally clean, your cake might already be overbaked.

Can you put undercooked bread back in the oven?

In most situations, an undercooked loaf of bread can be fixed by returning it to the oven for a few more minutes. … Place the loaf back in a preheated oven at 350° F for 10-20 minutes. You can tent the bread loosely with foil to prevent it from browning further, if that’s a concern.

What causes a soggy cake?

Cooking it for too short a while will result in a soggy, sunken middle. The centre of your mixture takes the longest time to heat through, so is typically the final part of your cake to cook through, puffing up to an airy middle.


Why is my cake flat and dense?

As mentioned in tip #3, over-mixing cake batter produces too much air. That trapped air expands then deflates in the oven. A deflated cake is a dense cake! Only mix the wet and dry ingredients together JUST until combined.

What happens if you bake a cake at a lower temperature?

Baking at a lower temperature slows the spring in the leavening, which prevents a dome from forming on your cake. Most cakes bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Reducing the temperature to 325 degrees is all you need to do to get a flat-topped cake.

Can you microwave an undercooked cake?

If it happens again though, instead of putting it in the oven… try using the microwave. It will finish cooking it in the center. Once you take the cake out of the oven and let it sit, even for 5 minutes, its a gonner.

Can bad cake make you sick?

Cake itself is fairly resistant to most forms of spoilage. If a plain cake is left to sit out, it will usually become dry and stale, but it won’t make you sick to eat it. In fact, the world’s bakers have any number of ways to use up stale cake and transform it into new, equally tasty desserts.

Can you eat box cake mix raw?

The CDC issued a warning not to eat or taste raw cake mix.

The agency clarified that people should only consume both store-bought and homemade cake mixes after spending enough time in the oven. “Eating raw cake batter can make you sick,” the CDC said. “Raw cake batter can contain harmful bacteria.

Why is my banana bread raw in the middle?

You use too much banana.

Using too much banana could make your bread heavy and damp in the center, causing it to appear undercooked and unappealing. If you have bananas leftover, you can always freeze them for later use.

Why did my cake get sticky?

A tacky top is typically caused by covering or wrapping the cake before it’s completely cooled. This traps moisture inside, causing that sticky texture. Avoiding this pitfall is easy, just let the cake sit on a wire rack until totally cool. Even with these cake tips, you may still end up with a few flops.

How do you fix bitter cake after baking?

You can fix bitter cake by adding an acid to your batter. The most common solution is cream of tartar, but depending on your recipe, you may also want to try lemon juice, sour cream, or even some cocoa powder.

Can I put undercooked banana bread back in the oven?

It is pretty simple to salvage an undercooked bread and create a decent loaf. Heat the oven to 350 F, return the bread to the oven, and bake for another 10 to 20 minutes. This will work even if the loaf has cooled, which is similar to par-baking bread.

Can I put undercooked muffins back in the oven?

If you see mushy, uncooked portions in the muffins, put them back in the tins. Slide them into the oven for an additional 5 to 10 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the centers comes out clean, with just a few moist crumbs. … Because undercooked muffins contain raw eggs, rebake them within 2 hours.

What happens if banana bread is undercooked?

Can underbaked quick bread be saved? If you’ve cut into a loaf of quick bread and discovered its center is raw, it’s no use putting it back into the oven. Its edges and crust will dry out before the interior cooks.
