What Do We Mean By Omnipresent?


(ɒmniprɛzənt ) adjective. Something that is omnipresent is present everywhere or seems to be always present. The sound of sirens was an omnipresent background noise in New York.

What is omnipresent and example?

The definition of omnipresent is something that is present everywhere at the same time. When you encounter a particular style or trend everywhere you go, this is an example of something you would describe as omnipresent. The power of God all around you is an example of something that is omnipresent. adjective.

Is omnipresent the same as omnipotent?

These terms describe God’s attributes, or characteristics. Omnipotence means God is all-powerful. This means God has supreme power and has no limitations. … Omnipresence means God is everywhere at the same time.

Is God really omnipresent?

God’s presence is continuous throughout all of creation, though it may not be revealed in the same way at the same time to people everywhere. … God is omnipresent in a way that he is able to interact with his creation however he chooses, and is the very essence of his creation.

What are the 9 attributes of God?

Terms in this set (9)

  • God is unique. There is no God like Yahweh.
  • God is infinite and omnipotent. God is everywhere, unlimited, and all-powerful. …
  • God is eternal. God always was and always will be. …
  • God is immense. …
  • God contains all things. …
  • God is immutable. …
  • God is utterly simple-a pure spirit. …
  • God is personal.

What does Omnificent mean?

: unlimited in creative power.

What does ubiquity mean?

: presence everywhere or in many places especially simultaneously : omnipresence.

How do you use the word omnipresent?

being present everywhere at once. 1) These days the media are omnipresent. 2) The sound of sirens was an omnipresent background noise in New York. 3) Police were virtually omnipresent on the city streets.

Is Goku omnipresent?

Omnipresence: As the Omni-King, Goku is present everywhere at the same time, referring to an unbounded or universal presence.

What is the word for being everywhere?

Ubiquitous comes to us from the noun ubiquity, meaning “presence everywhere or in many places simultaneously.” Ubiquity first appeared in print in the late 16th century, but ubiquitous didn’t make an appearance until 1830. (Another noun form, ubiquitousness, arrived around 1874.)

Does Omnibenevolent mean?

The term omnibenevolence means all-loving, and Christians believe that God loves everyone unconditionally. Also, they believe that God is omniscient which means that he is all-knowing. Christians believe that God knows everything and this is how he judges humans.

How is God present everywhere?

God is present everywhere by having immediate knowledge and direct power throughout the universe (with the addition that his presence extends to unoccupied regions of space).


What is the difference between ubiquitous and omnipresent?

“Omnipresent” means everywhere at once, while “ubiquitous” means seeming to be everywhere at once.

What is God’s omnipotence?

Omnipotence is maximal power. Maximal greatness (or perfection) includes omnipotence. According to traditional Western theism, God is maximally great (or perfect), and therefore is omnipotent. … They wonder, for example, whether God can create a spherical cube, or make a stone so massive that he cannot move it.

Is Uniquity a real word?

noun. The quality of being unique, uniqueness.

What is ubiquity with example?

Ubiquity is the state of being everywhere all the time. Like a pop song that plays every place you go, or the ubiquity of mosquitoes in the summer or pollen in the spring. There’s no escape! A god is a great example of ubiquity: an all-knowing deity that exists in every nook and cranny.

What is another word for ubiquity?

In this page you can discover 8 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for ubiquity, like: omnipresence, universality, pervasiveness, pervasion, all-presence, ubiquitousness, immediacy and unreliability.

What does Omnilingualism mean?

Filters. Having the ability to speak, or to understand, all languages. adjective.

What does the name Maleficent mean?

The character was animated by Marc Davis. She was aptly named “Maleficent” (an adjective which means “doing evil or harm”).

What are three attributes of God?

In Western (Christian) thought, God is traditionally described as a being that possesses at least three necessary properties: omniscience (all-knowing), omnipotence (all-powerful), and omnibenevolence (supremely good). In other words, God knows everything, has the power to do anything, and is perfectly good.

What are the 15 attributes of God?


  • Aseity.
  • Eternity.
  • Goodness.
  • Graciousness.
  • Holiness.
  • Immanence.
  • Immutability.
  • Impassibility.

What are the seven powers of God?

The sevenfold ministry of the Spirit

Including the Spirit of the Lord, and the Spirits of wisdom, of understanding, of counsel, of might, of knowledge and of fear of the LORD, here are represented the seven Spirits, which are before the throne of God.

Is God omnipotent omniscient and Omnibenevolent?

God is omniscient (all-knowing), omnipresent (everywhere), omnipotent (all-powerful), and omnibenevolent (all-good). He is timeless. God is infinitely merciful, kind, and loving; but also wrathful, vengeful, and will punish those who go against his teachings.
