What Do No Brainer Means?


Informal. anything requiring little thought or effort; something easy or simple to understand or do.

Is no brainer offensive?

It’s about the amount of brain-power (supposedly) needed to make the decision, not about the result of the decision. Yes, definitely, but not too many people would agree with you. It’s a mindless expression that mindless people use mindlessly.

What can I use instead of a no brainer?

synonyms for no-brainer

  • cinch.
  • cakewalk.
  • breeze.
  • duck soup.
  • picnic.
  • snap.
  • a snap.
  • chickenfeed.

What is the opposite of no-brainer?

Opposite of an easy or obvious decision. complex decision. complicated decision. difficult choice.

What’s a better word for dumb?

In this page you can discover 59 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for dumb, like: stupid, blockheaded, moronic, dull, senseless, unintelligent, foolish, dense, feeble-minded, ignorant and idiotic.

Is brainer a word?

(only used in combinations) Someone with a certain type of brain.

Is brainer a Scrabble word?

No, brainer is not in the scrabble dictionary.

How do you use no brainer?

No-brainer sentence example

  1. Once you compare the price tags, it’s a no-brainer! …
  2. The issue seems a no-brainer, yet somehow Columbia Records in America never picked up on the album. …
  3. As it turned out the rain decided to hammer down even harder and the decision to abandon the game became a no-brainer.

Is no brainer hyphenated?

Unusual compound nouns and adjectives are usually hyphenated, to avoid confusion. Do-gooder, off-putting, prune-lipped, no-brainer. Always hyphenate fractions that are spelled out: five-eighths.


Where did the term no-brainer come from?

The first example of the term with the meaning of ‘easily made decision’ is from the Canadian newspaper The Lethbridge Herald, January 1968, in a report on an ice hockey game: He’d break in on a goalie and the netminder would make one of those saves that our manager-coach, Sid Abel, calls “a no-brainer.”

How do you spell piece of cake?

: something that is easy to do “How was the test?” “It was a piece of cake.”

What is brained mean?

: having a brain of a specified kind —used in combination featherbrained.

What is the meaning of Brainery?

nounschool, especially for higher education. boarding school. brainery. finishing school. halls of ivy.

Does Without a doubt mean yes?

a phrase expressing certainty or agreement; yes.

What does without a shadow of a doubt mean?

phrase. DEFINITIONS1. used for saying that you are completely certain of something. I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that something bad had happened.

What does beyond the shadow of a doubt mean?

C2. If you know or believe something beyond a shadow of a doubt, you are certain that it is true: He is responsible beyond a shadow of a doubt. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases.

What is the synonym of common sense?

Some common synonyms of common sense are judgment, sense, and wisdom.

Which is the closest antonym for the word burgeoning?

antonyms for burgeoning

  • die.
  • diminish.
  • fade.
  • lessen.
  • lose.
  • shrink.
  • wither.
  • shrivel.

What is a synonym of intuitively?

Synonyms & Near Synonyms for intuitive. instinctive, instinctual, intuitional.
