What Did Captain Haddock Say?


There is also a metaphorical meaning in the translation. A ship covered with a thousand port holes can be seen as analogous to a ship covered in small round barnacles. As thousands of barnacles on a ship can cause drag, they could be said to ‘blister’ or damage the efficiency of a ship.

What is Captain Haddock’s first name?

Haddock is his surname, and his first name, Archibald, is only revealed in the penultimate adventure, Tintin and the Picaros.

Is Captain Haddock English?

“There is never the remotest indication in the comics that Captain Haddock comes from Scotland, speaks with a Scottish accent, or has any Scottish connection other than an intense love for whisky. … While he likes a bottle of Loch Lomond whisky, every other indication places him firmly in England.

Who is Tintin’s biggest enemy?

Meet the Man of Many Identities: Roberto Rastapopoulos

The main antagonist in The Adventures of Tintin series, the monocled villain sought to create chaos wherever he could flee – and flee he did on many occasions. Conniving, menacing and vindictive, Rastapopoulos was the polar opposite of the heroic titular character.

Is Tintin 2 coming out?

On 19 November 2015, Polygon announced that the sequel was titled The Adventures of Tintin: Prisoners of the Sun and that it would be released in December 2016. On 18 March 2016, Scout.co.nz announced that Jackson would produce the sequel rather than direct, and that it would be released on 16 December.

Are Tintin and Captain Haddock a couple?

It’s a very full-blooded character.” Speaking about the close relationship between Tintin and Captain Haddock, Serkis said: “It’s a bizarre relationship. … “Eventually he begins to, as he becomes more lucid about his past, and Tintin is drawing a kind of story out of him.

How old is the captain in Tintin?

Age: First appeared in 1941. So, 70.

What is the meaning of thundering typhoons?

It is simply a exclamation not designed to mean anything. Captain Haddock also says Blistering barnacles (or Billions of bilious blue blistering barnacles!) as a translation of Mille millions de mille milliards de mille sabords! (literally, thousands of millions of thousands of billions of thousands of portholes).

What was Tintin’s dog?

Snowy is always there alongside Tintin. They talk to each other. Even though he speaks, Snowy is above all just a normal dog. Even though he talks a great deal, he remains a simple dog for Tintin.


Is Sir Francis Haddock real?

Trivia. Sir Francis Haddock is possibly based on the historical figure Sir Richard Haddock who served Charles II as a member of the English (and later the British) Royal Navy. Richard Haddock also received a knighthood from Charles II after his service during the Anglo-Dutch Wars.

Is Tintin educational?

From a comic book perspective, Tintin had a number of important firsts: Tintin was the first successful comic book series in Belgium and led directly to the beginning of the comic book industry there. … However, more generally, The adventures of Tintin are important in an educational sense.

What does the word haddock mean?

: an important food fish (Melanogrammus aeglefinus synonym Gadus aeglefinus) of the cod family occurring on both sides of the North Atlantic that has a black lateral line and dark patch above the pectoral fin.

Who is Tintin and Snowy?

Snowy (French: Milou , phonetically means half-wolf in French) is a fictional character in The Adventures of Tintin, the comics series by Belgian cartoonist Hergé. Snowy is a white Wire Fox Terrier who is a companion to Tintin, the series’ protagonist.

Why does Tintin look so real?

Photorealistic cartooning–which some will argue is an oxymoron–makes even keyframed CG animation look traditional. … Still, Tintin at its core is pure animation created frame by frame. True, it was augmented by other processes, but the end result was achieved distinctly through frame-by-frame techniques.

Is Tintin Belgian?

Tintin is a young Belgian reporter and adventurer who becomes involved in dangerous cases in which he takes heroic action to save the day. The Adventures may feature Tintin hard at work in his investigative journalism, but seldom is he seen actually turning in a story.

What is Tintin short for?

Its short for Tintin, Boy Detective, isn’t it? Not for a dog, the dog is Snowy IIRC.

Is Tintin a boy or girl?

At that time, he was inspired by Paul, his younger brother,” said Peeters. “Officially, Tintin is a young boy, aged 17. But I believe that there is something neutral in the character. And that’s why girls can read the book with the same pleasure as boys.”
