What Defines A Spherical Triangle?


The navigational triangle or PZX triangle is a spherical triangle used in astronavigation to determine the observer’s position on the globe. It is composed of three reference points on the celestial sphere: P is the Celestial Pole (either North or South). It is a fixed point.

Is a spherical triangle with two equal sides?

17. Two spherical triangles are symmetrically equal if; (a) Three sides of one are correspondingly equal to the three sides of the other (b) Two sides and the included angle of one are respectively equal to the two sides and included angle of the other.

Who is Father of spherical trigonometry?

In the 13th century, Nasīr al-Dīn al-Tūsī was the first to treat trigonometry as a mathematical discipline independent from astronomy, and he developed spherical trigonometry into its present form.

What is the formula of spherical triangle?

The area of a spherical triangle on a sphere of radius r is equal to the spherical excess times r2. This relationship for the area of a spherical triangle generalizes to convex spherical polygons with the spherical excess being the sum of the angles – (n-2)π, where n is the number of sides of the polygon.

Where do we use spherical trigonometry?

Spherical trigonometry is used for most calculations in navigation and astronomy.

What is the importance of spherical trigonometry?

Spherical trigonometry is of great importance for calculations in astronomy, geodesy, and navigation. The origins of spherical trigonometry in Greek mathematics and the major developments in Islamic mathematics are discussed fully in History of trigonometry and Mathematics in medieval Islam.

What are the sides of navigational triangle?

Image from Celestial Navigation: A Complete Home Study Course, Second Edition. The corners of the triangle are the north or south pole (P), the assumed position (AP), and the geographical position (GP).

What are the properties of spherical triangle?

The three angles of a spherical triangle must together be more than 180° and less than 540° . 7. The greater side is opposite the greater angle , if tow sides are equal their opposite angles are equal . , and if one side of the triangle 90° it is called a quadrantal triangle .

What is the four part formula?

Some of our best work was created this way. Marketing teams fail in many different ways, but the best ones I’ve seen or experienced firsthand always got these four elements right: strategy, execution, people and creativity.

Are of spherical triangle?

Spherical triangle is a triangle bounded by arc of great circles of a sphere. … And like plane triangles, angles A, B, and C are also in angular units. Sum of interior angles of spherical triangle. The sum of the interior angles of a spherical triangle is greater than 180° and less than 540°.

How many degrees are in a spherical triangle?

In spherical geometry, angles are defined between great circles, resulting in a spherical trigonometry that differs from ordinary trigonometry in many respects; for example, the sum of the interior angles of a spherical triangle exceeds 180 degrees.


Does the Pythagorean theorem work in spherical geometry?

In spherical geometry, the theorem generalizes as follows: in proper spherical triangles (sides being arcs of great circles), the area of the circle having as radius the hypotenuse equals the sum of the areas of the circles having as radii the legs.

How is spherical trigonometry used in navigation?

Spherical Trigonometry deals with spherical triangles. On a sphere, the role of straight lines is played by great circles. … In navigation, for most purposes the surface of the Earth can be considered a sphere. The distance between points X and Y on the Earth is the length of the great-circle arc between them.

How do you calculate spherical excess?

The positive quantity E = α + β + γ – 180° is called the spherical excess of the triangle.

Can a spherical triangle have two right angles?

Because of the fact that the sum of the three interior angles of a triangle must be 180 degrees, a triangle could not have two right angles.

Can a plane be a triangle?

A plane is flat, and it goes on infinitely in all directions. … You can make a triangle by choosing any three points on a plane and connecting those points with line segments. The part of the plane that is in between those lines is a triangle.

What are lines in spherical geometry called?

Basic Points

A line: a line on a sphere is called an arc due to the shape of a sphere. It is also the shortest distance between two points on the sphere . If an arc is extended, it will form a great circle. A great circle, however is the end of the lines path.

What is astronomical triangle?

A spherical triangle on the celestial sphere formed by the intersection of the great circles joining a celestial body, S, the observer’s zenith, Z, and the north (or south) celestial pole, P (see illustration).

What is Napier’s rule?

: either of two rules in spherical trigonometry: the sine of any part is equal to the product of the tangents of the adjacent parts and the sine of any part is equal to the product of the cosines of the opposite parts.

Who is the father of mathematics?

Archimedes is considered the father of mathematics because of his notable inventions in mathematics and science. He was in the service of King Hiero II of Syracuse. At that time, he developed many inventions. Archimedes made out a pulley system designed to help the sailors move objects up and down that are weighty.

Why Sine is called sine?

The word “sine” (Latin “sinus”) comes from a Latin mistranslation by Robert of Chester of the Arabic jiba, which is a transliteration of the Sanskrit word for half the chord, jya-ardha.
