What Comes Out Of Factory Smokestacks?

What Comes Out Of Factory Smokestacks?


The chimney on top of a factory or a ship can be called a smokestack.

Why do factories have smokestacks?

A smokestack, stack, or chimney is a tall vertical pipe or channel used by power plants to exhaust combustion gases into the air. This height disperses pollutants over a wider area in order to minimize their impact. … Also, by building stacks higher than inversion layers the gas can be dispersed even more effectively.

What is a stack in a factory?

A flue-gas stack, also known as a smoke stack, chimney stack or simply as a stack, is a type of chimney, a vertical pipe, channel or similar structure through which combustion product gases called flue gases are exhausted to the outside air.

What is stack example?

Therefore, a stack is referred to as a Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) list. Examples of stacks in “real life”: The stack of trays in a cafeteria; A stack of plates in a cupboard; A driveway that is only one car wide.

What is the white smoke from factories?

While filtering the dust, the high heat in the exhaust gas is also absorbed by the water, and the water vapor is discharged from the chimney. When it is cold, it is the white smoke we see. This can also be a side note that the pollutants emitted by the boiler comply with national emission standards.

What does smokestack slang mean?

Smokestack meaning

Of, relating to, or being firms, industries, or places involved in heavy manufacturing or in the processing of materials. Smokestack industries such as steel and iron. adjective.

How can pollutants be removed from smokestacks?

Install an electrostatic precipitator (ESP) component, which is a particle control system that helps remove particles from a smokestack by using electrical charges. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, an ESP can remove small particles with up to 99 percent efficiency.

What did people use before chimneys?

Before the chimney, smoke from the fire set on a clay or brick surface in the center of the house would fill the house, escaping either through a hole in the roof or a hole in the wall made for that purpose. Most enclosed houses remained smoke filled buildings.

Why chimney is used in boiler?

A Chimney is a self standing structure for venting hot gases from a boiler to the outside atmosphere and to disperse them at a considerable height.

How does a chimney create draft?

An operating chimney is an enclosed column of warm air or gases surrounded by colder outside air. The warm air or gas in the chimney is more buoyant than the dense cold outside air so it rises, producing draft in the system.

Why poisonous gases from a factory chimney can affect a large area?

Yes, When burned, these fossil fuels emit harmful gases including carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide which increase the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere resulting in global warming. Air pollution is much worse in highly populated cities where more factories emit pollution in close proximity to humans.


How do smokestacks affect the environment?

Coal power plants use tall smokestacks to release air pollutants like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides high into the atmosphere, in an effort to disperse pollution and decrease the impact on the local community. … “Stack height is one of several factors that contribute to the interstate transport of air pollution.

Should tall smokestacks be banned?

Should the construction of tall smokestacks be banned in an effort to promote greater emphasis on preventing air pollution and acid deposition? … Yes because smokestacks are a point source pollution that emits lots of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

What technology is used to reduce acid emissions from smokestacks?

Removing Pollutants from Smoke Stacks

The choice of technologies includes electrostatic precipitators, fabric filters, venturi scrubbers, cyclones and settling chambers.

Is smokestack a word?

pertaining to, engaged in, or dependent on a basic heavy industry, as steel or automaking: smokestack companies. …

What is a Smokeshow?

What is a smokeshow? Urban Dictionary defines a “smokeshow” as someone who is “so hot” that “you basically see smoke coming off of them.” Wowzers. Similarly, Wiktionary describes a “smokeshow” as slang for an “extremely physically attractive individual.”

What is smokestack Lightning meaning?

Its lyrics were inspired, in part, by Charlie Patton’s “Moon Going Down” and the Mississippi Sheik’s “Stop and Listen Blues.” Wolf had already recorded a version of it for RPM in 1951 as “Crying at Daybreak.” Wolf said, with characteristic understatement, “Well, Smokestack Lightnin’ means it’s a train … that, uh, runs

Is white smoke from factories bad?

Is white smoke from factories bad? In fact, if the chimney emits black smoke, it usually represents pollution, but some white smoke is harmless, while some pollution is completely invisible.

How do you make white smoke?

One easy way to create white smoke is to burn “metallic zinc dust with elemental sulfur, generating zinc sulfide gas that is a thick off-white cloud of smoke when generated.” What about black smoke? Black smoke is best made by partially burning organic material, like wood, says Mocella.

Is white smoke toxic?

In general, thin white exhaust smoke (similar to water vapor) could be nothing to worry about. Depending on the outside temperature, condensation will build up inside of your car’s exhaust system and the heat heading through the pipes will create steam.

Where is stack used?

Stacks are used to implement functions, parsers, expression evaluation, and backtracking algorithms. A pile of books, a stack of dinner plates, a box of pringles potato chips can all be thought of examples of stacks. The basic operating principle is that last item you put in is first item you can take out.


Some of these pollutants include nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx), carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and particulate matter.

What comes out of a coal stack?

Coal is not a pure carbon; most coal contains other chemicals, including sulfur. When coal is burned, the sulfur combines with the oxygen in the combustion air to produce SO2, which is emitted into the air through a plant’s stacks, if not removed by a scrubber.

What do flue stacks emit?

Combustion processes produce a variety of undesirable products depending on the type of fuel used. Because combustion is an oxidation process, flue gases contain carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, acids and aerosolized metal oxides.

Why do we get flue gas?

Flue gas desulfurization units capture the sulfur dioxide (and the sulfur trioxide, if present) and electrostatic precipitators or fabric filters remove particulate matter produced by burning fossil fuels, particularly coal.

What is the difference between dry flue gas loss and wet flue gas loss?

The dry flue gas loss accounts for the heat lost up the stack in the “dry” products of combustion, that is, CO2, O2, N2, CO and SO2. These carry away only sensible heat, whereas the “wet” products, mainly moisture from the combustion of hydrogen, carry away both latent and sensible heat.

Which fossil fuel is the cleanest?

It’s not as clean as wind or solar power, but natural gas is the cleanest fossil fuel—and is considered by many to be a key ingredient as the world transitions to a cleaner future. The U.S. Energy Information Administration notes that most of the natural gas consumed in the United States is produced domestically.

Why is coal ash bad?

Coal ash, a catchall term for several kinds of waste left over at power plants that burn coal, typically contains a number of substances harmful to human health—arsenic, chromium, lead, and mercury among them. … Long-term exposure can lead to liver damage, kidney damage, cardiac arrhythmia, and a variety of cancers.

What is problem of ash disposal?

One of the major concerns with fly ash disposal is the leaching of heavy metals to. underground water sources; arsenic, antimony, lead, cadmium and other toxic. metals may be contained within the waste, as shown by the average composition.

Should tall smokestacks be banned?

Should the construction of tall smokestacks be banned in an effort to promote greater emphasis on preventing air pollution and acid deposition? … Yes because smokestacks are a point source pollution that emits lots of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

Why are smokestacks bad for the environment?

Coal power plants use tall smokestacks to release air pollutants like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides high into the atmosphere, in an effort to disperse pollution and decrease the impact on the local community. … “Stack height is one of several factors that contribute to the interstate transport of air pollution.

What does smokestack slang mean?

Smokestack meaning

Of, relating to, or being firms, industries, or places involved in heavy manufacturing or in the processing of materials. Smokestack industries such as steel and iron. adjective.

What causes factories smoke?

The smoke from factories contain the greenhouse gases that pollute air. … It is emitted into the atmosphere from the factory burning of fossil fuels. The factories smoke contribute immensely to the release of the Carbon Dioxide into the atmosphere.


What is the smoke from factories called?

It is called smog. The word “smog” comes from combining the words “smoke” and “fog.” … Los Angeles, California, is nicknamed Smog City. Indoor Air Pollution. Air pollution is usually thought of as smoke from large factories or exhaust from vehicles.

Why is factory smoke white?

While filtering the dust, the high heat in the exhaust gas is also absorbed by the water, and the water vapor is discharged from the chimney. When it is cold, it is the white smoke we see. This can also be a side note that the pollutants emitted by the boiler comply with national emission standards.

Can coal ash go in compost?

As rain can quickly wash these nutrients out of the soil, it is best to process the ash through a compost heap. Store the ash in a dry place, and it to the compost material as you fill the bins through the year. Ash from smokeless fuel and coal is not suitable for garden use.

Is coal ash good for garden?

The official line on adding coal or smokeless fuel ash to the garden and particularly the vegetable plot, is don’t do it. Apparently the ash can contain trace elements of arsenic and metals such as cadmium, iron, lead, zinc, aluminium and so forth.

Is burnt coal ash good for the garden?

As you would probably guess, burnt coal ash is not good for your garden. Not only does it come with a range of heavy metals but it can also end up boosting the pH level of your soil. At the end of the day, your soil will be alkaline at least for some of the plants.

What is the dirtiest energy source?

Coal produces more pollution than any other energy source. While coal produces just 44% of U.S. electricity, it accounts for 80% of power plant carbon emissions. Burning coal leads to soot, smog, acid rain, global warming, and carbon emissions.

Which is cleanest fuel?

Compared with some other fossil fuels, natural gas emits the least amount of carbon dioxide into the air when combusted — making natural gas the cleanest burning fossil fuel of all.

What is the most polluting fossil fuel?

Coal has been a critical energy sources, and mainstay in global energy production for centuries. But it’s also the most polluting energy source: both in terms of the amount of CO2 it produces per unit of energy, but also the amount of local air pollution it creates.

What does 8753 mean?

IS 8753: Indian Standard for Boiler Efficiency Testing.

What is dry flue gas loss?

Dry Gas Losses ( excess air)  Dry gas losses are those heat losses resulting from the heating of combustion air and fuel from ambient conditions to the temperature of the flue gas leaving the unit .

What is steam to fuel ratio?

In the simplest terms possible, the fuel-to-steam efficiency of a boiler is the ratio of BTU (British thermal unit) output divided by BTU input, with the input being the fuel used to power the boiler and the output being the steam generated by the boiler.
