What Are The Uses Of Aegle Marmelos?


Aegle marmelos commonly known as bilwa or bael is an important medicinal plant in Ayurveda (Figure 41.1). … Its edible fruit, leaf, root, bark, and seed are also valued in the Ayurvedic medicine in India.

What is Bael powder good for?

This potent Churna or powder of the dried bael fruit or leaves of the plant possess anti- bacterial, carminative and anti-inflammatory properties and play a significant role in the treatment of diarrhea and dysentery, aid in digestion and prevent constipation.

What is the common name of Aegle Marmelos?

Aegle marmelos (golden apple)

Is Bael fruit edible?

Bel or wood apple is one such fruit that is widely consumed during summers and monsoons due to its innumerable health benefits. It has natural healing properties and is considered to provide instant relief from several health ailments.

Is wood apple good for health?

Wood apple is highly recommended for people suffering from kidney disorders. Owing to its detoxifying powers, wood apple can protect your kidney from diseases. The thiamine and riboflavin in wood apples are known for boosting liver health. They are also helps maintaining a good cardiovascular health.

Can I drink Bael juice daily?

One glass every day is a choice you can opt for if you need a filling drink which serves your sweet tooth as well. But, do not consume bael juice on a completely empty stomach. Due to the fiber content in bael juice, it is also diabetic friendly.

When should I take Bael powder?

Take ½ – 1 teaspoon of Bael Powder with one cup of warm water. Drink this mixture as a tea once or twice daily, or as directed by your healthcare practitioner. Please consult your physician prior to the use of this product if you are pregnant, or nursing, or on medication, or have a medical condition.

When should I drink Bael juice?

Indian bael, originally known as Aegle Marmelos, is a wonderful detox drink that cools us down, rejuvenates, cleanses, and nourishes the body with all the nutrients. This juice is commonly consumed after breaking fasts like on Maha Shivratri. It is easy to digest and is an excellent summer coolant.

Can we eat bael leaves?

Bael is also known as Bengal quince, bilva, golden apple, and wood apple. The fruit of the Bael tree is dried and eaten as candy, or made into a sweet drink — the leaves and shoots are consumed as vegetables.

Is Bael fruit good for diabetes?

Controls diabetes: Bael contains laxatives that keeps blood sugar levels in control, thereby helping in controlling diabetes.

Is Bael fruit good for cough?

Bael leaf has a number of medicinal benefits. It has a mild laxative effect as it loosen the stool and prevents constipation. It also helps manage the cough in asthma and bronchitis due to its expectorant activity.

Is Bael fruit good for arthritis?

Arthritis and Gout

Raw bael fruit is helpful in the treatment of arithritis and gout. Its pulp mixed with hot mustard oil when applied on swollen joints render relief from pain.

Is bael good for IBS?

Inflammatory bowel syndrome (IBS)

The bael fruit is rich in anti-inflammatory compounds called tannins, which ease stomach upset by reducing the inflammation within the digestive tract.


How do you ripen Bael fruit at home?

Mature bael fruits ripe in 2-3 weeks under ambient conditions. Bael fruits, if treated with ethrel solution @ 5 ml/litre in water for 20 minutes, ripe in 1-2 weeks with proper colour, flavour and quality development. Ethrel solution once prepared can be used 3-4 times for fruit treatment.

Is bael juice good for weight loss?

A lot of researchers have linked a good fibre intake to a lower risk of belly fat. The bael juice is not only the perfect drink to cool down during summers but being naturally sweet, makes it the ideal companion for losing weight. It does not require an additional spoonful of sugar to appeal to your taste buds.

What do we call Bel Patra in English?

Aegle marmelos, commonly known as bael (or bili or bhel), also Bengal quince, golden apple, Japanese bitter orange, stone apple or wood apple, is a rare species of tree native to the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia. It is present in India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal as a naturalized species.

Is Bel good for health?

Bel naturally fights viral and bacterial infections, can reduce inflammation, and is considered a good cure for a number of diseases. It can relieve constipation, diarrhea, indigestion, ulcers, piles, and respiratory problems. That apart, it also helps the body fight against cancer, diabetes, and sexual dysfunctions.

How do you store Bael fruit?

Drying is one of the most economical methods for preservation of bael fruit pulp for longer time. But, drying of sugar-rich foods such as fruit pulp and juices are difficult, as they contain low molecular weight components like fructose, glucose, sucrose, citric acid, etc.

Can we eat wood Apple Daily?

Wood apple is rich in thiamine and riboflavin, the chemicals that are effective in detoxifying the body. Consuming it every day in form of juice keeps the gut healthy and diminishes all sorts of kidney problems.

Is wood apple good for high blood pressure?

The mean haemoglobin level was increased significantly increased from 13.24g/dl to 13.96g/dl Wood apple have fruit can be considered as an important source of phenolic compounds, which exhibit their antioxidant activity which have therapeutic value in reducing blood sugar level, serum creatinine level, blood pressure …

Can we eat raw wood apple?

How to consume wood apple: The flesh of the fruit can be eaten as it is. But if the flesh is sour, a bit of jaggery/ honey can be mixed. The pulp must be blended with jaggery in a food processor.

Is Bel good for constipation?

Bael Fruit

The pulp of bael (wood apple) fruit is an excellent Ayurvedic remedy for constipation. Eating a half cup of bael fruit pulp and a teaspoon of jaggery every day in the evening before dinner may also help relieve constipation. You can also have bael sherbet along with tamarind water and jaggery added in it.

Can we eat Bel seeds?

ALLAHABAD: Next time when you consume ‘bel’, (aegle marme-los), do not throw its seeds. This part of the fruit, earlier considered a waste, is beneficial for patients suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels.
