What Are The Typified Situations?


typifying example. a particular instance chosen to illustrate a troubling condition often dramatic and memorable. valence issues.

What is typify in science?

to represent by a type or symbol.

What do you mean specialization?

If you have a specialization, that means you focus on a specific aspect of a larger topic. … Your specialization is your special subject or skill. If you’re planning on studying biology in college, your advisor eventually will ask what your area of specialization will be.

What is the best definition for specialization?

1 : a making or becoming specialized. 2a : structural adaptation of a body part to a particular function or of an organism for life in a particular environment.

What does it mean to be dogged?

: having or showing the attitude of a person who wants to do or get something and will not stop trying : stubborn and determined. See the full definition for dogged in the English Language Learners Dictionary. dogged. adjective.

What is typified in literature?

1. to serve as a typical example of; exemplify: a hero who typified courage. 2. to serve as a symbol or emblem of; symbolize: The dog appropriately typifies loyalty.

What does endowed mean?

1 : to furnish with an income especially : to make a grant of money providing for the continuing support or maintenance of endow a hospital. 2 : to furnish with a dower. 3 : to provide with something freely or naturally endowed with a good sense of humor.

What is a troubling condition?

troubling conditions. the conditions that become subjects of claims; focuses our attention on people’s subjective reactions-bothers someone. natural history. a sequence of stages that tends to appear in lots of different cases (figure 1.1)

Why are Typifications useful?

Typification is a process of creating standard social construction based on standard assumptions. … Abstract: Typification is important for structuring the self, conceptualizing roles, and as a necessary feature of institutionalization and the development of social structure.

What does Habitualization mean in sociology?

Habitualization describes how “any action that is repeated frequently becomes cast into a pattern, which can then be … performed again in the future in the same manner and with the same economical effort” (Berger and Luckmann 1966).

How do you explain Exigence?

In rhetoric, exigence is an issue, problem, or situation that causes or prompts someone to write or speak. The term exigence comes from the Latin word for “demand.” It was popularized in rhetorical studies by Lloyd Bitzer in “The Rhetorical Situation” (“Philosophy and Rhetoric,” 1968).


What is the synonyms of monotonous?

OTHER WORDS FOR monotonous

1 tedious, humdrum, boring, dull.

How does bazerman define genre?

Bazerman highlights the institutional nature of genre when he says, “ Genres are constructions of groups, over time, usually with the implicit or explicit sanction of organizational or institutional power . ” Individual writers in institutional settings usually have somewhat limited choices when it comes to genre .

What are the 7 types of characters?

If we categorize character types by the role they play in a narrative, we can hone in on seven distinct varieties: the protagonist, the antagonist, the love interest, the confidant, deuteragonists, tertiary characters, and the foil. Protagonist: The main character of the story is the protagonist.

What is a Pentagonist?

the leading character, hero, or heroine of a drama or other literary work. a proponent for or advocate of a political cause, social program, etc. the leader or principal person in a movement, cause, etc.

What are the 6 types of character?

The different types of characters include protagonists, antagonists, dynamic, static, round, flat, and stock.

What does Lavation mean?

: the act or an instance of washing or cleansing.

What does Lionization mean?

transitive verb. : to treat as an object of great interest or importance.

What does grimace meaning?

: a facial expression usually of disgust, disapproval, or pain a grimace of hate and rage.

What does a metier mean?

métier MET-yay noun. 1 : vocation, trade. 2 : an area of activity in which one excels : forte.

Does specialize mean work?

to pursue some special line of study, work, etc.; have a specialty: The doctor specializes in gastroenterology. Biology. (of an organism or one of its organs) to be adapted to a special function or environment.

Is work a synonym for specialize?

In this page you can discover 25 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for specialize, like: concentrate on, specify, major, work in exclusively, particularise, broaden, concentrate, differentiate, narrow, narrow-down and develop oneself in.
