What Are The Side Effects Of High Platelet Count?



  • Headache.
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness.
  • Chest pain.
  • Weakness.
  • Numbness or tingling of the hands and feet.

What are the symptoms of primary thrombocytosis?

What are the symptoms of primary thrombocythemia?

  • headache.
  • lightheadedness or dizziness.
  • weakness.
  • fainting.
  • numbness or tingling in your feet or hands.
  • redness, throbbing, and burning pain in your feet or hands.
  • changes in vision.
  • chest pain.

What does thrombocytosis do to the body?

Thrombocythemia causes your body to make too many platelets in the bone marrow. Too many platelets can cause blood clots or bleeding. Symptoms include blood clots and signs of bleeding, such as bruises, bloody stools, and weakness.

Should I be worried if my platelet count is high?

Seek immediate medical care (call 911) if high platelets are accompanied by a persistent headache, difficulty breathing, dizziness, seizures, changes in speech, or confusion or loss of consciousness for even a brief moment. If your high platelets condition is persistent or causes you concern, seek prompt medical care.

What is the alarming level of platelets?

When a platelet count is below 50,000, bleeding is more serious if you’re cut or bruised. If the platelet count falls below 10,000 to 20,000 per microliter, spontaneous bleeding may occur and is considered a life-threatening risk.

What infections cause thrombocytosis?

Essential thrombocythemia (ET) was the most common cause of primary thrombocytosis. Among secondary, non-infectious etiologies, tissue damage was the most common, followed by malignancy and iron-deficiency anemia. The most common infectious causes of thrombocytosis were soft-tissue, pulmonary and GI infections.

What should I eat if my platelets are high?

8 Things That Can Increase Your Blood Platelet Count

  • Eating more leafy greens. …
  • Eating more fatty fish. …
  • Increasing folate consumption. …
  • Avoiding alcohol. …
  • Eating more citrus. …
  • Consuming more iron-rich foods. …
  • Trying a chlorophyll supplement. …
  • Avoiding vitamin E and fish oil supplements.

Can high platelets make you tired?

Essential thrombocythemia (throm-boe-sie-THEE-me-uh) is an uncommon disorder in which your body produces too many platelets. Platelets are the part of your blood that sticks together to form clots. This condition may cause you to feel fatigued and lightheaded and to experience headaches and vision changes.

What is the life expectancy of someone with essential thrombocythemia?

The life expectancy of patients with essential thrombocytosis (primary thrombocythemia) is nearly that of the healthy population. Median survival is approximately 20 years. For patients younger than age 60 years, median survival is 33 years.

What is the most common cause of high platelets?

Infection. In both children and adults, infections are the most common cause of an elevated platelet count. 1 This elevation can be extreme, with platelet counts greater than 1 million cells per microliter.

How common is thrombocytosis?

Fewer than 1 in 100,000 people are diagnosed with ET in any year (the most recent estimates range from 0.38 to 1.7 per 100,000). Women are more likely to be diagnosed with ET than men, although the reason for this is unknown.

Why platelet count is high?

A high platelet count can happen when something causes the bone marrow to make too many platelets. When the reason is unknown, it is called primary, or essential, thrombocytosis. When excess platelets are due to an infection or other condition, it is called secondary thrombocytosis.


What are the odds of living with essential thrombocytosis?

With a median survival time of 18.9 years, survival in the first decade of disease was similar to that of the control population (risk ratio, 0.72; 95% confidence interval, 0.50-0.99) but became significantly worse thereafter (risk ratio, 2.21; 95% confidence Interval, 1.74-2.76).

How high is too high for platelets?

What is a high platelet count? A platelet count above 450,000 platelets per microlitre of blood is considered to be high. The technical name for this is thrombocytosis.

What should I not eat if my platelets are high?

Avoiding specific products, such as alcohol and the artificial sweetener aspartame, can also help to increase platelet count.

Certain foods and drinks can reduce platelet counts including:

  • alcohol.
  • aspartame, an artificial sweetener.
  • cranberry juice.
  • quinine, a substance in tonic water and bitter lemon.

Can stress cause high platelets?

Stressful life events and anxiety usually cause an increase in platelet volume and activity through various mechanisms. Mean platelet volume (MPV), which is indicative of platelet size, is accepted as an indication of platelet activity.

Does turmeric lower platelet count?

Curcumin, a major component of turmeric, inhibited platelet aggregation induced by arachidonate, adrenaline and collagen. This compound inhibited thromboxane B2 (TXB2) production from exogenous arachidonate in washed platelets with a concomitant increase in the formation of 12-lipoxygenase products.

How long can you survive without platelets?

Platelets usually survive for 7 to 10 days, before being destroyed naturally in your body or being used to clot the blood. A low platelet count can increase your risk of bleeding.

What should I do if my platelet count is high?

Your doctor might recommend that you take daily, low-dose aspirin to help thin your blood if you’re at risk of blood clots. Don’t take aspirin without checking with your doctor. You might need to take drugs or have procedures to lower your platelet counts if you: Have a history of blood clots and bleeding.

What cancers cause high platelets?

In the present study, lung and colorectal cancers were particularly associated with high-normal platelet counts.

Can vitamin D deficiency cause high platelet count?

Background and aims: Vitamin D deficiency and increased platelet indices are associated with increased rate or risk of several diseases such as cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome, respectively.

Is 500 a high platelet count?

Normal platelet counts are in the range of 150,000 to 400,000 per microliter (or 150 – 400 x 109 per liter), but the normal range for the platelet count varies slightly among different laboratories. An elevated platelet count is known as thrombocytosis.

What autoimmune disease causes high platelets?

Hughes syndrome, or antiphospholipid antibody syndrome (APS), is an autoimmune condition that causes thickening of the circulating blood. The immune system produces abnormal blood proteins called antiphospholipid antibodies, which cause blood platelets to clump together.
