What Are The Products And Reactants In Photosynthesis?


Photosynthesis converts carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and glucose. Glucose is used as food by the plant and oxygen is a by-product. Cellular respiration converts oxygen and glucose into water and carbon dioxide. Water and carbon dioxide are by- products and ATP is energy that is transformed from the process.

Where do the reactants come from in photosynthesis?

The reactants of photosynthesis are everything to the left of the “———>” arrow, thus the reactants of photosynthesis are carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight energy. The products of photosynthesis are everything to the right of the “———>” arrow, thus the products of photosynthesis are glucose and oxygen.

What are the reactants and products of photosynthesis quizlet?

Water and carbon dioxide are reactants for photosynthesis. Chlorophyll captures sun’s light energy and then plants chemically combine this with water and carbon dioxide to make glucose (sugar) and oxygen.

What products are created by the process of photosynthesis quizlet?

The substance produced during photosynthesis are sugars and oxygen. What are the raw materials and products of cellular respiration? The raw materials of cellular respiration are sugar and oxygen and the products are carbon dioxide, water, and energy.

What are the 3 reactants needed for photosynthesis?

To perform photosynthesis, plants need three things: carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight.

When oxygen is released as a result of photosynthesis what is its source?

In photosynthesis, solar energy is harvested as chemical energy in a process that converts water and carbon dioxide to glucose. Oxygen is released as a byproduct. In cellular respiration, oxygen is used to break down glucose, releasing chemical energy and heat in the process.

When oxygen is released as a result of photosynthesis?

Oxygen is released during the light reactions of photosynthesis. Water, or H2O , is split during the light reactions into gaseous oxygen, or O2 , as well as H+ protons and electrons. The electrons reduce the P680+ pigments in photosystem II once they donate their excited electrons to the primary electron acceptor.

Which gas is removed from the atmosphere during photosynthesis?

Oxygen from the atmosphere is combined with carbohydrates to liberate the stored energy. Water and carbon dioxide are byproducts. Notice that photosynthesis and respiration are essentially the opposite of one another. Photosynthesis removes CO2 from the atmosphere and replaces it with O2.

How do humans benefit from photosynthesis?

Food is the source of energy and is also needed to provide nutrients. Since human beings cannot produce their own food, they are dependent on plants, carrying out photosynthesis, for food. Equally importantly, photosynthesis is the source of oxygen and also removes carbon dioxide from our atmosphere.

Which is the main product of photosynthesis?

The products of photosynthesis are glucose and oxygen.

Although the hydrogen atoms from the water molecules are used in the photosynthesis reactions, the oxygen molecules are released as oxygen gas (O2). (This is good news for organisms like humans and plants that use oxygen to carry out cellular respiration!)

What is the final product of photosynthesis?

Though the final product of photosynthesis is glucose, the glucose is conveniently stored as starch. Starch is approximated as (C6H10O5)n, where n is in the thousands. Starch is formed by the condensation of thousands of glucose molecules.


What are final products of photosynthesis and of aerobic respiration?

The end products of photosynthesis are Glucose, water and oxygen. **Glucose( sugar)is either immediately used by the cells or is stored in the form of starch in the plant tissues. This oxygen is used by all of us and other living organisms including plants during respiration.

What is the main product and by product of photosynthesis?

The three important elements required for the photosynthesis process are Water, carbon dioxide and light. The product formed from this process, stored in the form of sugars, which are created from water and carbon dioxide. The by-product of the photosynthesis process is oxygen.

What is the primary source of energy for photosynthesis?

During the process of photosynthesis, cells use carbon dioxide and energy from the Sun to make sugar molecules and oxygen. These sugar molecules are the basis for more complex molecules made by the photosynthetic cell, such as glucose.

When oxygen is released as a result of photosynthesis it is a direct by product of Group of answer choices?

Photosynthesis requires sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water as starting reactants (Figure 5.5). After the process is complete, photosynthesis releases oxygen and produces carbohydrate molecules, most commonly glucose. These sugar molecules contain the energy that living things need to survive.

Which has is released during photosynthesis?

Carbon dioxide and water are used as raw materials during photosynthesis to manufacture complex carbohydrates such as sugars and in most of the cases, oxygen is released as a waste product. Hence, the process of photosynthesis involves the intake of carbon dioxide and the release of oxygen.

When oxygen is released as a result of photosynthesis What is its source quizlet?

The oxygen released during photosynthesis comes from the splitting of water during the light-dependent reaction. 3. Remember, the electrons lost from the reaction center in photosystem II must be replaced. The splitting of water serves to replace these lost electrons.

Is the form in which plants make food?

The process of making food by plants with the help of carbon dioxide, water, and chlorophyll is called photosynthesis. The food prepared by leaves of plants is a form of glucose only which is sugar. But this glucose is stored in the form of starch.

What is the source of oxygen in photosynthesis in plants?

The above reaction is the photosynthesis reaction in which the carbon dioxide and water in the presence of sunlight converts into the glucose sugar and the oxygen. Hence, the source of oxygen liberated during the process of photosynthesis is water.

What is the source of oxygen in glucose?

The oxygen in the glucose molecule comes from the carbon dioxide, which is used in the Calvin Cycle. As you mentioned, the oxygen in water is broken down in the non-cyclic phosphorylation process to obtain an electron which can be used in the photosystem I and II to form ATP and NADPH.

What gas is a product of photosynthesis?

During the process of photosynthesis plants break apart the reactants of carbon dioxide and water and recombine them to produce oxygen (O2) and a form of sugar called glucose (C6H12O6).

What 4 substances are recycled during photosynthesis and respiration?

The four substances recycled during photosynthesis and respiration are carbon dioxide, water, oxygen and glucose.

Which factor will decrease photosynthesis?

Three factors can limit the rate of photosynthesis: light intensity, carbon dioxide concentration and temperature.
