What Are The Environmental Impacts Of Urban Sprawl Quizlet?


Urban sprawl can reduce water quality by increasing the amount of surface runoff, which channels oil and other pollutants into streams and rivers. … In addition to air and water pollution, adverse environmental impacts of sprawl include deforestation and disruption of wildlife habitat.

How urban sprawl has been linked to environmental issues?

Although some would argue that urban sprawl has its benefits, such as creating local economic growth, urban sprawl has many negative consequences for residents and the environment, such as higher water and air pollution, increased traffic fatalities and jams, loss of agricultural capacity, increased car dependency, …

Which is the most critical environmental impact of urban sprawl?

Urban sprawl has significant environmental, economic and social consequences. It leads to higher emissions from road transport and loss of open space and environmental amenities. It also increases the cost of providing key public services, exerting pressure on local public finance.

What are the positive impacts of urban sprawl?

There are some positive impacts of urban sprawl, such as an increase in economic production, an increase in opportunities for employment, better opportunities and better services creating better living conditions, and better lifestyles.

What are three environmental negative effects of urban sprawl quizlet?

Sprawl degrades human environments, reduces biodiversity, and diminishes human health and well-being. 2. Some of the impacts of urban sprawl include inefficient use of energy and increased pollution. Increased automobiles increase photochemical smog and high concentrations of ozone.

What are the social impacts of urban sprawl?

For years, scientists have argued that sprawling urban and suburban development patterns are creating negative impacts including habitat fragmentation, water and air pollution, increased infrastructure costs, inequality, and social homogeneity (Ewing 1997; Squires 2002).

What are the two major contributors to sprawl?

What are two factors contributing to urban sprawl? Unrestricted growth, unlimited use of autos, growth of expressways.

What are the social effects of urban sprawl?

Urban sprawl has a negative impact on the social life of residents. A lack of public places such as parks and playgrounds limits the opportunities for residents to meet each other and interact. This can lead to social segregation, and the people living in these areas can become disengage from the rest of the community.

What are negative effects of urban sprawl?

Urban sprawl has many negative consequences for residents and the environment, water and air pollution, increased traffic and traffic jams, increased car dependency, parking, etc.).

What is urban sprawl and its effects?

Urban sprawl is basically another word for urbanization. It refers to the migration of a population from populated towns and cities to low density residential development over more and more rural land. The end result is the spreading of a city and its suburbs over more and more rural areas.

Why do we need to manage urban sprawl?

Sprawl increases the cost of infrastructures. We can mention to some examples such as high ways, parking, water, electricity costs. In addition, it will cause to usage more energy, emergence of pollution and removing lands. Living in these regions also has many psychic and social costs.

Which of the following is an economic consequence of urban sprawl quizlet?

Which of the following is an economic consequence of urban sprawl? … Sprawl drains tax dollars from existing communities and funnels money into infrastructure for new developments.


Which factor is normally a consequence of urban suburban sprawl?

Urban sprawl has been correlated with increased energy use, pollution, and traffic congestion and a decline in community distinctiveness and cohesiveness.

What is the major reason cities experience urban blight?

Urban decay has no single cause; it results from combinations of inter-related socio-economic conditions—including the city’s urban planning decisions, tight rent control, the poverty of the local populace, the construction of freeway roads and rail road lines that bypass—or run through—the area, depopulation by …

How is degree of sprawl determined?

How is degree of Sprawl determined? A function of the increase in population of an area multiplied by the amount of land the average person lives on.

What do all urban growth boundaries have in common?

What do all urban growth boundaries have in common? Explain. All urban growth boundaries try to protect the spread of urban areas into rural areas. They all have one main goal which is to help preserve parts of the environment.

How can urban sprawl be prevented?

Preserving natural resources such as farmland, parks, open spaces and unused land is one way to reduce urban sprawl. Preserving the land keeps it as is. Thus, wildlife and animals aren’t removed from their homes and forced closer to cities and suburbs.

What are the economic impacts of urban sprawl?

Sprawl has multiple economic costs, including increased travel costs; decreased economic vitality of urban centers; loss of productive farm and timberland; loss of natural lands that support tourism and wildlife related industries (worth $7 billion/year in Pennsylvania alone); increased tax burdens due to more …

What are the social impacts of urban sprawl particularly as they relate to social capital?

In the light of this, urban sprawl can amplify the effects of income on social capital such that in more sprawled areas, the effects of income on social capital are greater as income increases due to the fewer choices of transportation for the lower-income groups.

Which if the following is a possible reason that urban sprawl is common even when it has a negative impact on the environment?

Pollution is a problem associated with urban sprawl, but not with upward growth. … Which of the following is a possible reason that urban sprawl is common even when it has a negative impact on the environment? extending outward is more economical than extending upward. Urban sprawl is a possible cause of deforestation.

What would happen to the environment of urban sprawl were not controlled?

What would happen to the environment if urban sprawl were not controlled? Air pollution would increase, water resources could be depleted, and open land would disappear, affecting the balance of nature.

What was the biggest factor of urban sprawl quizlet?

Increased traffic is a major effect of urban sprawl. Population will begin to use their cars more often, which means that their is more traffic on the roads, and their is also more air pollution and more auto accidents that you have to worry about.

Why is urban sprawl bad quizlet?

Creates new homes, more people=more taxes=money for schools and city projects such as building more roads and houses. Increase in taxes (only bad for people who have to pay them,) animals lose their habitats, over population, increase in pollution, and more traffic. You just studied 12 terms!
