What Are The 5 Toes Called?


Phalanges (singular: phalanx) – the 14 bones that make up the toes. The big toe consists of two phalanges – the distal and proximal. The other toes have three. Sesamoids – two small, pea-shaped bones that lie beneath the head of the first metatarsal in the ball of the foot.

What are parts of foot called?

The foot is divided into three sections – the forefoot, the midfoot and the hindfoot.

What is a royal toe?

A Morton’s toe otherwise called Morton’s foot or Greek foot or Royal toe is characterized by a longer second toe. This is because the first metatarsal, behind the big toe, is short compared to the second metatarsal, next to it.

What is the rarest foot shape?

You’d be lucky if this were you, however: the peasant foot is the rarest type of foot. “People with a peasant foot are known for their strategic thinking and consistency – meticulously contemplating the pros and cons for both big and small decisions.

What is bottom of foot called?

The sole is the bottom of the foot. In humans the sole of the foot is anatomically referred to as the plantar aspect.

What is the inner foot called?

The midfoot is a pyramid-like collection of bones that form the arches of the feet. These include the three cuneiform bones, the cuboid bone, and the navicular bone. The hindfoot forms the heel and ankle.

What is the scientific name for feet?

dorsalis pedis, medial plantar, lateral plantar. Nerve. medial plantar, lateral plantar, deep fibular, superficial fibular. Identifiers. Latin.

What is the medical term for fingers and toes?

Phalanges: The bones of the fingers and of the toes. There are generally three phalanges (distal, middle, proximal) for each digit except the thumbs and large toes. The singular of phalanges is phalanx.

Is a thumb a finger?

A thumb is a digit, but not technically a finger. Many people don’t make the distinction between thumbs and other digits.

What does it mean if your second toe is longer than your big toe?

If your second toe is longer than your big toe, you’re in good company. One in five people have Morton’s Toe, as it is called, and while it’s no cause for alarm, it can lead to biomechanical problems that result in forefoot pain, plantar fasciitis and stress fractures.

What is the longest toe on your foot?

Pharm. Morton’s toe is a common variant shape of the foot that is characterized by the second toe of the foot being the longest. It is also sometimes referred to as Greek foot, Royal toe, Turkey toe, LaMay toe or Sheppard’s toe.

What is a phalanx toe?

The phalanges (single: phalanx) of the feet are the tubular bones of the toes. The second to fifth toes each contain a proximal, middle and distal phalanx whereas the great toe (hallux) only contains a proximal and distal phalanx.

What does broken toes look like?

Broken Toe Symptoms

Bruising of the skin around the toe may also be noticeable. The toe may not look normal, and it may even look bent or deformed if the broken bone is out of place. It may be difficult to walk because of the pain, especially if the big toe is fractured. Shoes may be painful to wear or feel too tight.


What is the abbreviation for foot?

The foot (plural foot or feet; symbol or abbreviation: ft or the single prime ′ ) is a unit of length in the Imperial and U.S. customary systems of measurement. It is equal to 12 inches or one third of a yard.

What does foot tendonitis feel like?

Tendonitis foot symptoms include pain, tenderness, and soreness around your ankle joint. It may be difficult and painful to move and painful to the touch. Sometimes the affected joint can swell.

What is medial foot?

The medial longitudinal arch is formed by specific structures that allow the foot to function effectively. The medial arch is composed of the first three metatarsals, three cuneiforms, navicular, talus, and calcaneus bones of the foot. The calcaneus and talus articulate at the subtalar joint to form the hindfoot.

How do I get rid of inflammation in my foot?

This method involves:

  1. Rest. Rest the affected limb as much as possible, and avoid putting pressure on it.
  2. Ice. Ice your foot for 20 minutes at a time throughout the day.
  3. Compression. Use a compression bandage to stop swelling.
  4. Elevation.

What is Sesamoiditis of the foot?

Sesamoiditis. This is an overuse injury involving chronic inflammation of the sesamoid bones and the tendons involved with those bones. Sesamoiditis is caused by increased pressure on the sesamoids. Often, sesamoiditis is associated with a dull, longstanding pain beneath the big toe joint.

What does it mean when your feet hurt when you stand up?

Plantar fasciitis typically causes a stabbing pain in the bottom of your foot near the heel. The pain is usually the worst with the first few steps after awakening, although it can also be triggered by long periods of standing or when you get up after sitting.

Can your toes Tell your heritage?

There’s no evidence to prove that ancestry determines the shape of your foot. Human feet are highly individual. Your right foot and your left foot aren’t even identical. The angle of your toe descent or the length of your second toe doesn’t reveal either your heritage or your personality traits.

What makes a foot attractive?

Feet are often considered “below” people. That is, some people think of feet as a lowly body part. That sets up a dynamic some people find appealing: They like to feel “lower” than their partner. They enjoy having your feet on their body as a form of power play, or being put in their place.

What is the best foot shape?

A normal arch is the most common and the most desirable of foot shapes, but as you age and maybe put on a few pounds, that normal arch could begin to flatten out. You can help preserve your nice arch by wearing shoes with plenty of support.
