What Are The 3 Degrees Of Freemasonry?


The principal or chief tenets of Freemasonry are Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth. It is necessary not to overlook the word ‘principal’, for it signifies that while it is on these three great teachings that the Craft lays the greatest emphasis, yet there are other teachings of almost equal importance.

What are the stages of Freemasonry?

There are three stages of Masonic membership: Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master Mason. These stages are referred to as “degrees,” and correspond with members’ self-development and increased knowledge of Freemasonry.

What are the qualities of a good Masons?

He is able to live piously without being hypocritical. He is able to be benevolent but does not feel compelled to make a great show of it. He is able to feel concern for others and extends help when he recognizes the need. He does so, quietly and unobtrusively, without asking or expecting any return or recognition.

What is the reason to become a Mason?

Men become Masons for reasons that are as varied as the individuals that comprise our Order. For some, they follow in the footsteps of their father, their grandfather, their uncle, etc. because it’s a family tradition. For others, they want to improve the community in which they live by helping those in need.

What is the 1st degree in Freemasonry?

First DegreeEntered Apprentice

As a candidate’s first experience with the ceremonies of the fraternity, this degree is intended to be an introduction to Masonry. It is, like all Masonic ceremonies, a solemn and meaningful event.

Who is the most famous Freemason?

A List of Famous Freemasons In History

  • Benjamin Franklin. Prominent scientist, inventor, and civic activist, the United States founding father Benjamin Franklin is perhaps one of the most famous Freemasons. …
  • George Washington. …
  • Sir Joseph Banks. …
  • Winston Churchill. …
  • Franklin D. …
  • J. …
  • Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. …
  • Voltaire.

What is Freemason handshake?

The infamous Masonic handshake arose with a practical purpose, according to Mr Cooper. He says: “The handshake is a way of identifying one to another, especially when they had to move around Scotland looking for work.

What is the objective of the Masons?

Aims and Objectives of Freemasonry. To be good citizens by practicing the highest moral and social standards in friendship, charity and integrity. To encourage our members to serve their own religion and community. To demonstrate that we are a society of upright men.

What are Masonic offenses?

MASONIC OFFENCES. Every violation of the laws of Masonry is an offense, for which the Mason committing it may be punished. … It is not an offense, for which a Mason can be punished, to insist upon his legal rights against a brother, even if so doing is against what seems to be justice in a particular case.

What is Masonic relief?

Masonic relief is intended to assist an individual or family when a serious, unexpected, and often dangerous situation requiring immediate action for which there are no known community resources available to meet the need or the urgency of the situation.

Who is a 33 degree Freemason?

The Reverend Jesse Jackson is a 33 Degree Prince Hall Freemason, a sect which famously severed ties with mainstream Grand Lodges over racial tension. He was made a Master Mason in 1987. Jackson is a part of the Harmony Lodge No. 88 in Chicago.

What is the 32nd degree royal secret?

32nd Degree – Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret


The 32nd degree teaches that Man has the Royal Secret. It is the eternal gift of God—LOVE. It cannot be imparted to mortal men by others. It was incarnate when the Father breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul.

What do Masons say at the end of a prayer?

“So mote it be” is a ritual phrase used by the Freemasons, in Rosicrucianism, and more recently by Neopagans, meaning “so may it be”, “so it is required”, or “so must it be”, and may be said after the person giving the prayer says ‘Amen’. amen! …

What is the G in the Freemason symbol?

With a “G”

Another is that it stands for Geometry, and is to remind Masons that Geometry and Freemasonry are synonymous terms described as being the “noblest of sciences”, and “the basis upon which the superstructure of Freemasonry and everything in existence in the entire universe is erected.

Can I wear a Masonic ring?

Yes, unless told otherwise. Any 1st or 2nd Degree Mason can wear a ring of an Entered Apprentice or Fellowcraft. He should think twice about wearing the Master Mason symbol prior to being raised as one. As a brother, you are entitled to display the Square & Compasses of the rank you currently hold.

Do you have to pay to be a Freemason?

How much does it cost to become a Freemason? The cost of becoming a Freemason varies from lodge to lodge. The fees associated with membership include a one-time initiation fee and annual dues, which cover the operational expenses of the lodge.

How do master masons greet each other?

Freemasons greet one another with a variety of handshakes, all based on one’s rank within the organization. “There is a handshake for each degree: Apprentice, Fellowcraft, and Master, i.e., the first three degrees and also in the higher degrees,” says Révauger.

Is Freemasonry still relevant today?

Freemasonry does encourage its members to take more-active roles in their religious communities. … The concepts of religious toleration were sentiments strongly expressed in the Masonic lodges of the period. Freemasonry today remains a strong advocate of religious tolerance.

Who is the current leader of the Freemasons?

In some Protestant northern European countries, the position was held by the King for a long time. In England and Wales, the current Grand Master is Prince Edward, Duke of Kent, who was elected in 1967 and has been re-elected each year since.

How do you know yourself to be a Mason?

My obligation. How do you know yourself to be a Mason? By having often been tried, never denied, and willing to be tried again.

What are the ranks in the Masons?

In most lodges in most countries, Freemasons are divided into three major degrees—entered apprentice, fellow of the craft, and master mason.

How long does it take to become a Freemason?

How long does it take to become a Freemason? It usually takes a couple months to join as an apprentice. You can expect to wait at least 45 days before hearing whether you’ve been accepted. In practice, depending on how busy the lodge is and its exact rules, it’s not unusual to wait 3 or 4 months, or even longer.

What are the benefits of being a Mason?

That means you will be able to forge connections with people across the world who are like you. 2) Freemasonry Provides Access to Intellectual Discussions and Talks: Lodges of Freemasons provide regular opportunities to attend lectures on a broad range of topics associated with leading exemplary lives.
