What Are Synonyms Of Mischievous?

  • impish.
  • malicious.
  • naughty.
  • playful.
  • rude.
  • sly.
  • arch.
  • artful.

What is something mischievous?

The definition of mischievous is someone or something that causes harm or likes to play and annoy with tricks. An example of mischievous is setting up traps for people to trip on. An example of mischievous is a child doing something even though they’ve been told not to. adjective.

What is the correct meaning of the word impish?

: having or showing a playful desire to cause trouble : playful and mischievous. See the full definition for impish in the English Language Learners Dictionary. impish. adjective. imp·​ish | ˈim-pish

What mean waggish?

1 : resembling or characteristic of a wag a waggish friend a waggish prose style. 2 : done or made in waggery or for sport : humorous waggish spoofs of popular songs.

What does it mean to be irreverent?

English Language Learners Definition of irreverent

: having or showing a lack of respect for someone or something that is usually treated with respect : treating someone or something in a way that is not serious or respectful.

Is being mischievous good or bad?

People who pull pranks, make jokes, and do things that annoy other people — but aren’t really awful — are good at mischief. Mischief is a word for things that are a little bad or reckless but ultimately harmless. Hitting someone with a spitball is mischief.

Is Mischievous a bad word?

“Mischievous” is an adjective commonly used to describe a slightly bad, yet not serious, behavior. This word is present in all notorious English dictionaries and it can be found only spelled like this.

What does a mischievous smile mean?

a mischievous look or expression shows that you enjoy having fun by causing trouble. The thought sent a mischievous little smile to her lips.

Is it ornery or Onery?

As adjectives the difference between ornery and onery

is that ornery is (appalachian) cantankerous, stubborn, disagreeable while onery is (us|particularly|southern us).

How do you describe a mischievous person?

A mischievous person likes to have fun by playing harmless tricks on people or doing things they are not supposed to do. She rocks back and forth on her chair like a mischievous child. Synonyms: naughty, bad, troublesome, wayward More Synonyms of mischievous.

What is being cheeky?

informal. : boldly rude, impudent, or disrespectful in usually a playful or appealing way a cheeky grin … old-timers who still look like they could deck you if you get too cheeky.— Shaun Assael.

What is a cheeky smile?

Cheeky Smile is the impudent desire to fully express yourself and surrender to an hypnotic whirl of happiness. This new sociality, symbolized by the smiley, spreads through extra-sensorial levels.

What is mischievous behavior?

Definition: 1. purposely causing trouble, harm, or annoyance; 2. recklessly playful. Synonyms: naughty, playful, impish, troublesome, annoying, devilish, disobedient. Antonyms: well-behaved.


What is a coy smile?

The coy smile is thought to reflect the feeling of ambivalence between pleasure and aversion during the social interaction (Reddy, 2005). … Infants produced coy smiles in response to others’ attention and to the image of themselves in the mirror.

Why does everyone say mischievous wrong?


This mispronunciation also lends itself to spelling errors. When people add the extra syllable, they often add an “i” and incorrectly write “mischievious.”

Why does everyone mispronounce mischievous?

“Mischievous” is commonly misspelled as “mischievious,” with an extra “I” at the end. That might explain why people often mispronounce the word as “mis-CHEEV-ee-ous,” instead of “MIS-chiv-ous.”

Is Mischievous a feeling?

Dictionary definitions of what it means to be mischievous tend to be judgmental, declaring mischief to be harmful, troublesome, and annoying. When people declare themselves to be feeling mischievous, however, they emphasize something more in the pursuit of fun.

How do I become more mischievous?

Look for opportunities to make mischief.

  1. For example, instead of seeing a banana on the table as just a piece of fruit, pick it up and start talking to your dentist. Cultivate your impulsive side by acting in ways you might not normally act.
  2. Being mischievous relies on your ability to act spontaneous.

What does it mean to have mischievous eyes?

“Mischievous eyes” is illogical if you take it literally: people are mischievous, not body parts. The writer means “eyes that look like they belong to a mischievous person“.

Why is mischief important?

Every child will try to push the boundaries at some point. … Through encouraging your kids to indulge in a little harmless mischief, you allow them to explore their anarchic, irreverent and cheeky side in safety. Mischief is light-hearted and played for a laugh. It isn’t malicious or destructive.

Is irreverent a good thing?

If you describe someone as irreverent, you mean that they do not show respect for people or things that are generally respected.

Is Cheeky a bad thing?

Cheeky means bold, brash, and a bit rude, but also maybe a little playful and amusing. Cheeky is an adjective that is typically used to describe a person or their actions or comments. It is most commonly used in the U.K., but it is frequently used elsewhere as well.

Can irreverent be a compliment?

It’s no bad thing to be irreverent in comedy. Irreverent is a compliment.

What is flirty smile?

A flirty smile uses your eyes, your head, your neck and even your whole body. There are different flirty smiles, small little smirk, one side of your lip raising just a bit, the closed mouth raised eyebrow, or even biting your bottom lip gently.
