Was Remus Lupin An Animagus?


The Marauders in their Animagus forms, Lupin as a werewolf, on the far left By their fifth year, Sirius was able to become a dog, and James was able to become a stag, animals large enough to keep the wolfish Remus in check. Peter, meanwhile, was able to become a rat.

Who are the 7 registered animagus?

There were only seven Animagi registered in the twentieth century, one being Minerva McGonagall and the other six unknown (PA19). However, there were at least four more that went unregistered by the Ministry: James Potter, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew and Rita Skeeter.

Why didn’t Lupin say Sirius was an Animagus?

It’s because he was incapable of letting the only person that he had left go. In his entire life he had exactly three friends, three people that accepted him for what he was and loved him anyway. There was nothing in the world worse to him than losing that at that point.

Did Lupin think Sirius was guilty?

1 Lupin Believed Sirius Was Guilty

By his own admission, Lupin believed Sirius was guilty of dooming Harry’s parents and committing the mass-murder he was imprisoned for. He believed this throughout Prisoner of Azkaban, only understanding he was innocent when he saw Peter Pettigrew on the Marauder’s Map.

Did Lupin really love Tonks?

Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks met when they both became members of the second Order of the Phoenix. At some point before the summer of 1996, Tonks fell deeply in love with Remus. Although he returned her feelings he refused to become involved with her. … Tonks argued that their relationship was the same.

Is Dumbledore an Animagus?

Well it’s a common consensus that he was a Goat animagus and he used to mess around with his brother, who were both goat farmers when they were younger.

Was Lily Potter an Animagus?

James Potter

James’s Animagus form was that of a stag, which earned him his nickname, Prongs. Strikingly, Harry’s Patronus was a stag and his mother Lily’s was a doe, a female deer, showing that the family’s characters were in harmony and formed part of the same animal group.

Are the Marauders registered Animagus?

Hermione Granger referred to them by saying that there were only seven registered Animagi in the 20th century. Since the Marauders trio (Prongs, Padfoot and Wormtail) were unregistered, it is at least conceivable that others may have effected this transformation without registering.

Who killed Lupin?

Lupin, played in the films by David Thewlis, was murdered in the battle by Death Eater Antonin Dolohov, while Tonks was killed by Bellatrix Lestrange, leaving their son, Teddy, an orphan. Lupin’s death is a sore spot for many fans, who fell in love with the werewolf, nicknamed Moony.

What curse killed Lupin?

This may be the curse Dolohov used to kill Remus Lupin during the Battle of Hogwarts, as it was noted that Remus’s body was peaceful-looking, and this curse was not known to cause any visible signs of damage.

How much older is Lupin than Tonks?

At the end of the book, it is revealed that Nymphadora Tonks has fallen in love with Remus (Remus is 13 years older than Tonks). He resisted becoming involved with her because of the risks from his being a werewolf, and he said he is, “too old, too poor, and too dangerous,” for her.


What house was Hagrid?

He was a Gryffindor

Hagrid’s Hogwarts house is never mentioned in the books, but, given his kindness, noble nature and bravery, it might not come as that much of a surprise that Hagrid was in Gryffindor.

Is Teddy Lupin a werewolf?

Teddy Lupin did not become a werewolf like his father, despite claims by Rita Skeeter to the contrary. He was, however, a Metamorphmagus, like his mother.

What house was Teddy Lupin?

Teddy Lupin, on the other hand, has been excelling in Hufflepuff over the last few years, making it all the way to Head Boy of the house. (His mother Tonks was also a Hufflepuff, though his father Remus was a Gryffindor.)

What is Draco’s Patronus?

His Patronus is a dragon, since his name means dragon in Latin and he shows no particular fondness for any other creature. He could also have a white peacock Patronus, since Malfoy Manor has white peacocks at the entrance.

Did Hermione become Animagus?

Hermione is the brightest witch of her age, and she would be the first in the group to successfully transform into her Animagus form, a rather fitting fox.

Why did Lily chose James over Snape?

Why did Lily Evans choose James Potter over Severus Snape? Lily chose James because James proved so unyielding in his loyalty and selflessness to anyone important to him. Snape could never do that while she lived. Only after her death did he finally learn how.

What was Albus Dumbledore Patronus?

Dumbledore’s Patronus was a phoenix, which was revealed to us when he wanted to summon Hagrid after Viktor Krum was Stunned. It can be no surprise that Dumbledore had an affinity with this particular creature, given that his own animal companion was an enigmatic and loyal phoenix, Fawkes.

Can you transfigure an Animagus?

Nature. The difference between Transfiguration and the Animagus transformation ability was that an Animagus could change into an animal whenever they want, without a wand or an incantation. Being an Animagus was an ability, and Transfiguring required a spell.

What would Draco’s Boggart be?

2 Draco Malfoy – Voldemort

In this game, it becomes clear that Draco Malfoy’s Boggart is Lord Voldemort. … Draco fears Voldemort intimidating and manipulating the Malfoy family.

Why was Lupin so miserable?

Tonks believed that he refused to admit his feelings out of nobility. But Lupin was actually in despair, convinced that he could not run the risk of marrying and passing on his lycanthropy to a child. Tonks, convinced that Lupin would never spend time with her again, became desperately unhappy.

Who did Remus Lupin lose his virginity to?

His entire demeanor throughout the series suggest that Dumbledore was asexual for the rest of his long life. He died a 115 year old virgin. Lupin- Due to him being a werewolf, it’s very likely he didn’t lose his virginity until he met Tonks.

Is Lupin depressed?

As we see, Lupin has experienced symptoms of depression at multiple points in his life for months or even years on end.
