Was Dostoevsky Against Communism?


Most clearly his religious beliefs are expressed in the novel “The Brothers Karamazov.” L.S.: Dostoevsky was an Orthodox Christian and viewed Christ with great love.

Was Dostoevsky a nihilist?

Lesson Summary

The main protagonist, Rodion Raskolnikov, was presented as the nihilist archetype, and through his inconsistency, inner conflict, and irrational thinking, Dostoyevsky set out to prove that nihilism as a philosophy was flawed and had no place in Russian society.

Why was Dostoevsky banned?

Arrested in 1849 for belonging to a literary group that discussed banned books critical of Tsarist Russia, he was sentenced to death but the sentence was commuted at the last moment.

Is Dostoevsky left or right?

John J. Miller: Dostoevsky is often described as a conservative. Now he’s an 18 – 19th century Russian conservative, very different from a 21st century American conservative.

Did Nietzsche read Dostoevsky?

Nietzsche Reads Dostoyevsky

It remains unlikely that Dostoyevsky read Nietzsche, even though Dostoyevsky had philosophical influences such as Kant, Hegel, and Solovyov amongst others.

Is Crime and Punishment nihilism?

In Crime and Punishment, Raskolnikov adopts the philosophy of nihilism, which is a disdain for the things that traditionally drive morality, such as family, religion, and societal norms. … Raskolnikov has neither desire nor drive to follow man-made rules, as he considers himself superior to other men.

What is optimistic nihilism?

Optimistic nihilism views the belief that there is no underlying meaning to life from a perspective of hope. … The optimistic nihilist looks at a world lacking meaning and purpose and sees the opportunity to create their own.

What does Dostoevsky say about suffering?

“Pain and suffering are always inevitable for a large intelligence and a deep heart. The really great men must, I think, have great sadness on earth.”

Is Raskolnikov an atheist?

Background and Characters

Raskolnikov, the protagonist of Fyodor Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment, was raised in the Christian faith, but a series of events, including the death of his father, poverty, and mental illness, results in his decision to abandon his faith and adopt a nihilist view.

Why is Dostoevsky important?

Dostoyevsky is usually regarded as one of the finest novelists who ever lived. Literary modernism, existentialism, and various schools of psychology, theology, and literary criticism have been profoundly shaped by his ideas.

What was Dostoevsky like as a person?

He was famously rude to almost everyone he came into contact with, even some of his close friends like Apollon Maikov. His gruff attitude lost him many friendships. He was very kind to his second wife. Some of his tenderest letters are to her.

Was Tolstoy a communist?

Leo Tolstoy was not a communist. Despite deploring capitalism and private land ownership, Tolstoy was an anarchist. Tolstoy believed a small, limited…

Was Raskolnikov a nihilist?

Raskolnikov lives hypocritically: As a nihilist, he cares nothing for others’ feelings or social conventions, but as a conflicted human, he demands propriety from others. … Raskolnikov has been serving his prison sentence, where Sonia comes dutifully to visit him.


Is Raskolnikov a psychopath?

It’s easy to dismiss Raskolnikov as a psychopath, but this is not an insight: it is an admission of failure to understand his psychology. Beneath the silence, the battle within Raskolnikov’s mind rages on, though his dejection and his nearness to confession mark its final stages.

Is Ivan Karamazov a nihilist?

“Ivan Karamazov is a thinker, a metaphysician and psychologist, and he provides a deep philosophic grounding to the troubled experiences of an innumerable number of Russian boys – the Russian nihilists and atheists, socialists and anarchists.

Did Nietzsche read mill?

The German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche owned an extensive private library, which has been preserved after his death. … Among modern philosophers, his reading included Kant, Mill and Schopenhauer, who became major targets of criticism in his philosophy. He also mentions reading Hegel at the age of twenty.

Did Nietzsche ever meet Dostoevsky?

The first time that Nietzsche crossed the path of Dostoevsky was in the winter of 1886–87. While in Nice, Nietzsche discovered in a bookshop the volume L’esprit souterrain. Two years later, he defined Dostoevsky as the only psychologist from whom he had anything to learn.

Did Nietzsche ever read Marx?

Nietzsche and Marx were at war (not a personal one, needless to say; there is no indication that Nietzsche ever read Marx, and Marx and Engels, for their part, wrote the Communist Manifesto when Nietzsche was four years old). … Nietzsche’s atheism as such could therefore hardly have produced such a shock.

Who was Dostoevsky’s second wife?

Anna Grigoryevna Dostoevskaya (née Snitkina) (Russian: Анна Григорьевна Достоевская; 12 September 1846 – 9 June 1918) was a Russian memoirist, stenographer, assistant, and the second wife of Fyodor Dostoevsky (since 1867). She was also one of the first female philatelists in Russia.

Did Dostoevsky write in Russian?

He published his first novel at age 25.

He turned to literature before he had even quit his engineering post, first by translating French works into Russian. In 1845, though, at the age of 25, he left translating for greener pastures – writing fiction.

Which Fyodor Dostoevsky books to read first?

Crime and Punishment is the perfect introduction to Dostoevsky. Crime and Punishment, all the way. I read first White Nights and Novel in Nine Letters and they made a great impression in my, when I was 16 y.o. They made me want to read all of his works, which I have almost done.

Is Fyodor Dostoevsky hard to read?

No, they are not hard to read. They are lurid, exciting, full of mystery, suspense, murder, psychological Sturm und Drang, and metaphysical twists and turns. I read all of Dostoyevsky’s novels and most of his better-known longer stories and novellas before I was 15.
