Should You Kill Silverfish?


These insects don’t require much water, but do need proteins, sugars and starches, which are mostly derived from things like newspapers, books, wallpaper, fabrics and even dead insects. In fact, outdoors, silverfish are important decomposers, helping with the natural circle of life in the ecosystem.

How do I get rid of silverfish?

6 ways to get rid of silverfish

  1. Put a starchy food or substance in a glass container and wrap the outside with tape. …
  2. Roll up newspaper. …
  3. Put out sticky traps. …
  4. Put out small bits of silverfish poison. …
  5. Use cedar or cedar oil. …
  6. Spread dried bay leaves throughout your home.

Is it bad if you see one silverfish?

If you see one silverfish, there is a good chance there are hundreds living in your walls. … It doesn’t take long for silverfish populations to get out of hand. They will crawl through your wall voids, pass through attic crawl spaces, get into moist basements, and other dirty moist areas.

Do silverfish hide in beds?

While they usually stick to basements and pantries, these pests may move into your bedroom under the right conditions. Known to feed on carbohydrates and protein, this insect may try to make a meal out of your linens. Starched sheets can become damp from perspiration and humidity, making them the perfect hiding place.

Should I be worried if I see a silverfish?

So, the question is: if you spot a single silverfish, should you be worried? The answer is “yes”, especially if you like having your household fixtures, furnishings and food left alone. … It may also signal that your living conditions are unhygienic and/or unhealthy, given the environment silverfish tend to thrive in.

What naturally kills silverfish?

Home remedies to get rid of silverfish naturally

  1. Boric acid. Boric acid is known to kill insects and bugs by starving them. …
  2. Diatomaceous Earth. Diatomaceous Earth is mainly used to kill the silverfishes by making them thirst. …
  3. Cedar shavings. …
  4. Cinnamon. …
  5. Citrus fruits. …
  6. Naphthalene balls. …
  7. Cucumber peels. …
  8. Cloves.

Do silverfish mean your house is dirty?

You might be happy to learn that silverfish are not necessarily a sign of a dirty house. However, they can be a sign of underlying problems. Silverfish love warm and damp areas, and this is generally not what you want in your home.

What kills silverfish fast?

Boric acid is one of the most widely used, versatile poisons for killing insects. … Then, you can put it in a spray bottle, and coat their paths with boric acid. Spraying directly into cracks, crevices, and holes that silverfish traverse or lay in can also be terrifically effective.

How fast do silverfish multiply?

Female silverfish produce one to three eggs per day, or clusters of two to twenty. The pests deposit eggs in cracks around the inside of a home or attic, making them difficult to find. Unlike some other insects, silverfish can produce eggs all year.

Do I need an exterminator for silverfish?

Silverfish infestations require professional treatment. Your local pest control expert will be able to assess the situation within your home and determine the most effective methods of extermination for your specific problem. At the first sign of a silverfish infestation, contact your local pest control professional.

How do silverfish get in your bed?

Carpeting, hair, dandruff, coffee and clothing often attract them. They’ll even dine on cotton and linen, which is why you’ll often find them around mattresses. Even leather and synthetic fabrics such as nylon aren’t safe from them if they’re hungry enough.


Can you ever get rid of silverfish?

They feed on books, dead skin cells, and other starchy materials and thrive in dark, wet spaces. Once you’ve determined you have an infestation, you can get rid of silverfish by trapping them, repelling them, killing them with insecticides, or making your home less hospitable.

Why do silverfish come out at night?

You are more likely to find silverfish in your home at night. Silverfish prefer the dark, where they will seek out food, as their compound eyes are sensitive to light.

Do silverfish have nests?

Where do silverfish nest? Inside homes, silverfish create nests in damp areas where temperatures are cooler, and they are usually found residing in basements. However, they can also be found nesting in cabinets and underneath sinks in attics, kitchens, crawl spaces, laundry rooms, and bathrooms.

Do all homes have silverfish?

They are in your home because they are attracted to humid conditions, food, the hospitable environment or any combo of these. … If you have silverfish all over your house, they are likely seeking food, a better environment or more space for a growing population.

Do silverfish live in clothes?

What are they? Silverfish are tiny light grey and blue wingless insects that can grow to ½ inches long. Found anywhere humidity levels are high, they thrive in cool, dark, damp locations like attics, closets, baseboards, and bathroom fixtures. And they love to nestle into your warm bulky textiles as much as you do.

What does it mean when you find a silverfish?

Silverfish are a warning sign that your home has developed entry points, more specifically, entry points that may have been caused by water damage. … Silverfish enter homes in search of food and because they don’t know the difference between your home and any other object found in nature.

What scents do silverfish hate?

Silverfish do not enjoy the smell of oranges and other citrus, cinnamon, or lavender. Using essential oils in these scents is an excellent way to keep silverfish away. Try adding them to this homemade all-purpose cleaner. Spray it in kitchen and bathroom cupboards, under sinks, and around baseboards.

Why do I have so many silverfish?

Silverfish are sensitive to moisture and need high levels of humidity (above 75 percent) to survive, so they’re attracted to humid, damp conditions. You can find often find silverfish in bathrooms, kitchens, laundry rooms, garages and cabinets.

What animal eats silverfish?

Silverfish, like other insects, have natural predators, which can help keep their populations under control. Earwigs, spiders and centipedes will eat silverfish outside and inside the home.

How do you get rid of silverfish once and for all?

5 Ways to Get Rid of Silverfish

  1. Eliminate moisture from the environment. It bears repeating: The single most effective step you can take to eliminate silverfish is to make your home less moist. …
  2. Dry out the bugs themselves with traps. …
  3. Remove potential food sources. …
  4. Declutter (and clean) …
  5. Caulk, seal and clean.

What should I do if I see a silverfish?

Sprinkling some food grade diatomaceous earth around baseboards or other areas where you’ve spotted the silverfish. Put it in all areas where they like to hide, including cracks and small holes. It’s safe for your other pets, Try sticky traps (like these).

Can silverfish live in your hair?

Silverfish eat paper, photos, book bindings, wallpaper, draperies, glue, carpet, clothing, sugar, coffee, hair, dandruff, and several other unsavory things. … If you don’t like waking up with bugs in your hair or crawling around on your hairbrush in the bathroom, you probably don‘t want silverfish in your home.
