Should I Repot My Dracaena?


Keep your dracaena in a pot where it will be somewhat root-bound. When the plant becomes severely root-bound, repot it to the next largest pot size (about every two to three years).

How do I stop my Dracena from falling over?

Three to four-foot stakes can be inserted directly in the soil right at the base of the stem. Another option is to move the plant to the floor so that the lean is less noticeable. The ultimate solution is to cut off some of the top section so that it is less top-heavy.

How do I bring my dracaena back to life?

Cut off the dead leaves and let the plant be. Do not overwater it or put in a bucket load of water all at once it will not do any good. The plant is in its present state due to neglect over a period of time and hence you need to give it time to revive. Therefore, water it slowly and give it time to come back to life.

Is it normal for dracaena to lose leaves?

If your dracaena plant starts dropping leaves, you may be alarmed. But some dracaena leaf drop is completely natural. Like other plants, the dracaena drops older leaves as it matures. So if your dracaena is losing leaves that have been around awhile, it’s probably just a healthy self-cleaning.

How do you cut and replant dracaena?

Top Cuttings

Make a cut below the leaf line of the plant, making sure to include several nodes of the plant’s stem. Cuttings can be planted in a container with moist soil, or they can be placed in a vase of clean water. Cuttings propagated in water require little time before roots begin to form.

When should I repot a small dracaena?

Spring, summer, and into early fall are good times for repotting Dracaenas. If you live in a climate where winter comes early, then spring and summer are best. Fall is mild here in Tucson so I repot through the end of October. Avoid repotting indoor plants in winter if you can because they like to rest at this time.

How do you know when to repot a dracaena?

When does a Dracaena need repotting? It depends on the size of the plant and the pot it’s growing in. In general, every 3-5 years.

Where do you cut dracaena?

Oftentimes, dracaena species have 1 main stem and a few additional stems. If one of the stems grows out to the side and looks unattractive, cut the stem off using your pruning shears. You can either cut it at the base of the plant to remove the entire stem, or cut the stem to your desired height.

How fast does dracaena grow?

A great focal point for an indoor space, this striking evergreen tree can reach heights of around six feet indoors, though it is slow growing and it may take 10 years or so to reach this height.

How much sunlight does a dracaena need?

Your Dracaena Limelight prefers medium indirect sunlight but can survive in low-light situations. Pale bleached leaves usually indicate the plant is getting too much light. Pale leaves, slow growth, and small new leaves indicate it is not getting enough light. Water when the top 75% of the soil is dry.


How often should dracaena be watered?

Dracaena trees prefer the soil to dry between waterings, but not completely through the pot. Typically, watering every 10-14 days will keep the soil with a nice even level of moisture.

Can I trim my dracaena?

Dracaena is a genus of about 40 versatile, easy-to-grow plants with distinctive, strappy leaves. … The good news is that pruning dracaena plants isn’t difficult. These sturdy plants tolerate trims with little complaint, and you can cut back a dracaena to any height you like.

Can you divide dracaena?

You can divide your Dracaena just about any way you want to. Cut off one or both plants and root them in a 50-50 mixture of peat moss and clean sand. … The stalk of the original plant from which you have cut plants will send out new shoots if you continue to water and care for it as usual.

Do dracaena like coffee grounds?

Do Dracaena like coffee grounds? Potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus are the most important substances that this plant absolutely needs. Without these nutrients, these plants do not grow as desired or show the undersupply of brown leaves. … A natural fertilizer is a simple coffee grounds.

Can I put my dracaena outside in summer?

Dracaena fragrans ‘Massangeana’ makes a better houseplant than an outdoor plant. … If you want a Dracaena you can take outdoors during the summer months and indoors the rest of the year, grow Dracaena draco (dragon tree). It will grow in higher temperatures and some direct sunshine while outdoors.

How long does it take for dracaena to root?

Roots started emerging from the bottom of the canes after 10 days or so. The Dracaena marginata canes can be twisted, straight, long or short. The growers train them into some pretty crazy shapes and forms.

How long does it take for dracaena to root in soil?

This is through water and soil media. This propagation video took 35 days for the roots to appear and ready for transplant.

Why does my Dracaena look droopy?

Dracaena leaves droop as a result of diminished water in the leaves. Although drooping can result from underwatering, overwatering remains the major culprit. Sap sucking insects like aphids and mealybugs can also cause leaf drooping.

How do you fix Overwatered Dracaena?

Overwatered plants simply need to dry out; they don’t need the soil replaced. When repotting, it is never a good idea to remove any soil because doing so tears away the tiny root hairs that usually go unnoticed but do most of the work.

Why is my Dracaena bending?

If the plant gets too wet or the roots become rotten, your Dracaena Marginata will droop and its leaves will begin to fall off. … If the soil feels very dry and the plant is drooping, give it a thorough watering until there is water running from the drainage holes in the bottom of the pot.
