Should I Get Masseter Botox?


When Botox is used to reduce masseter muscle hypertrophy, the maximum effect is not seen for 3 months. Results can last up to 9 months. I recommend repeat injection every 6 months if you would like to maintain your results.

Who is a candidate for masseter Botox?

Patients who suffer from an enlarged masseter muscle are the best candidates for a Botox Masseter Reduction. The best way to determine if you have a larger masseter muscle is to clench your teeth and touch the outer jawline. If the muscle feels hard and enlarged, you may be an excellent candidate for this technique.

What happens when masseter Botox wears off?

“You may see a prolonged aesthetic effect because the Botox will wear off and then the muscle has to build back up,” she says. “You may get a few more weeks to maybe a month of facial slimming.” A little more bang for your buck, so to speak.

Can Botox wear off in 2 weeks?

For the majority of patients Botox generally lasts three to four months, however anywhere from two to six months is not uncommon. Botox wearing off at six weeks is a little earlier than expected and there may be several reasons for this.

Where does Botox go when it wears off?

Answer: The body metabolizes Botox through the liver and kidney excretion.

How do I know if I am a good candidate for masseter Botox?

The relative thickness of someone’s masseter muscle can be determined by feeling their outer jawline as they bite down hard. If it is rock hard, or it appears enlarged as their teeth are clenched, that person is a good candidate for masseter muscle injections.

How many units of Botox do you need for a masseter?

There is no set number of units or dosage of Botox used for treating Masseter Hypertrophy. The average necessary for most patients is 25 units per side, with a great variation based on the size of the muscle. We will at least start with 10-15 units per side at Skin Specifics and have your return for a recheck.

Does Botox in masseter change smile?

Jawline or smile asymmetry may be one of the possible masseter BOTOX side effects. Generally, this condition is temporary and should not last for long. Patients who experience issues can contact our team for safe and effective tips for moving forward.

What can I not do after masseter Botox?

There may be a slight dull irritation when chewing following the first few days after botox injection into the masseter muscles, but this should resolve within a week. Avoid lying down in the first four hours after the procedure and avoid massaging the masseter muscles after treatment.

Why do Asians have large masseter muscles?

It is known as one of the “muscles of mastication” because it helps us to chew food and move our jaw up and down while speaking. The masseter is typically larger in people of Asian ethnicity due to natural genetic differences creating a wider face proportion.

Why is my masseter so big?

What Causes Enlarged Masseters? Enlarged or hypertrophic masseter muscles are often caused by teeth grinding, hard chewing, or unconsciously clenching the jaw. In some cases, large jaw muscles are just part of the person’s normal anatomy, but habitual overuse can cause the masseters to become even more prominent.

How many units of Botox do I need for jawline?

How many units of Botox are needed for jaw reduction? The exact number varies from patient to patient depending on a number of factors. On average, however, it takes about 25 units of Botox for a single treatment for jaw reduction.


Can I still chew with masseter Botox?

“If we are injecting Botox into my Masseter muscles- which are the muscles that help me to chew and eat, then will I be able to chew/eat after getting Botox in these muscles, because doesn’t Botox weaken/paralyze the muscle?” And the short answer is—YES, you will still be able to chew and eat.

Is 32 units of Botox a lot?

Let’s understand this with an example. For the frown lines, 20 – 30 units of Botox is considered enough to relax the muscles. Similarly, for forehead lines, a woman may require up to 15 units to the desired results. Furthermore, for the crow’s feet area, some individuals require up to 30 units for visible results.

Can Botox tighten jawline?

The Procedure

During this procedure Botox® injections are used to tighten and redefine the jawline and provide a lift to the neck area. Small doses of Botox® are injected into the lower jaw and down the side of the neck along the lateral neck muscles.

How do you know if your masseter is enlarged?

Unilateral or bilateral hypertrophy of the masseter muscle is characterised by an increase in the volume of the muscle mass. Clinically, patient may present with the complaint of unaesthetic appearance due to facial asymmetry or ‘square’ face appearance.

Does masseter Botox make you look older?

As top dermatologist David Colbert, M.D. is quick to note, however, too much Botox and filler distorts the face and as a result will make you appear older.

What does Botox in the masseter do?

BOTOX® injections help relax the masseter muscle by limiting its movement. Once injected, the muscle can stop working so hard and exerting so much pressure. You will still be able to chew, move your jaw, and make normal facial expressions after your treatment.

How can I relax my jaw without Botox?

Here are three you can try:

  1. Manual jaw-opening exercise. Repeat small mouth-opening and mouth-closing movements several times as a warm up. …
  2. Jaw joint stretch. This exercise helps stretch the muscles of the jaw and neck. …
  3. Smile stretch. This stretch helps eliminate stress in the facial muscles, upper and lower jaw, and neck.

Why you should never do Botox?

Side effects from cosmetic use generally result from unintended paralysis of facial muscles. These include partial facial paralysis, muscle weakness, and trouble swallowing. Side effects are not limited to direct paralysis however, and can also include headaches, flu-like syndromes, and allergic reactions.

Is 50 too late for Botox?

There is no definite age when you should start BOTOX®—it’s more about the state of your skin, and everyone’s timeline is different. For wrinkle treatments, it’s best to start when you notice forehead lines, frown lines, or crow’s feet even when your expression is neutral.

Can you get Botox sooner than 3 months?

The short answer to how long you should wait between Botox treatments is anywhere from three to four months for the best results. We recommend scheduling around this time frame, which is when most people begin to notice that their results begin to dissipate.
