Should I Feed My Bees In Winter?


When your bees have enough comb in the frames and honey stored for the winter, you should stop feeding bees. Discontinue feeding bees sugar water when there is honey in the supers intended for human consumption. If you need to feed your colony sugar water, you must remove any supers before you start.

When should you stop feeding bees for winter?

You should not plan on feeding bees sugar syrup in cold weather. If you live in a cold region, it is best to remove any sugar water feeders from the hive when the daily temperatures are below 60 degrees F.


What do you feed bees in the winter time?

The best feed:

If you don’t have extra honey from your own apiary to feed the bees, the next best thing is sugar syrup made from white table sugar. The syrup used in fall and winter should be roughly in the proportion of two parts sugar to one part water by either weight or volume.
