Should I Cut Back My Coleus For Winter?


Taking a perennial to a location where cold winters kill it does not make it an annual. … Coleus is a perennial, a tropical shrub, that is not hardy except in warm, frost-free zones. Cannas are reliably hardy in the ground outside from around Zone 7 and upward (warmer.)

How do I make my coleus bushy?

You can make coleus bushy by routinely pinching the stems and leaves from the plant. Over time, the main stem or trunk of your coleus will become strong and support a larger, fuller plant. Regular feeding with a diluted liquid fertilizer can also promote growth.

Should I let my coleus bloom?

Coleus plant flowering signals the end of the plant’s life cycle, and plants usually die soon after they are allowed to produce blooms. … You can just leave them on and enjoy the plant as an annual, or take steps to encourage thicker growth and continued life in a greenhouse or cold frame.

How do you prepare coleus for winter?

Coleus should be kept rather dry over the winter to avoid rotting their roots. Remember, these are tropical plants that prefer sun and heat. They don’t take kindly to cold, wet soil, so water only when the pot seems fairly light and the soil surface is completely dry. (You’ll get the hang of it with a little practice.)

Why are my coleus cuttings drooping?

Moisture Stress

Cuttings lose moisture through transpiration, yet are often unable to replace it through the roots, so dehydration and wilting often occur. Air and soil moisture are both integral to maintaining proper hydration in coleus cuttings, so keep them under carefully controlled conditions.

How long do coleus plants live for?

In a frost-free area, coleus normally lives for several years. In USDA zones 10 through 11, the winter is mild enough to plant coleus in the ground. Coleus appreciates moist soil that drains well.

How do you stop coleus blooming?

Some Varieties Still Bloom Prematurely

It may therefore be necessary to pinch (prune) these varieties at least once, as soon as you see the beginning of a flower spike. Pinching off coleus flowers is a snap: just squeeze the spike between the thumb and forefinger until it comes free. Or cut it off with pruning shears.

Does coleus like sun or shade?

Coleus thrive in cool, evenly moist, well-drained soil. Consistent moisture is good, but soggy conditions cause root disease. Watering should complement available sun. Some modern coleus varieties handle full sun, but most still flourish with at least dappled shade and direct sun limited to morning hours.

How do I make my coleus more colorful?

Morning sun and afternoon shade is the rule of thumb for any coleus. But breeders have been introducing lots of sun-tolerant varieties that can take a lot more light than many of the older hybrids. Most have “solar” or “sun” in their names, and sport brighter reds and more vivid greens in their foliage.


How do you trim leggy plants?

Shorten leggy stems and branches, cutting back to just before a leaf node, which is the bump on the branch or stem where new growth will appear. When removing large stems completely, cut as close to the main stem as possible or all the way to the base of the plant. Know when to pinch back.

Can wilted cuttings be saved?

Once the stem loses contact with the roots, it starts a rapid process of wilting, so cuttings should be taken in the morning or evening, but never in midday sun. If possible, you should either plunge the cuttings straight into cool water or put them in a clear plastic bag, sealed shut to retain humidity.

Can coleus plant live in water?

As coleus plants have grown in popularity their prices have increased accordingly, but coleus plants are easy to propagate and grow in water, allowing you to create a colony of the handsome coleus houseplants. Take a six-inch cutting, and remove the leaves from the bottom four inches.

How do you save coleus for next year?

Start putting the rooted cuttings outside in a sheltered, shaded location for a several hours. Allow them to stay out longer and to receive more sun every day until they are out in full sun all day. When the danger of frost passes completely (coleus is extremely frost-sensitive), plant them out in the garden.

Can coleus live outside in winter?

A coleus plant is hardy, able to survive in both a container indoors and in the soil outside. However, being a warm weather loving plant, it will not survive a harsh, cold winter. When the weather begins to turn cold you will need to take some precautions to ensure a healthy coleus in the spring.

Is coleus poisonous to dogs?

Like many other essential oils, the oil from the coleus is toxic to your dog and can be absorbed through the skin immediately, causing irritation and possible burns to the skin and depression of the central nervous system.

Do coleus like to be misted?

Unlike other tropical houseplants that require daily misting, you should avoid spritzing your coleus leaves. The water can leave marks on the velvety foliage and spoil the plant’s appearance.

When should you cut back coleus?

Around midsummer, coleus should be pruned regardless of whether it will be allowed to flower. If it’s not maintained, it could overgrow and branches can snap from their weight.

Do coleus plants spread?

Do not crowd coleus close together. They spread out to about 16 inches across, so keep the leaves from shading each other by planting at least 12 inches away from each other in the garden. Some coleus prefer bright sun, but most do best and achieve the most vivid color in partial shade.
