Is Twiggy A Scrabble Word?


twig·gi·er, twig·gi·est. 1. Resembling a twig or twigs, as in slenderness or fragility. 2. Abounding in twigs: a twiggy branch.

Is Hussle a word?

1. to proceed or work rapidly or energetically. 2. to push or force one’s way; jostle or shove. 3. to be aggressive, esp.

How do you spell Twiggy?

Twiggy meaning

  1. Abounding in twigs. A twiggy branch. adjective. …
  2. Slender, delicate, etc. like a twig. adjective. …
  3. (of ground or a plant) Having many twigs. adjective. …
  4. Resembling a twig or twigs, as in slenderness or fragility. adjective.
  5. Full of or covered with twigs. adjective.
  6. (of a person) Thin and angular. adjective.

What does Cadaverously mean?

1a : of or relating to a corpse the cadaverous odors of the battlefield. b : suggestive of corpses or tombs. 2a : pallid, livid. b : gaunt, emaciated grossly underweight, he appeared cadaverous, like a living skeleton.

What does Be tactful mean?

: having or showing the ability to do or say things without offending other people. Other Words from tactful. tactfully -​fə-​lē adverb.

Is hustle a slang word?

Slang. an inducing by fraud, pressure, or deception, especially of inexperienced or uninformed persons, to buy something, participate in an illicit scheme or dishonest gambling game, etc.

Is hustle a bad word?

There is a shady hue to the word that gives it a bad name, but not in the world of entrepreneurs. The reality is that hustling is now a standard ‘verb’ for entrepreneurs.

Who is a hustle person?

a person who employs fraudulent or unscrupulous methods to obtain money; swindler. Informal. an expert gambler or game player who seeks out challengers, especially unsuspecting amateur ones, in order to win money from them: He earned his living as a pool hustler. Slang.

What is Toadyish mean?

Definitions of toadyish. adjective. attempting to win favor by flattery. synonyms: bootlicking, fawning, sycophantic servile. submissive or fawning in attitude or behavior.

What is a twiggy stick?

Made from mildly seasoned pork, cooked, smoked and dried.

Why is it bad to hustle?

By forcing workers to be in a ‘go hard or go home’ mindset, hustle culture puts the body in a state of fight or flight. This constant stress releases the stress hormone—cortisol—in higher amounts and for more prolonged periods. … This continuous stress can be harmful to both your mental and physical wellbeing.

What does keep hustling mean?

Hustling. Hustling is the deceptive act of disguising one’s skill in a sport or game with the intent of luring someone of probably lesser skill into gambling with the hustler, as a form of confidence trick.


How do you use the word hustle?

1 : to push, crowd, or force forward roughly Officers hustled the prisoner to jail. 2 : to move or work rapidly and tirelessly They’re hustling to get the job done. He hustled back to class. : energetic activity The hustle and bustle of the school day began.

What does everyday I’m hustlin mean?

It is slang for “everyday I’m working hard

What is hustle life?

Hustle Life the Movie is the story of Sean Cook’s life, his story is one that is heartfelt, inspirational and motivational. A true “Rags to Riches” story that can not only inspire but teach … … A true “Rags to Riches” story that can not only inspire but teach and motivate.

What does dont hustle me mean?

hustle (v) : 2b. to sell something to or obtain something from (someone) by energetic and especially underhanded activity : SWINDLE. Your definition is close to correct, but this definition of the verb “hustle” always includes the suggestion of cheating someone in some way.

Is being tactful a good thing?

The ability to communicate with sensitivity offers many benefits. First, tact is important when you have to deliver bad news or provide critical feedback, whether in a personal or professional situation. Next, communicating tactfully strengthens your reputation and builds your credibility .

What are the tactful words?

Words related to tactful

polite, perceptive, discreet, judicious, prudent, courteous, adroit, aware, cautious, civil, considerate, deft, delicate, diplomatic, gentle, observant, polished, politic, sensitive, skilled.

What does it mean when someone says you have no tact?

To look for an actual noun is difficult. But when somebody lacks tact, they often say or do things that are impolite or unconsidered and that make other people uncomfortable. It’s how such a person makes other people feel that I think is key.

What is a dead body called?

A dead body is usually a corpse in a mystery story. The term cadaver also apparently has a more deathly ring in medicine. “Cadaver” comes from the Latin word “cadere” (to fall). Related terms include “cadaverous” (resembling a cadaver) and “cadaveric spasm” (a muscle spasm that causes a dead body to twitch or jerk).

What does Cataleptical mean?

A condition characterized by lack of response to external stimuli and by muscular rigidity, so that the limbs remain in whatever position they are placed.

What is a etiolated?

transitive verb. 1 : to bleach and alter the natural development of (a green plant) by excluding sunlight. 2a : to make pale. b : to deprive of natural vigor : make feeble.
