Is There A Word Sinisterness?


Meaning of sinister in English. making you feel that something bad or evil might happen: The ruined house had a sinister appearance.

What can be sinister?

threatening or portending evil, harm, or trouble; ominous: a sinister remark. bad, evil, base, or wicked; fell: his sinister purposes. unfortunate; disastrous; unfavorable: a sinister accident.

How does sinister mean left?

‘Sinister’ Meaning and Origin

Sinister comes from a Latin word meaning “on the left side,” and while the earliest uses of the word in English—dating from the 14th century—pertain to some measure of evil, forboding, or malevolence, others retain the Latin meaning of “left”: PAROLLES. …

Why is it rare to be left-handed?

So why are lefties so rare? Scientists have long tried to answer this. In 2012, researchers at Northwestern University developed a mathematical model to show that the percentage of left-handed people was a result of human evolution — specifically, a balance of cooperation and competition.

Is sinister worse than evil?

As adjectives the difference between sinister and evil

is that sinister is inauspicious]], ominous, unlucky, illegitimate (as in [[w:bar sinister|bar sinister ) while evil is intending to harm; malevolent.

What is a better word for evil?


1 sinful, iniquitous, depraved, vicious, corrupt, base, vile, nefarious. 2 pernicious, destructive. 6 wickedness, depravity, iniquity, unrighteousness, corruption, baseness. 9 disaster, calamity, woe, misery, suffering, sorrow.

Whats the opposite of sinister?

sinister. Antonyms: lucky, fortunate, propitious, auspicious, favorable, right, fair, open, honest, honorable, attractive, winning, engaging, assuring, frank.

What does Insiduous mean?

adjective. intended to entrap or beguile: an insidious plan. stealthily treacherous or deceitful: an insidious enemy. operating or proceeding in an inconspicuous or seemingly harmless way but actually with grave effect: an insidious disease.

Is sinister scary?

After crunching all the data, Broadband Choices said the title of scariest movie goes to 2012’s Sinister, which tallied a terrifying average of 86 beats per minute with a spike of 131 beats per minute after one of the film’s jump scares.

Is sinister 2 scary?

Sinister 2 abandons the approach of the first film, and looses all horror, besides the few jump scares, the film isn’t even remotely scary. The lack of horror, and poor acting, leads to the film being very dull.

Does sinister mean left handed?

Remember that sinister is the Latin word for left-handed.. … The Latin word sinistra originally meant “left” but took on meanings of “evil” or “unlucky” by the Classical Latin era, and this double meaning survives in European derivatives of Latin, and in the English word “sinister”.


Is Malignance a word?

Malignance is a medical term that’s most often used to talk about a malignant — or cancerous — tumor. … You can use malignance when you talk about cancer, but you can also use it to mean the quality of being evil or of wishing ill will on someone.

Who is a sinister person?

The definition of sinister is a person or thing that threatens harm or misfortune. An example of sinister is behavior like that of Hitler.

Is Sinister a medical term?

(L.) left; on the left side.

What do you mean by alarming?

: causing people to feel danger or alarm or to be worried or frightened alarming news The statistics revealed an alarming increase in childhood obesity.

What does Propitiously mean?

1 : favorably disposed : benevolent. 2 : being a good omen : auspicious propitious sign. 3 : tending to favor : advantageous.

How do you use sinister in a sentence?

Sinister sentence example

  1. There was a moment of sinister silence, then a multitudinous stirring of the leaves. …
  2. I was in the country when I reached under the seat and retrieved a long and sinister knife. …
  3. His face had a sinister , troubled expression; but an enigmatical smile played perpetually around his lips.

What is the most evil word?

most evil

  • revolting.
  • spiteful.
  • stinking.
  • unpropitious.
  • wrathful.
  • rancorous.
  • maleficent.
  • no good.

What do you call someone who is pure evil?

1 sinful, iniquitous, depraved, vicious, corrupt, base, vile, nefarious. 2 pernicious, destructive. 6 wickedness, depravity, iniquity, unrighteousness, corruption, baseness.

What is an evil person called?

Noun. A very wicked or cruel person. fiend. beast. brute.

What do doctors mean when they say sinister?

1 : singularly evil or productive of evil. 2 : accompanied by or leading to disaster. 3 : presaging ill fortune or trouble.

Why is it called Oculus Sinister?

O.S.- This is oculus sinister, meaning left eye. O.U.- This is oculus uterque, meaning both eyes. Along the top, you might see different verbiage that generally has to do with measurements related to different aspects of your vision.

How many Sinisters are there?

How many Sinister films are there? Well, not a lot. There are currently only two Sinister films that have been aired. The first in 2012 and then a sequel in 2015.
