Is Shadow Of Moil Better Than Darkness?


Flame-like shadows wreathe your body until the spell ends, causing you to become heavily obscured to others. The shadows turn dim light within 10 feet of you into darkness, and bright light in the same area to dim light. Until the spell ends, you have resistance to radiant damage.

Does shadow of moil affect the caster?

1) The caster is wreathed in shadows and the text specifically states you are heavily obscured to others but not the reverse. “A creature in a heavily obscured area effectively suffers from the blinded condition.”

Do you need Devil’s Sight for shadow of moil?

You’ll need to be able to see through this using racial darkvision, devil’s sight, or some other means otherwise you’re effectively blind too due to not being able to see in darkness.

Can a shadow Monk see through darkness?

Yes, it is possible but… The number of ways you can go about it is limited to somehow seeing through magical darkness like by getting Truesight. Or by picking up 2 levels of Warlock for the Devil’s Sight Eldritch Invocation, in order for you to see through magical darkness up to 120 feet.

Can a shadow Monk see in darkness?

Unfortunately, darkvision doesn’t see in magical darkness, as per the spell description. Only Blindsight would work.

Does shadow of moil create magical darkness?

So shadow of moyle is a magical effect however as written it has limitations to the effect of that magical darkness by specifically saying that you become heavily obscured and that dim light turns to complete darkness within 10′ and normal light turns to dim light.

How long is shadow of moil?

Upon casting the spell, the caster’s body became enveloped in shadows that resembled flames for up to 1 minute, as long as the caster kept concentrating.

Does heavily obscured give advantage?

In summary: Heavily obscured areas allow hiding, block spells and features that require vision, and cancel any existing advantage and disadvantage on attack rolls. But heavily obscured areas don’t do what most people might expect: make the targets in the area harder to hit but less accurate.

Does shadow of moil blind?

1 Answer. Yes, it does. If you cast Shadow of Moil on yourself, you are in a heavily obscured area, so enemies are “effectively blinded” when they try to see or attack you while the spell is active.

What level is counterspell?

This Counterspell is a minimum of 23 which is higher than needed for everything published by WotC. The thing is that DnD clearly specifies that you do not know what spell is being cast and especially at what level.

Who is moil DnD?

Moil is a demi-plane that began as its own crystal sphere; think of a crystal sphere as a ball containing its own little solar system. IRL, our crystal sphere would encompass all the planets and arguably Pluto.

What level is polymorph?

Your scouting and combat forms may change as new options become available, but since your disable form should generally be CR 0 it probably won’t change much. Keep in mind that the lowest level you will be able to cast Polymorph is level 7, so you generally won’t look for combat forms below CR 7.


Can Truesight see through heavily obscured?

Yes, Shadow of Moil heavily obscures against Truesight

Truesight can see through darkness and illusions, but in cannot see through magically conjured physical objects.

Does Blindsight see through fog cloud?

Opaque fog blocks vision entirely. It says nothing about other senses. Blindsight allows you to perceive without using sight.

Is Way of the Shadow good?

Monks who follow the Way of Shadows are excellent team players. Their most tremendous strength is their ability to move vast distances thanks to their bonuses to speed, plus their ability to teleport between shadows, making them unparalleled infiltrators—but mobility isn’t enough to win battles.

Can monks Teleport DND?

RAW, the monk can definitely still teleport. No movement is required and the restrained condition does not prevent the use of shadow step. however this does not break the telekinesis by itself. If the Monk teleports out of range of the spell, it would break the spell.

Does Blindsight work in magical darkness?

Blindsense and tremor sense specifically make darkness, including magical darkness, meaningless. I’m not sure about blindsight, but I suspect that it’s the same. Darkness only effects eyesight, nothing else. Darkness, including magical darkness, blindness and invisibility are the same.

What is a shadow monk?

Monk: Way of Shadow. Monks of the Way of Shadow follow a tradition that values stealth and subterfuge. These monks might be called ninjas or shadowdancers, and they serve as spies and assassins. Sometimes the members of a ninja monastery are family members, forming a clan sworn to secrecy about their arts and missions.

Does Shadow Step provoke attacks of opportunity?

Yes, it lets them avoid op attacks but many monks will take the mobile feat anyway.

Do Monk spells require concentration?

Neither Cloak of Shadows or Shadow Step require concentration so the use does not break concentration on any spell previously cast. Monks can use Helm of Brilliance, as can any character.

How many times can you counterspell?

yes, limit one reaction per character per round of combat. According to the creators of 5e yes as long as you have your reaction you can counterspell counterspell.

Can Artificers get counterspell?

Yes, artificers can be counterspelled

Although the “flavoring” is different, artificers’ spells have the same kinds of components that other spellcasters do.

Can you counterspell Cantrips?

Cantrip Lure: You can essentially “bait out” Counterspells when you cast cantrips, assuming your DM will allow the Counterspell caster to not know what spell you’re casting. The Counterspell caster will only know that you are casting a spell, and they may waste a Counterspell on your cantrip.
