Is SCFE A Disability?


Symptoms of SCFE include:

  • Problems walking.
  • Limping.
  • Mild pain in the hips, groin or around the knees.
  • Severe pain that makes children stop putting weight on the leg that hurts.
  • Stiffness in the hip.
  • Less movement than usual in the hip.

What is slipped capital femoral?

Slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) a disorder of adolescents in which the growth plate is damaged and the femoral head moves (“slips”) with respect to the rest of the femur. The head of the femur stays in the cup of the hip joint while the rest of the femur is shifted.

How do I fix my SCFE?

Treatment. SCFE is always treated with surgery to stabilize the growth plate that slipped. But even before the surgery, the doctor will try to prevent any further slipping by encouraging rest and the use of crutches to avoid putting weight on the affected leg.

How painful is SCFE?

A patient with a stable SCFE will usually have intermittent pain in the groin, hip, knee and/or thigh for several weeks or months. This pain usually worsens with activity. The patient may walk or run with a limp after a period of activity.

Can SCFE heal on its own?

Early in the disease process, the body is sometimes able to heal itself by making new bone and strengthening the connection. Your child may then go weeks, months, or even years before the next episode of pain. Even more interesting is that some children grow into adulthood before they develop any hip pain.

Is SCFE an emergency?

SCFE is usually an emergency and must be diagnosed and treated early. In 20 to 40 percent of affected children, SCFE will be present in both hips at the time the child is diagnosed. If only one hip is affected, the other hip will eventually slip 30 to 60 percent of the time. Treatment is surgical.

Can SCFE happen again?

In SCFE, the “ball” (called the epiphysis) slips off of the top part of the femur, almost the way a scoop of ice cream might slip off a cone. Sometimes this happens suddenly — after a fall or sports injury, for example. But it can also happen gradually, with no previous injury.

What happens if SCFE goes untreated?

Untreated SCFE may result in progressive deformity and pain, destabilization of the femoral epiphysis, and decreased range of motion of the hip joint.

How long does it take to recover from SCFE?

In general, expect that your child will need crutches or a walker for up to about four weeks after surgery for stable SCFE and for at least six to eight weeks for unstable SCFE. Your child will work with a physical therapist to help strengthen leg and hip muscles and improve range of motion.

Why is SCFE an emergency?

Treating SCFE is considered urgent because further slipping could damage the hip joint. To prevent further slipping, the child may be admitted to the hospital right away for surgery. Or the child may be instructed to use crutches and not put any weight on the leg until the SCFE can be repaired.

Can adults have SCFE?

SCFE in adults is rare with only a handful of cases having been published so far. Most are sporadic but a few seem to show a familial inheritance. In adult SCFE, growth hormone deficiency leading to prolonged growth plate persistence seems to be a common factor.

How common is SCFE?

Slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) is the most common hip disorder in adolescents, occurring in 10.8 per 100,000 children. SCFE usually occurs in those eight to 15 years of age and is one of the most commonly missed diagnoses in children.


How common is Sufe?

SUFE is relatively common and occurs between 0.2 and 10 per 100,000 population. It is more common in boys (60%) than girls with the mean age at diagnosis being 13.5 years in boys and 12 years in girls. Approximately 50% of adolescents with SUFE are above the 95th percentile for weight.

Does SCFE cause arthritis?

SCFE can be caused by kidney failure, thyroid disorders, radiation therapy, obesity, or an injury to the hip. Sometimes the cause is not known. Adults who had SCFE as children have an increased chance of getting hip arthritis, which can lead to needing a hip replacement.

Can you run with SCFE?

For 4 to 6 weeks after surgery, your child will need to use crutches to walk. Then your child can slowly get back into normal activities. He or she may be able to return to running and contact sports. Complications sometimes happen with SCFE.

What is a femoral anteversion?

Femoral anteversion describes the inward rotation of the femur bone in the upper leg. Femoral anteversion occurs in up to 10 percent of children; 99 percent of cases resolve over time without the need for surgery. In many cases, the abnormal rotation of the femur develops while the fetus is growing in the womb.

What is the best view to diagnose Scfe?

Standard radiography is the first-choice imaging modality in patients with suspected SCFE. Usually, anteroposterior (AP) pelvis and frog-lateral views of both hips are obtained (Fig. 1). Radiographs of the contralateral side should always be included to rule out the bilateral involvement of SCFE.

Can you play football after Scfe surgery?

Depending on the severity of the slippage, most children may return to sports about 6 months after an operation to treat a slipped capital femoral epiphysis. Some contact and collision sports may be restricted, especially in children with more severe cases.

What is the difference between Scfe and Sufe?

Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis (SCFE) or Slipped Upper Femoral Epiphysis (SUFE) relates to the slipping of the neck of the femur (thighbone) within the socket (acetabulum). SCFE is a condition that appears to be on the increase in the UK and worldwide.

Is SCFE surgery outpatient?

With milder slips, the surgery is often done as an outpatient procedure, which means a patient can leave the hospital the same day or the day after the surgery if there are no complications. More severe slips may require more extensive surgery and a longer hospital stay.

Can SCFE cause back pain?

The SCFE patient can present to a chiropractic clinic with a variety of clinical presentations including lower back or hip pain, a painful limp, knee pain or little to no symptoms.

How do you say the word epiphysis?

ses .

Do hips have growth plates?

Most long bones have two growth plates – one at each end. When young people finish growing, the growth plates close and are replaced by solid bone. Growth plate injuries tend to occur around the wrist, fingers, knees, or in the ankles, foot or hip bones.
