Is Realize Or Realized?


Is realize or realized?

Realize and realise are alternate spellings of the same word. In the US and Canada, realize is by far the more common spelling. In the UK, Australia, and New Zealand realise dominates, though realize is sometimes used too. … Realize and realise are two different spellings of the same word.

Is realize spelled with an s or AZ?

Yes, generations of readers and writers have grown up being used to reading realise with an s. But as either version is accepted there, and in America only one is, statistically the z wins. The Oxford University Press uses -ize endings in their style guide, but the Guardian does not.

How do you use the word realized?

1 He realized 10000 dollars from his investment. 2 We had walked further than I had realized. 3 He realized right away that there was something wrong. 4 I realized that my trust in him was misplaced.

Can be realized meaning?

1a : to bring into concrete existence : accomplish finally realized her goal. b : to cause to seem real : make appear real a book in which the characters are carefully realized. 2a : to convert into actual money realized assets.

Does Australia use Z or S?

Z versus S

While American English uses ‘ize’, ‘izi’ and ‘iza’ in words like ‘organize’, ‘organizing’ and ‘organization’, Australian/British English uses ‘ise’, ‘isi’ and ‘isa’, as in ‘organise’, ‘organising’ and ‘organisation’.

Why do Americans spell defense with an S?

Think of this “C” as representing the Royal Crown of the United Kingdom. Defense is the American spelling and has an “S” in it. Think of this “S” as representing the word “States” in United States.

Is apologize Spelt with an S or Z?

Many people have trouble choosing apologize or apologise in their writing. If your spell checker doesn’t help you, you can always remember that apologize and Arizona are both words that contain a Z, as well as both being words that are commonly used in America. If you’re in America, you should always choose apologize.

When you realize something or become aware?

When you realize something, you become fully aware of what is happening, like when you realize all the people in your basement who are smiling at you and starting to sing to you are there because it’s your birthday. Surprise!

How do you use realize in a sentence?

Realize sentence example

  1. Do you realize how close you came to running right into a bear? …
  2. I didn’t realize you felt that way. …
  3. Your parents will realize that. …
  4. Maybe he didn’t realize how bad it was. …
  5. He probably didn’t realize she wasn’t used to riding.

Is America apologized or British?

Apologize is the standard American English spelling. Apologise is the standard British English spelling.

Is it correct to say apologize?

To apologize, you might send the wronged party a letter if you don’t prefer to apologize in person. … My apology and my apologies are both correct, but they are used differently in sentences. My apologies is a way to say you’re sorry about something. My apology is a reference to a previous apology you made.


How do you defend yourself?

Be loud to intimidate the attacker and create attention in case somebody is nearby.

  1. Hammer strike. Using your car keys is one of the easiest ways to defend yourself. …
  2. Groin kick. …
  3. Heel palm strike. …
  4. Elbow strike. …
  5. Alternative elbow strikes. …
  6. Escape from a ‘bear hug attack’ …
  7. Escape with hands trapped. …
  8. Escape from side headlock.

Is Offence American or British?

Offense can also be spelled offence. The difference is that offense is the standard spelling in the United States, while offence is standard in other English-speaking countries: … The adjective derived from offense, offensive, is spelled with an s in American and British English alike.

Does Canada use British English?

Canadian English (CaE) is a variety of English used in Canada. … Canadian English spelling can be described as a mixture of American English, British English, Quebec French, and unique Canadianisms. Canadian vocabulary is similar to American English, yet with key differences and local variations.

How do Australians say hello?

The most common verbal greeting is a simple “Hey”, “Hello”, or “Hi”. Some people may use Australian slang and say “G’day” or “G’day mate”. However, this is less common in cities. Many Australians greet by saying “Hey, how are you?”.

What is the most Australian word?

The 25 most common Australian slang words

  • See ya this arvo – See you this afternoon.
  • Being dacked – When someone pulls your pants down.
  • Give a wedgie – When someone pulls your pants up your bum.
  • Dunny – toilet, bathroom – D’ya know where the dunny is, mate?

Is Australia English US or UK?

Vocabulary. As Australian English is based on British English, most of the vocabulary is the same – with a few exceptions such as candy (US), sweets (UK), and lollies (AUS).

What’s that word when you finally realize something?

An epiphany (from the ancient Greek ἐπιφάνεια, epiphanea, “manifestation, striking appearance”) is an experience of a sudden and striking realization.

Is Realise British spelling?

In a standard British dictionary – e.g. the Concise Oxford – you will often find that both options are possible in British English – ‘realise‘ or ‘realize’, ‘organsise’ or ‘organize’ – whilst for other entries -ize is listed as unmistakably American, e.g. ‘analyse’ = British English, ‘analyze’ = American English.

Which type of English is used in India?

However, Indians speak British English, and there are many differences between British English and American English. Therefore, if you are not familiar with correct words, there may be some confusion while communicating.
