Is Non Adversarial A Word?


: involving two people or two sides who oppose each other : of, relating to, or characteristic of an adversary or adversary procedures (see adversary entry 2 sense 2) an adversarial relationship an adversarial system of justice with prosecution and defense opposing each other.

What is a adversarial person?

adjective. If you describe something as adversarial, you mean that it involves two or more people or organizations who are opposing each other. In our country there is an adversarial relationship between government and business. ‘adversarial’

What is the opposite to adversarial?

Opposite of aggressive or antagonistic in nature. friendly. nonantagonistic. nonhostile. harmless.

What is another term for adversary?

One’s opponent in a contest, conflict, or dispute. opponent. antagonist. foe. rival.

What’s another word for adversarial?

Synonyms & Antonyms of adversarial

  • adversary,
  • antagonistic,
  • antipathetic,
  • hostile,
  • inhospitable,
  • inimical,
  • jaundiced,
  • mortal,

What is adversarial attitude?

adj. 1 pertaining to or characterized by antagonism and conflict. 2 (Brit) having or involving opposing parties or interests in a legal contest, (U.S. term) adversary. lay back exp. adopt a detached attitude; relax.

What is the word concretely mean?

Existing in reality or in real experience; perceptible by the senses; real: concrete objects such as trees. 3. Formed by the coalescence of separate particles or parts into one mass; solid.

What’s the meaning of inquisitorial?

Legal Definition of inquisitorial

1 : constituting or relating to a system of justice in which the judge conducts an inquiry developing the facts of the litigant’s case — compare accusatorial, adversary. 2 : having the authority to conduct official investigations.

What does nuanced mean in English?

: having nuances : having or characterized by subtle and often appealingly complex qualities, aspects, or distinctions (as in character or tone) a nuanced performance Whenever the movie focusses on Van Doren and Goodwin and Stempel, it treats them as nuanced human beings.

What is the meaning of arrogation?

transitive verb. 1a : to claim or seize without justification. b : to make undue claims to having : assume. 2 : to claim on behalf of another : ascribe.

What is adversarial posture?

The adversarial system or adversary system is a legal system used in the common law countries where two advocates represent their parties’ case or position before an impartial person or group of people, usually a judge or jury, who attempt to determine the truth and pass judgment accordingly.


What is a non adversarial process?

In an adversarial system, two advocates represent the interests of competing parties before a judge or impartial tribunal. … By contrast, the non-adversarial system used in civil law allows the judge to directly investigate and interrogate witnesses before rendering a decision.

What is a non adversarial threat?

Definition(s): A threat associated with accident or human error, structural failure, or environmental causes.

What does non adversary mean?

What does “non-adversarial” mean? … “Non-adversarial” means working together co-operatively to reach the best resolution for everyone. Everyone is on the same side, aiming for a “win-win” outcome.

Is poetical a real word?

Poetic. Fancifully depicted or embellished; idealized.

What is an example of adversary?

An example of an adversary relationship is a couple who fight all the time. … The definition of an adversary is a person who fights against something or someone, or is a person who is considered to be a competitor or enemy. For the character of Batman, the Joker is an example of an adversary.

What is an adversarial example?

Adversarial examples are inputs to machine learning models that an attacker has intentionally designed to cause the model to make a mistake; they’re like optical illusions for machines. An adversarial input, overlaid on a typical image, can cause a classifier to miscategorize a panda as a gibbon. …

How do you use adversarial?

She has obviously had an adversarial relationship with the media for a long time. The adversarial relationship in the United States was patched up in World War I by inducting reporters into the US military.

Which is the closest antonym for the word burgeoning?

antonyms for burgeoning

  • die.
  • diminish.
  • fade.
  • lessen.
  • lose.
  • shrink.
  • wither.
  • shrivel.

What is the synonym of antagonistic?

antagonistic. Synonyms: adverse, opposing, inimical, hostile, repugnant, contrary. Antonyms: favoring, aiding, harmonious, friendly, agreeable to.

What is a synonym for inquisitorial?

Synonyms & Near Synonyms for inquisitorial. inquisitional, interrogative, questioning, quizzical.
