Is Knobby A Word?


(nɒbi ) or knobbly (nɒbli ) adjective. Something that is knobby or knobbly has lumps on it which stick out and make the surface uneven.

How do you use knobbly in a sentence?

Knobbly sentence example

  1. The volcanic hills create a knobbly , uneven skyline with many rocky outcrops. …
  2. Van de Saar was left standing on knobbly knees. …
  3. The batter was crisp and very knobbly , and the vegetables dry and not oily, all just as it should be.

What does knobby kneed mean?

(US usually knobby) having lumps (= raised areas) on the surface: knobbly knees/elbows.

What is another word for knobby?

In this page you can discover 9 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for knobby, like: alpen, knobbed, lumpy, bumpy, bent, crooked, irregular, knobbly and mountained.

What are knobby knees?

Osgood Schlatter Disease (OSD) or Knobby Knees is a common cause of knee-pain among the teenagers. This pain mostly affects the boys between 13 to 14 years of age and the girls between 11 to 12 years. This problem mostly occurs during the growth spurt.

What part of speech is knobby?

KNOBBY (adjective) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

What is a kooky person?

(kuki ) adjective. Someone or something that is kooky is slightly strange or eccentric, but often in a way which makes you like them.

What’s squalling mean?

to cry or scream loudly and violently: The hungry baby began to squall. … the act or sound of squalling: The baby’s squall was heard next door.

What does knavish mean in English?

: of, relating to, or characteristic of a knave especially : dishonest.

What is the Bengali meaning of knobbly?

translation of ‘knobbly’ গাঁটযুক্ত, গাঁটওয়ালা adjective. গুল-বসান

What do you mean by lump?

a piece or mass of solid matter without regular shape or of no particular shape: a lump of coal. a protuberance or swelling: a blow that raised a lump on his head. an aggregation, collection, or mass; clump: All the articles were piled in a great lump.

What is the sentence of disappear?

1. They watched the bus disappear into the distance. 2. Mist was rising, and trees and shrubs began to disappear in a milk-white haze.

Are knobby knees normal?

What causes knock knees? Knock knees are fairly common in healthy children under the ages of 6 or 7, and are just a normal part of growth and development. The legs will usually gradually straighten as the child grows, although mild knock knees can last into adulthood.


How can I get beautiful knees?

  1. 7 ways to lose weight around your knees. Many factors can affect the appearance of your knees. …
  2. Lose weight in general. Losing weight is one of the keys to more shapely legs and may even help prevent or relieve knee pain. …
  3. Run or jog. …
  4. Ride a bike. …
  5. Lunges. …
  6. Squats. …
  7. Jumping rope. …
  8. Walking.

What causes knees to turn inward?

Genu valgum is almost always a benign variation in a child’s growth. Although it occurs by chance, it seems to run in families. Knock-knees may also be caused by: injury to or infection in your knee or leg.

What is the synonym of bony?

gaunt, angular, hollow-cheeked, skinny, thin, thin as a rake, lean, spare, raw-boned, skin-and-bones, skeletal, cadaverous, size-zero. underfed, underweight, half-starved, emaciated, fleshless. rangy, gangly, gangling, spindly, scraggy, scrawny.

What is false curvature legs?

Knock knees are in part caused by over active medial hamstrings, and bowlegged by over active lateral hamstrings. Usually their opposites are under active.

Why knock knees are not allowed in army?

Answer is simple, in the military training you will need to go through vigorous physical training i.e Long distance running 30-40km, long standing, heavy lifting, crawling, climbing etc. If you have knock knees, your knees will not be able to cope with the amount of load needed in the military training.

Can yoga correct knock knees?

Yes, this is a yoga pose that stretches your knee cap, and other adjoining muscles in such a manner that their alignment can be rectified. The more you flutter and bring the knee towards the ground, the better your knee alignment will become over time.

Is knave a bad word?

Knave, rascal, rogue, scoundrel are disparaging terms applied to persons considered base, dishonest, or worthless. Knave, which formerly meant merely a boy or servant, in modern use emphasizes baseness of nature and intention: a dishonest and swindling knave.

What does knavish tricks mean?

adjective (Old-fashioned) dishonest, tricky, fraudulent, deceptive, unscrupulous, rascally, scoundrelly, deceitful, villainous, unprincipled, dishonourable, roguish up to their knavish tricks again. principled, noble, honourable, honest, trustworthy.
