Is Jyn Erso Returning?


Rogue One: A Star Wars Story didn’t have the most cheerful ending. Spoiler Alert: Everyone died! The hero Jyn Erso died. Roguish Rebel soldier Cassian Andor also died.

What happened to Jyn in Rogue One?

Every main character in Rogue One, from Jyn (Felicity Jones) to the comic relief droid K-2SO (Alan Tudyk), dies. … Jyn and Cassian die in each others’ arms on the beach of Scarif after transmitting the plans to the Rebel fleet above the planet, as the blast from the Death Star overwhelms them.

Did JYN and Cassian survive?

Jyn did survive. Cassian also survived. There were a lot of casualties on both sides, in both versions of the scripts,” Whitta said. … In this ending, he’s just as tenacious, but Jyn and Cassian escape in pods before their ship is destroyed by Lord Vader.

Does JYN ERSO have a Kyber crystal?

Purpose. Jyn’s kyber pendant was a kyber crystal necklace given to Jyn Erso by her mother Lyra Erso, whilst on the run from death troopers. … It had the words “TRUST IN THE FORCE” written on it in Aurebesh—the very same words that Lyra told her daughter when she gave her the necklace as a parting gift.

Are JYN and Cassian in love?

I believe that Cassian and Jyn do end up falling in love with one another, but their romance presents as atypical. … In many ways, Jyn is the alpha of their relationship, despite Cassian’s high-ranking role in the team. This makes her the prime entry point into understanding her romance with Cassian.

Is Jyn Erso Rey’s mother?

Jyn Erso is not Rey’s mom. … If Rey is about 20 years old during TFA, and 35 years have passed between it and A New Hope, Jyn would have had to have Rey at some point in the future. So Rey’s parentage and family remain a mystery, gang.

Why does Jyn have Kyber crystal?

The Kyber connects Jyn to the Jedi without saying she is quite a Jedi. She is like an honorary Jedi. The jewel operates as a reminder of her family and their sacrifices to save her. It works as any good talisman should, bringing her luck and strength to execute her mission.

Is Jyn Erso force sensitive?

Despite carrying a Kyber crystal around her neck, it is highly unlikely that Jyn ever achieved Force sensitivity. The crystal in question was given to her by her mother, Lyra Erso, shortly before she was murdered. … Sadly, you’ll realize that Jyn may have been told to trust the Force, but she probably never felt it.

Why was Rogue One so bad?

Rogue One was not a good movie. The characters were unlikable, the story poorly written, and plot holes everywhere. It set out it’s goal to make some money though. Don’t agree with a lot of the points on this list, but I especially hate is the 2nd point in which we know the ending.

What planet blew up in Rogue One?

The destruction of Jedha City was depicted in the 2016 Anthology film Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. The first footage of the event was shown in the first Rogue One trailer on August 11, 2016. In Star Wars Legends, the event where the Death Star tested its superweapon was identified as the Destruction of Despayre.

Who is the girl at the end of Rogue One?

Jyn Erso is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise, portrayed by English actress Felicity Jones in the 2016 film Rogue One. Jyn aids the Rebel Alliance in a desperate attempt to steal the plans to the Death Star, a weapon of the Galactic Empire with enough power to destroy an entire planet.


What happened to JYN ERSO Kyber crystal?

Just before the end of the Clone Wars, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker were tasked with protecting gigantic kyber crystals from falling into Separatist hands. The two Jedi ultimately destroyed the massive crystal, but Yoda was almost certain that Sidious would find another way to accomplish his plans.

Did the Death Star have a Kyber crystal?

Each of the Empire’s Death Stars was built around a terrifying weapon – a superlaser array capable of destroying a planet. According to legend, the ancient Sith used massive kyber crystals to create superweapons; during the Clone Wars, the Geonosians revived the superlaser design.

How big was the Kyber crystal in the Death Star?

The first version, which appears in the original 1977 film Star Wars, is stated to be more than 160 kilometers (99 mi) in diameter, and is crewed by an estimated 1.7 million military personnel and 400,000 droids.

Who is Obi Wan Kenobi’s daughter?

Rey is Obi-Wan Kenobi’s daughter or granddaughter somehow: This would be a bit of a curveball, admittedly, but it’s weird that there hasn’t been a Kenobi in this series just yet.


Jyn Erso is a fighter. … She has a lot in common with Rey — both are “ordinary” folks dealing with hard times in the best way they know how — and yet Jyn is something completely unique. The big difference between Rey and Jyn is that when we meet Rey, she is not rebelling on Jakku. Instead, Rey is simply surviving.

Is Luke Skywalker in Rogue One?

In honor of Jyn Erso and her crew’s sacrifice at Scarif, Luke Skywalker ordered for the specific “Rogue One” designation that they used to be retired. This led to Luke flying instead as Rogue Leader. … Following the Battle of Hoth, Commander Wedge Antilles was made Rogue Leader as Skywalker took a leave of absence.

Do they kiss at the end of rogue one?

She claims that at the end of Rogue One, despite the fact that there was no kiss, Jyn and Cassian “clearly” had fallen in love.

How old is Jyn rogue one?

Jyn is 21-years-old, and wow, suddenly I feel like I haven’t done enough today. The Wookiepedia page for Jyn lists her as being born in 22 BBY (BBY = Before Battle of Yavin, aka, the first time the Rebels blew up the Death Star), and that all lines up with this timeline, too.

Do Cassian and JYN get together?

Set up as a kind of will-they-won’t-they couple, Cassian and Jyn (spoiler alert) never actually get together (though I fully maintain they have sex in the Imperial elevator on Scarif). Still, they’re one of the best couples in the franchise, because Cassian and Jyn are Star Wars’ first romance of equals.

Who killed Galen ERSO?

Galen reveals himself after Krennic threatens to kill all of them, but Krennic orders his death troopers to kill all of them anyway. Galen is later killed by a torpedo blast by incoming Rebel fighters, though he manages to reunite with his daughter before he dies.

Is the blind guy in rogue one Force-sensitive?

If we use the term this way for Îmwe, then he is not Force-sensitive because “he lacks Force abilities”. … He was described as: “A blind warrior monk and disciplined fighter, Chirrut is attuned to the mystical energy of the Force“.

How do I get Kyber crystal?

Kyber crystals were looted from Jedi lightsabers, temples, Ilum, and other worlds where they could be found.
