Is It Normal To Stop Bleeding 10 Days After Giving Birth?


Bleeding after birth may last for a while

Bleeding typically lasts around for 24 to 36 days (Fletcher et al, 2012). If your lochia lasts longer that six weeks, don’t worry. That’s normal too (Fletcher et al, 2012). Bleeding will start off heavy and red to browny red.

Can lochia stop after a week?

By the end of the first week, the discharge will likely be white or yellow in color. In three to six weeks, it should stop. Learn more about what to expect during a vaginal delivery.

When does lochia stop?

You might notice increased lochia when you get up in the morning, when you are physically active, or while breastfeeding. Moms who have cesarean sections may have less lochia after 24 hours than moms who had vaginal deliveries. The bleeding generally stops within 4 to 6 weeks after delivery.

Why does lochia smell so bad?

The lochia smells strange.

If your blood loss smells strange or bad, you may have an infection in your womb. Or you could have an infection from any tears you sustained while giving birth, in your vagina or perineum (the bit between your vagina and bottom).

Can lochia stop then start again?

For some women, their lochia can stop or fade and then return, often between week 5 and 8 and it can occur even after a week or more of nothing. While it is possible this is the return of your menstrual cycle, it is unlikely for most women.

Is mucus discharge normal after pregnancy?

Your vaginal discharge will be like a heavy period for several days, gradually decreasing to a thin pinkish-brown mucus discharge for 2-6 weeks after delivery. Wear pads starting with full size pads and decreasing the size as needed. Do not use tampons. You can bathe immediately after delivery.

Is bright red blood 3 weeks postpartum normal?

This is all a normal part of the postpartum transition of the uterus. Occasionally, a week or two after your bleeding seems to have stopped, you may have a sudden gush of bright red blood. This is the normal process of the placental site scab coming off.

Is it normal for postpartum bleeding to stop and start again?

It was common for postpartum bleeding to stop and start again or to be characterized by intermittent spotting or bleeding. Return of menses is rare among fully breast-feeding women in the first 8 weeks postpartum.

How do I know if I started my period after birth?

Bright red bleeding that occurs six or more weeks after delivery is more likely to be your period. Pregnancy-related bleeding can increase with increased exertion or activity. If your discharge increases with exertion and decreases when you rest, it’s more likely to be lochia. Lochia also tends to have a distinct odor.

When should I call the doctor for postpartum bleeding?

Call your doctor right away if you: Have bleeding that soaks through your usual pad each hour for 2 or more hours. Have bloody discharge that continues beyond 4 to 6 weeks. Pass blood clots larger than a golf ball over several hours.

When does lochia turn red again?

If your lochia turns bright red a few weeks after it has started to change color and strength, this may be due to the remnants of a scab from the placenta site making its way out. If your bright red bleeding returns and you’re soaking through a pad an hour, or you have pain or a fever, it’s worth calling your doctor.

How can I stop postpartum bleeding fast?

Medication — Uterotonic medication is usually the first choice of treatment for postpartum hemorrhage. It helps the uterus to contract, stopping the bleeding. Uterine massage — When a health care provider notices heavy bleeding after delivery, they may attempt to stop it by massaging the uterus.


How long should I bleed for after giving birth?

How long do you bleed after giving birth? Lochia is typically heavier and dark red in color for up to 10 days after giving birth, and then transitions into lighter bleeding or spotting that can last for four to six weeks after delivery.

Why do you bleed so long after birth?

When the placenta comes away from the wall of the uterus (after your baby is born), there are open blood vessels that bleed. Your uterus contracts to squeeze these bleeding vessels shut. Over 7–10 days your uterus continues to contract, begins to heal and the bleeding gets less.

What does a clear gooey discharge mean?

Clear and stretchy — This is “fertile” mucous and means you’re ovulating. Clear and watery — This occurs at different times of your cycle and can be particularly heavy after exercising. Yellow or green — May indicate an infection, especially if it’s thick or clumpy like cottage cheese or has a foul odor.

How can I clean my womb after birth?

To cleanse the area, use the “squirt” water bottle you got in the hospital. After you go to the bathroom, rinse from front to back with warm water. Continue these rinses for as long as you have vaginal bleeding. Pat (don’t wipe) from front to back to dry.

How long does it take for a woman’s body to fully recover from pregnancy?

Fully recovering from pregnancy and childbirth can take months. While many women feel mostly recovered by 6-8 weeks, it may take longer than this to feel like yourself again. During this time, you may feel as though your body has turned against you. Try not to get frustrated.

How do you know if your lochia is infected?

Lochia should not smell bad. Foul-smelling lochia may be a sign of infection and warrants a visit to a healthcare provider. It is normal for the bleeding to stop and start, and to experience period-like cramping as the uterus shrinks back to its normal size.

Is it normal to bleed after lochia?

Postpartum bleeding is normal. It’s called lochia. For a few days after you give birth, you’ll feel like you’re having a very heavy period.

What are the 3 different types of Lochia?

Three types of lochia color patterns were identified: type 1–rubra–>serosa–>alba sequence (n = 20); type 2-rubra–>serosa–>alba sequence with prolonged rubra phase and short serosa and alba phases (n = 11); and type 3-with two rubra phases (rubra–>serosa/alba–>rubra–>serosa/alba sequence with near-equal duration …

What should you not do after having a baby?

9 Things Not to Do After Giving Birth

  1. Put anything in the vagina.
  2. Overdo it.
  3. Ignore pain.
  4. Hide your struggles.
  5. Forget birth control.
  6. Ignore social support.
  7. Neglect your nutrition.
  8. Smoke or misuse drugs.

How is Lochia infection treated?

How are puerperal infections treated? Postpartum infections are most commonly treated with oral antibiotics. Your doctor may prescribe clindamycin (Cleocin) or gentamicin (Gentasol). Antibiotics will be tailored to the type of bacteria your doctor suspects caused the infection.

Can you get pregnant during lochia?

No, it’s not true. It is possible to get pregnant before your periods start again after giving birth. You’ll ovulate about two weeks before you have a period. This means you’ll have been fertile again during that time but you won’t necessarily know it.
