Is It Muchas Gracias Or Muchos Gracias?


muchas gracias is from México and significate thank You

Origin of the word Gracia Loan of the Latin “gratia”, (reconocimiento) «acknowledgment’, and ‘favor’ in Latin Christian ‘favor divino’, derivative of gratus”.

What does Gracias actually mean?

: thanks : thank you.

Is it mucho or muchos?

So “mucho gusto” equals “un gran placer” or, as you say in English, “a great pleasure”. Answering your question, there’s no difference between “mucho” and “muchas” beyond the use of the masculine/feminine and singular/plural to match the noun it affects (“gusto” or “gracias”).

What does De nada means in English?

: of nothing : you’re welcome.

Is Mucho feminine?

Mucho + = a lot of / much Tenemos mucho trabajo. … In the case of mucho as an adjective, it will change depending on the gender and number of the noun it refers to = mucho, mucha, muchos, muchas.

What is the reply to Gracias?

The response to gracias that you’re most likely to use or hear is de nada (you’re welcome), or you could say, if appropriate, a tí (thank you). For greater emphasis you can use no hay de qué (don’t mention it).

How do you respond to Muchas Gracias?

When one says “muchas gracias por tu ayuda”, you can respond with “oh, está bien”.

Do men say muchas gracias?

Nope, still not right. Mucha is singular and feminine. Getting warmer. Muchas is plural and feminine.

Is Gracias a Spanish word?

Thank you in Spanish

The most simple way to say thank you in Spanish is gracias.

Is Muchas gracias formal?

Muchas gracias – Thank you very much / Thanks a lot

Therefore, this is one of the most common ways to say ‘thank you’ in Spanish. ‘Muchas gracias’ can be used both in formal and informal contexts. ¡Muchas gracias por ayudarnos con la comida! Thank you very much for helping us with the food!

How is gracias written?

Write the word “gracias”.

The word gracias is pronounced as “grass-ee-ass” by Spanish speakers in Latin America, and as “grath-ee-ass” in Spain.

Does gracias have a accent?

In Spanish, when you want to express your gratitude, you can use the word gracias. … Gracias does not have an accent mark in Spanish. The word ends with an “s,” so the stress is on the second-to-last syllable — in this case, the first syllable — is accurate.


Is Gracias Italian?

1. Grazie is thanks in Italian. The most popular and straightforward way to say thanks in Italian is a hearty grazie.

What is thank you in all languages?

Here’s how to say “thank you” in 45 different languages

  • Spanish. Gracias (Thank you) …
  • French. Merci (Thank you) …
  • Italian. Grazie (Thank you) …
  • German. Danke (Thanks) …
  • Dutch. Bedankt (Thanks) …
  • Portuguese. Obrigado / Obrigada (Thank you – male / female speaker) …
  • Turkish. Teşekkürler (Thanks) …
  • Russian. Спасибо (Thanks)

Is De nada rude?

De nada is usually used as a polite answer after Gracias. On the other side Por nada is used when you were working on something and you didn’t have a result, so you were working for nothing. In my opinion, Por nada would be then impolite answer after Gracias! Por nada = For nothing.

How do you respond to estoy bien?

If you feel alright, you say estoy bien; you could also say, estoy muy bien, to give more emphasis, which means “very good” or “very well.” You can also add one extra word, gracias, meaning “thanks”, and estoy bien, gracias; it means “I’m fine, thank you.”

How do you respond to I’m sorry in Spanish?

You can say the following:

  1. No hay problema = No problem.
  2. No importa. = It’s fine.
  3. No te preocupes. = Don’t worry about it.
  4. Está bien. = It’s cool.

Do you say Mucho gusto to a woman?

Mucho gusto means Pleased to meet you. or It is a pleasure to meet you. It does not change with gender. Gusto is a masculine noun, not an adjective, so it is not conjugated for gender.

What do un poco mean?

adverb. some (American) somewhat; to a certain extent. somewhat rather; a little.

What is the meaning of NO in Spanish?

In Spanish, you can replace the word no with another word, such as nadie (nobody) or nada (nothing).
