Is It Monger Or Mongerer?


1 : broker, dealer —usually used in combination alemonger. 2 : a person who attempts to stir up or spread something that is usually petty or discreditable —usually used in combination warmonger. monger. verb. mongered; mongering ˈməŋ-​g(ə-​)riŋ , ˈmäŋ-​

Is cheesemonger one word or two?

1. a person who sells cheese, butter, and other dairy products. The definition of the word, “cheesemonger” is someone who sells cheese.

Is fear monger one word?

Thus we more commonly see “fear-mongering” for the spreading of the fear, rather than “fearmonger” for the spreader. (The “monger” combinations appear as either hyphenated or solid, though the hyphen prevails in most news contexts for the gerund.) Not surprisingly, “fear-mongering” often is tied to frightening events.

What is a fear monger person?

noun. a person who creates or spreads alarming news.

How do you pronounce fear mongering?

  1. Phonetic spelling of fearmongering. fear-mon-ger-ing.
  2. Examples of in a sentence. Voter fraud, Voter ID and fearmongering. …
  3. Translations of fearmongering. Turkish : korku tüccarlığı

What is a cheesemonger called?

fromager m (plural fromagers, feminine fromagère) cheesemonger, one who sells cheese.

What are cheese lovers called?

What is a cheese lover called? The official word for someone who loves cheese is a turophile. … The origin story for turophile can be traced to the Greek word for cheese, tyros, and the English ending -phile, for lover.

Why are they called cheesemongers?

“Monger” derives from the Latin mango– and Germanic suffix –er to mean a merchant, dealer, or trader of a commodity. Cheesemonger, by extension, means one who deals or trades in cheese.

Is Mongered a word?

A monger is a seller, especially of something specific like a fish monger or an iron monger. You can use the noun monger as a word on its own, although it frequently shows up as a suffix, in words like cheesemonger. Monger can also be used as a verb meaning “to sell or peddle.”

How many different types of mongers are there?

For some reason there are only 4 types of mongers.

What is a vilification?

1 : the act of vilifying : abuse. 2 : an instance of vilifying : a defamatory utterance. Synonyms Example Sentences Learn More About vilification.


Is monger a Scrabble word?

Yes, monger is in the scrabble dictionary.

Who is a food monger?

foodmonger (plural foodmongers) (rare) A person who owns food and sells it at retail.

What is money monger?

noun. derogatory, archaic. A person who deals in money; especially a moneylender.

What is Selenophile?

: a plant that when growing in a seleniferous soil tends to take up selenium in quantities greater than can be explained on a basis of chance.

What is a cheese sommelier?

ALONG wine list and a hovering sommelier are known for turning the strongest of personalities into pools of mush. But cheese! … Perhaps it’s accompanied by a fromager, a cheese expert, whose erudite descriptions begin to melt together after the first six or eight.

What do you call a person that loves the rain?

Pluviophile (n.)

A lover of rain; someone who finds joy and peace of mind during rainy days.

How do you become a cheesemonger?

Learn from those who are smarter and more experienced than you. Ask to stage at your favorite cheese counter, lend a hand with farm chores at your local dairy, or break down boxes at your distributor’s warehouse. Immerse yourself in your passion, ask all of the questions, and be humble—there’s always more to learn.

What is the fear?

Fear arises with the threat of harm, either physical, emotional, or psychological, real or imagined. While traditionally considered a “negative” emotion, fear actually serves an important role in keeping us safe as it mobilizes us to cope with potential danger.

What does the fear mongerer sell?

The Fear Mongerer is one of the few NPCs that sells Pets, along with as Sirius, Bea, Diana, and Oringo.

What is a cheapskate person?

: a miserly or stingy person especially : one who tries to avoid paying a fair share of costs or expenses.

Is Villanize a word?

verb (used with object) vil·lain·ized, vil·lain·iz·ing. to speak ill of; disparage; vilify: to villainize the wealthy.
