Is Having A Sigmoidoscopy Painful?


During a flexible sigmoidoscopy, you remain awake and lie on your left side. Usually, no sedative is necessary. Your doctor will: Insert the lubricated sigmoidoscope through the rectum and into the anus and large intestine.

How bad is a sigmoidoscopy?

A sigmoidoscopy can cause mild discomfort. You may feel a strong urge to have a bowel movement when the tube is inserted. You may also have brief muscle spasms or lower belly pain during the test. Taking deep breaths while the tube is being inserted may help decrease any pain.

Why have a sigmoidoscopy instead of a colonoscopy?

The difference between the two tests is the part of the colon they allow the doctor to see. A sigmoidoscopy is less invasive, because it only looks at the lower part of your colon. A colonoscopy looks at the entire large intestine.

Is colonoscopy worse than sigmoidoscopy?

However, many people think colonoscopy is more painful and choose sigmoidoscopy for screening. However, according to experience in a self-payed health check-up center,unsedated total colonoscopy is not inferior or may be better than unsedated sigmoidoscopy in terms of pain and patients’ acceptance.

Do you need bowel prep for sigmoidoscopy?

Before a flexible sigmoidoscopy exam, you’ll need to empty your colon. Any residue in your colon may obscure the view of your colon and rectum during the exam.

How do you feel after a flexible sigmoidoscopy?

After a flexible sigmoidoscopy, you can expect the following:

  1. You may have cramping in your abdomen or bloating during the first hour after the procedure.
  2. You can resume regular activities right away after the procedure.
  3. You can return to a normal diet.

How painful is flexible sigmoidoscopy?

A flexible sigmoidoscopy is not usually painful. Some people describe feeling like they need to go to the bathroom right after the scope is inserted. That feeling usually goes away after a few minutes. Some people describe pressure or cramping that is similar to gas pains or bloating during the exam.

Which position is given to patient in sigmoidoscopy?

The left lateral (Sims) position, in which the patient lies on his or her left side with the hips and knees flexed and parallel (see the image below), is probably the position most commonly used for rigid sigmoidoscopy.

Can I drive home after a sigmoidoscopy?

We will tell you as much as possible about what was found after the procedure; however biopsy results will take a few weeks to arrive. This wears off very quickly and therefore no restrictions apply, you do not need anyone at home with you and you may drive after 30 minutes.

Can you drink coffee before flexible sigmoidoscopy?

What Preparation is needed for a Flexible Sigmoidoscopy? You may eat your regular diet the day before your exam. Nothing to eat after midnight the night before your procedure. On the morning of the procedure, you may have black coffee, tea and water.

Can I eat before a sigmoidoscopy?

Lunchtime: You may have a light lunch BEFORE 1pm in the afternoon. You must not eat food or drink any drinks with milk in, after 1pm. Clear fluids (e.g. water, fruit squash, clear soup, black tea or black coffee) are freely encouraged.

Why do I need a sigmoidoscopy?

Your doctor may recommend a sigmoidoscopy to explore possible causes for abdominal pain, rectal bleeding, changes in bowel habits, chronic diarrhea and other intestinal problems. The procedure allows your doctor to check for inflammation, ulcers, abnormal tissue, polyps or cancer.


Is flexible sigmoidoscopy safer than colonoscopy?

Previous research has shown that colorectal cancer incidence and mortality can be reduced with a number of screening methods, including fecal occult blood testing (FOBT). However, flexible sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy are more sensitive than FOBT for detecting polyps (see Figure 2) that may lead to colorectal cancer.

Is sigmoidoscopy a surgery?

WHAT IS FLEXIBLE SIGMOIDOSCOPY? Flexible sigmoidoscopy is a procedure that enables your surgeon to examine the lining of the rectum and lower colon (bowel). It is usually done in the surgeon’s office or a procedure room, but occasionally may be done in the hospital.

Is it normal to have diarrhea after sigmoidoscopy?

Side effects of this procedure are usually minimal. Sometimes patients may experience abdominal pain due to air introduced into the colon. Also it is not unusual to experience some diarrhoea for a couple of days post procedure until the bowel returns to its normal function.

Do you need to fast for flexible sigmoidoscopy?

Your bowel must be cleansed in order for sigmoidoscopy to be successful. Typically, a clear liquid diet the day before the test and overnight fasting are recommended. Your doctor will tell you how to do that and whether you need to adjust your diet before the test.

Can you eat the day before a flexible sigmoidoscopy?

You may consume a regular diet on the day before the procedure. Do NOT eat or drink any food or liquid after midnight. procedure.

Should I have sedation for flexible sigmoidoscopy?

It can be done by a specially trained doctor or nurse. You don’t usually need to have an anaesthetic or sedative for a flexible sigmoidoscopy. Although the procedure can be uncomfortable at first, it isn’t usually painful. You can choose to have a sedative if you’d like to.

What can I eat after a sigmoidoscopy?

Foods to eat

  • Water. Water is essential to help people rehydrate. …
  • Drinks with electrolytes. It is important to replace electrolytes when dehydrated. …
  • Vegetable or fruit juice. …
  • Herbal tea. …
  • Popsicles. …
  • Crackers. …
  • Smooth nut butter. …
  • Mashed potatoes.

What conditions can a barium enema be used to diagnose?

Some abnormalities of the large intestine that may be detected by a barium enema include tumors, inflammation, polyps (growths), diverticula (pouches), obstructions, and changes in the intestinal structure. After the instillation of barium into the rectum, the radiologist may also fill the large intestine with air.

Can a sigmoidoscopy detect diverticulitis?

Thus, there is no indication for routine sigmoidoscopy in the setting of acute colonic diverticulitis. When an endoscopic procedure is warranted as described in question 1, total colonoscopy after standard bowel preparation should be the procedure of choice.

How long do you fast before a sigmoidoscopy?

DO NOT eat anything for six hours before your appointment or drink anything for four hours before. You may have small sips of water for up to two hours before. Wear loose-fitting clothes on the day of the test. If you need to change or cancel your appointment please ring 020 7188 8887.

Can I have a sigmoidoscopy on my period?

Yes, having your period does not affect your test. If it’s more comfortable for you, you can wear a tampon on the day of your test. A tampon can be left in place during the test, but a pad would have to be removed.
