Is Fromage Masculine Or Feminine In French?


Is Fromage masculine or feminine in French?

The word for cheese is a masculine noun: le fromage. Because fromage is masculine, masculine articles must be used with it, and here, it is used with…

Is Chocolat masculine or feminine?

The gender of chocolat is masculine. E.g. le chocolat.

Is legume feminine or masculine?

Borrowed from Latin legūmen (cf. older form lesgum); was once feminine and became masculine by the 17th century. Replaced the Old French leün, which was inherited from the same source. Compare Italian and Portuguese legume, Spanish legumbre.

Is Cafe masculine or feminine?

The word café is a masculine noun. Be sure to use masculine articles and adjectives with it.

Is chocolate a feminine word?

The word ‘chocolate’ is masculine in Spanish. Therefore, it is ‘el chocolate’ in singular and ‘los chocolates’ in plural. For example: ‘El chocolate…

Is gateau feminine or masculine?

The word in French for cake is gâteau. Gâteau is a masculine noun, so you will need to use masculine articles and adjectives with it.

Is Pizza masculine or feminine?

Yes. Every noun has a grammatical gender. And “pizza” is feminine.

What is fromage called in French?

Etymologically, the French word for cheese, “fromage” is a diminutive of the word “fourme”. Cancoillotte -this very distinctive comes from Franche Comté; it is a runny cheese strongly flavoured with garlic, and is very much an acquired taste.


Is mayonnaise feminine or masculine in French?

mayonnaise noun, feminine

less common: mayo n

What does feminine mean in French?

Word forms: féminin, féminine. adjective. 1. female.

What is Jambon called in English?

Translation of jambon – French–English dictionary

gammon the meat of the leg of a pig, salted and smoked.

Is gateau a French word?

noun, plural gâ·teaux . French Cooking. a cake, especially a very light sponge cake with a rich icing or filling.

Is chat feminine or masculine?

Actually the word “chat” is masculine in French : un chat.

Is chemise feminine or masculine?

It’s the ending (usually) that determines the gender of a word. La chemise (feminine) is a (men’s) shirt. Le chemisier (masculine) is a (women’s) blouse.

How do you say phone call in Spanish?

phone call n. llamada nf. Exemplos: la mesa, una tabla.

How do we pronounce lentils?

Break ‘lentils’ down into sounds: + – say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them.

How do you say Legumnous?

Phonetic spelling of leguminous plant

  1. legu-mi-nous plant.
  2. legumin-ous plant. Guy Runte.
  3. leguminous plant. Wilhelm Renner.
