Is Forage Good For Horses?


Horses are naturally grazers, they eat little and often. … Feeding forage at floor level is good for a horse’s respiratory health, provided the underlying ground is kept reasonably clean. Good quality grazing may be adequate for the intake of roughage and minerals. If grazing is inadequate, extra feeding may be required.

Why is forage important for horse?

With a gastrointestinal tract designed to digest fibre, it is easy to see why forage is critical to the health of all horses. What’s in Roughage? Roughage contains all of the essential nutrients required by horses: water, energy, protein, vitamins and minerals.

Is it bad to feed horses on the ground?

Why feeding hay and grain from ground level is in your horse’s best interest. You can reduce your horse’s risk of choke, colic and respiratory disorders and increase the amount of nutrients he gets from his ration by doing nothing more than eliminating chest- or head-high feed tubs and hay racks.

Are slow feeders good for horses?

The Best Slow Feeders. for Your Horse

Available in many different forms, slow feeders can support healthy digestion, alleviate boredom, and even reduce feeding-time anxiety.

Which chaff is best for horses?

Oaten or wheaten Chaff is ideal as the basis for your feed mix. Lucerne Chaff may be mixed with oaten chaff but should not form the bulk of ration. Some horses do not tolerate lucerne so use sparingly as it may be too rich for many horses especially those with minimum workloads or those grazing green grass.

What is the best hay to give horses?

Timothy hay is one of the most popular hays fed to horses. It can be quite expensive, depending on whether it has to be shipped long distances. Timothy must be harvested in the pre- or early-bloom stage to ensure a high nutrient content.

What hay is best for hot horses?

Lucerne Hay and Grass Hay being the most popular. Lucerne Hay is a favourite hay for horses and contains ample protein (between 15% – 18%). For some horses, this may be more than they require. Lucerne is an excellent option (due to high protein levels) for Foals, Mares with foals at foot, and growing horses.

How often should horses be fed?

Feeding Guidelines

When feeding the horse, there are three general guidelines one should follow. Feeds should be fed at least twice a day. Feeds should be fed in equally divided amounts. Feeds should be fed near to or at the same time each day and at even intervals throughout the day.

Can horses graze all day?

Horses with grassy turnouts graze all day, so they don’t need extra forage when they’re stalled at night, right? Not so fast, our nutritionist says. … As a result, many horses can meet their calorie demands and maintain condition if they have access to good pasture and aren’t working too hard.

Will a horse stop eating when full?

Horses do not have the ability to control their eating so that they will stop eating when they have met their nutrient requirements. They will continue to eat, which can lead to digestive and lameness problems.

Are alfalfa cubes good for older horses?

Alfalfa cubes are an excellent source of nutrition for horses, and can be used for everything from putting weight on a skinny horse, to maintaining weight on a pregnant, nursing, or heavily worked horse, to ensuring an older horse receives the nutrition he needs.


Are hay cubes bad for horses?

The nutrient levels found in cubes tend to be more consistent than hay. Alfalfa cubes are sold with a guaranteed minimum nutrient content. Reduced dust. Cubes have little dust and are therefore a good alternative to hay for horses with certain respiratory problems.

What can I feed horses instead of hay?

Forage alternatives: What to feed horses when hay and grass are…

  • Straw:
  • Chopped dried grass:
  • Grass nuts:
  • Sugar beet:
  • Short chopped fibre:
  • Soakable fibre products:
  • High Fibre Cubes:

What kind of hay is bad for horses?

Alfalfa hay

This legume hay is higher in protein than grass hay. However, it has high calcium to phosphorus ratio, which isn’t suitable for growing horses. Horses love the taste and might overeat, leading to obesity.

What hay is best for older horses?

The horse needs to be able to chew and break down the hay, so select good-quality, soft hay that isn’t overly mature; it shouldn’t have thick, fibrous stalks. Coleman has found that mixed grass-legume hay, such as orchard-alfalfa or timothy-alfalfa, is often a good choice.

Do horses like brome hay?

Brome hay is highly digestible with relative feed values (RFV) typically around 90-100 and a good balance of minerals. You can expect protein levels to be greater than 8%. This, combined with its superb palatability makes brome an excellent all around hay. Horses LOVE brome!

Is chaff better than hay?

Chaff is produced by chopping up the hay into smaller pieces. This make it easier for feed it set quantities, good for mixing other products with and less mess than traditional hay bales. It is also easier to digest than hay so it is great for young ones and older horses.

Is Apple chaff good for horses?

Mollichaff Applechaff is a dust-free, low sugar chaff with the natural goodness of apple. Adds fibre and bulk to horses and ponies‘ diets, prolonging feeding time and aiding digestion. … It also promotes good digestion by stimulating the production of saliva and slowing down the passage of food through he gut.

Do horses like oaten hay?

When made well, horses usually love oaten hay. Being a ‘grass’, oaten hay is lower in protein so it can be used as the base forage in a horse’s diet without providing too much protein. Oaten hay contains lots of great fibre.

Can a horse live on grass alone?

Horses can live on hay or grass alone. Both provide great sources of carbohydrates, vitamins, protein, and even healthy antioxidants. However, horses do not always get the best possible nutrition from hay or grass alone, so you should supplement their diet with more nutritious foods.

Why is alfalfa bad for horses?

Alfalfa hay can cause diarrhea in a horse that overeats it because the hay is rich and full of nutrients. Overeating alfalfa can also cause a horse to have excess gas, develop laminitis, and founder.

Is timothy or alfalfa better for horses?

Alfalfa hay is typically higher in protein and essential nutrients than timothy hay, making Alfalfa a better option for more active animals that need a high protein diet. Alfalfa also has more calories per pound than timothy, so it’s generally the preferred choice of sport horse owners.
