Is Elusion A Word?


Is elusion a word?

the act of eluding; evasion.

What is the meaning of Ellusion?

Elusion is the act of successfully hiding or escaping from someone. Your cat’s elusion makes it hard to find her when it’s time to take her to the vet. When you avoid being found or caught, that’s elusion. Playing hide and seek is all about elusion, as is being a successful prison escapee.

Is elusion a noun?

noun. 1The action of escaping from or avoiding a danger, enemy, or pursuer, typically in a skilful or cunning way.

How do you use amount in a sentence?

You should allocate the same amount of time to each question.

  1. We’ve saved a considerable amount of money.
  2. We had a surprising amount in common.
  3. People should decrease the amount of fat they eat.
  4. There’s only a minimal amount of risk involved.
  5. We have accumulated a great amount of evidence.

What is example of amount?

Amount is defined as to add up to a total. The bill for four people at a restaurant that is 50 dollars is an example of the costs of four meals that amount to 50 dollars. Amount is the combination of two or more numbers. The cost of groceries that you are buying plus the tax is an example of the amount you have to pay.

What is the maximum amount?

You use maximum to describe an amount which is the largest that is possible, allowed, or required. Maximum is also a noun.

How do you use elusion in a sentence?

Elusion in a Sentence ?

  1. My cat’s successful elusion is kind of irritating, since I can’t bathe her if I can’t find her around the house.
  2. Hide and seek is a game all about elusion, as you can’t win if you can’t hide from the person that is looking for you.

What is the verb form of belief?

Believe. Explanation: The plural form of BELIEF is BELIEFS. The verb form of BELIEF is BELIEVE.

What is the difference between elusion and illusion?

Elusion is to escape with the help of deception: “Thieves always work on the premise of being able to create an effective illusion and being able to escape capture. ” Illusion is a deception; a false, although often pleasant, notion; a misconception: “A person’s illusion of youth ultimately fades with maturity.”

What do you mean by confront?

transitive verb. 1 : to face especially in challenge : oppose confront an enemy The mayor was confronted by a group of protesters. 2a : to cause to meet : bring face-to-face confront a reader with statistics confronted her with the evidence. b : to meet face-to-face : encounter confronted the possibility of failure.

What does elute mean biology?

Definition. (1) The removal or separation of one material from another, especially with a solvent. (2) The process of extracting a substance adsorbed to another by means of a suitable solvent or buffering agent as in column chromatography.

What is an elusive person?

an elusive person or animal is difficult or impossible to find or catch. The rebel leader proved elusive.


What is elusion testing?

An Elusion Test is used to validate the accuracy of an Active Learning project. The goal of the Elusion Test is to estimate how many low-ranked documents are actually highly relevant documents that you would leave behind if you stopped the project at that point.

What is the verb for joy?

verb. joyed; joying; joys. Definition of joy (Entry 2 of 2) intransitive verb. : to experience great pleasure or delight : rejoice.

What is the verb form of seat?

Regular verb: seat – seated – seated.

What is the verb form of grief?

verb (used without object), grieved, griev. · ing. to feelgrief or great sorrow: She has grieved over his death for nearly three years.

How much do you have to make to get maximum Social Security?

In recent years, you need to earn a six-figure salary to get a top Social Security payment. The maximum wage taxable by Social Security is $142,800 in 2021. However, the exact amount changes each year and has increased over time. It was $137,700 in 2020 and $106,800 in 2010.

What is the most you can get from Social Security?

The most an individual who files a claim for Social Security retirement benefits in 2021 can receive per month is:

  • $3,895 for someone who files at age 70.
  • $3,148 for someone who files at full retirement age (currently 66 and 2 months).
  • $2,324 for someone who files at 62.

What is the PayPal weekly transfer limit?

The Limit: PayPal Instant Transfer Limits

An instant transfer to your debit card has a limit of $5,000 per transaction, $5,000 per day, $5,000 per week and a total of $15,000 per month.

What is called amount?

Called Amount means the amount of the Equity Investment that is being repaid, determined by reference to the Termination Value (Equity Portion) with respect to the applicable Termination Date. Sample 2.

What is the of amount?

noun. Definition of amount (Entry 2 of 2) 1a : the total number or quantity : aggregate trying to figure the amount of time it will take. b : the quantity at hand or under consideration has an enormous amount of energy. 2 : the whole effect, significance, or import.

What is an amount in math?

the sum total of two or more quantities or sums; aggregate. the sum of the principal and interest of a loan. quantity; measure: a great amount of resistance.

Can a person be elusive?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishe‧lu‧sive /ɪˈluːsɪv/ ●○○ adjective 1 an elusive person or animal is difficult to find or not often seen She managed to get an interview with that elusive man.

What does it mean when a woman is elusive?

term largely used in the 20’s to describe women who acted contrary to what was commonly expected by going out, drinking, smoking, dancing, wearing make-up etc.
