Is Dunny A Rude Word?


(Australia, New Zealand, slang) A toilet, often outside and rudimentary. (Scottish and northern English, slang, dated) An outside toilet, or the passageway leading to it; (by extension) a passageway or cellar. …

Why is it called a dunny?

Dunny can now be used for any toilet. The word comes from British dialect dunnekin meaning an ‘earth closet, (outside) privy’ from dung + ken ‘house’. First recorded in the 1930s but dunnekin is attested in Australian sources from the 1840s.

What are dunnies in slang?

dunny. noun (Austral. & old-fashioned N.Z. informal) toilet, lavatory, bathroom, loo (Brit. informal), W.C., bog (slang), Gents or Ladies, can (U.S. & Canad.

Why is dunny a rude word?

It comes from convict slang, ‘danna’ (poo, possibly from ‘dung’). ‘Ken’ was convict slang for ‘house’ or ‘building’ (as in ‘charley-ken’ – ‘watchman-house’, a little booth for a watchman), so a ‘danniken’ or ‘dannaken’ was literally a ‘shithouse‘ – which later became ‘dunny-can.

Why is a toilet called a DUNY?

A: It dates from the early 1800s, Scottish in origin, from dung + ken (house) to give “dunnekin” as another name for the outhouse. Once the toilet moved inside, Australians and New Zealanders dropped the kin and kept with the dunny.

Why are swimmers called togs?

Words for swimwear also developed along with beach culture. Australians use a variety of terms to describe their bathing attire, including ‘cossies’ (a shortened version of ‘costumes’) and ‘togs’, which Gwynn explains is an abbreviation of the 16th-Century word ‘togeman’, meaning coat.

What does cheeky mean in British slang?

Cheeky: To be cheeky is to be flippant or somewhat of a smart arse. Considering British humor, I’d say most people here are a bit cheeky. … Diddle: What a silly term to use if you’re being ripped off, Britain.

What is a DUNY?

Having numerous sand-dunes.

What does dummy mean in slang?

slang a stupid person; fool. derogatory, slang a person without the power of speech; mute. informal a person who says or does nothing. a person who appears to act for himself while acting on behalf of another. (as modifier)a dummy buyer.

What is a thunderbox toilet?

Thunderbox, a slang word for a portable toilet.

What was a dunny man?

Filters. (Australia, colloquial, now chiefly historical) Someone whose job it is to empty the cesspit from a basic toilet which is not attached to a plumbing system.


What is an outhouse called in Australia?

“Dunny” or “dunny can” are Australian words for a toilet, particularly an outhouse. For other uses of the word, see Dunny (disambiguation). In suburban areas not connected to the sewerage, outhouses were not always built over pits.

What is a dunny flush?

Dissolves URIC acid blockages, kills odours, continues working keeping your organic waste system flow through clean & working properly. … Your toilet, urinals, shower, bath, sink, laundry, grease traps, holding tanks, septic tanks, Industrial also commercial waste systems.

How do you say Girl in Australian slang?

It’s usually Sheila I believe – it’s just a girl’s name which, for some reason, has come to be used to denote all females there.

How do you say hello in Australian?

1. G’day. One of the first things you’ll hear when in Australia, is the classic “G’day, mate”, which is basically the same as saying, “good day”, or “hello”.

How do you say sorry in Australian?

When you say “sorry” to an Australian, most likely you will hear, “You’re right.” This is their response, meaning “That is okay.” Goodbye for an Aussie could be, “See ya later,” “Take it easy,” or “Hoo roo.”

What do British people call togs?

4. Togs. While in the UK the word “togs” means clothes, in New Zealand it refers to the clothing item you wear when swimming. Elsewhere they are called swimmers, bathing suit, swimming suit or swimming costumes.

What do Kiwis call swimsuits?

Togs: Important if you are visiting NZ during the summer. ‘Togs’ translates to ‘swimsuit’ or ‘bathing suit’ or ‘bikini’ or ‘swimming shorts/trunks’.

What does bathers mean in English?

Definitions of bather. a person who takes a bath.

Why do Australians say toilet?

Toilet terms

This word has the distinction of being the only word for a toilet which is not a euphemism of some kind. It is from the old English dunnykin: a container for dung. However Australians use the term toilet more often than dunny.

What is the toilet called in Australia?

Aussie humour – Dunny – Australian slang for toilet.

What is a drongo slang?

The word drongo is used in Australian English as a mild form of insult meaning “idiot” or “stupid fellow”. This usage derives from an Australian racehorse of the same name (apparently after the spangled drongo, Dicrurus bracteatus) in the 1920s that never won despite many places.
