Is Cornucopious A Word?


: to ask for something that is very difficult or impossible to get.

What does Dentify mean?

: formation of or conversion into dental structure.

What do currently mean?

Currently means now. You’re currently reading the meaning of the word currently. As with other words you use to refer to the present time, when you use currently, you’re often implying that things might change. For example, if you say you’re not currently dating anyone, you’re hinting that you might in the future.

What’s the meaning of at the moment?

: right now : at the current time At the moment she is working on a novel.

What does Redensification mean?

Noun. 1. densification – an increase in the density of something. compaction, compression, concretion.

Is Dentification a word?

noun The formation of tooth-substance or dentin.

What do you mean by denitrification answer in one sentence?

: the loss or removal of nitrogen or nitrogen compounds specifically : reduction of nitrates or nitrites commonly by bacteria (as in soil) that usually results in the escape of nitrogen into the air.

Why do we say for God’s sake?

Some people use expressions such as for God’s sake, for heaven’s sake, for goodness’ sake, or for Pete’s sake in order to express annoyance or impatience, or to add force to a question or request.

What is giving someone the 3rd degree?

to ask someone a lot of questions in an aggressive way in order to find out information.

Why do we say par for the course?

This term comes from golf, where it refers to the number of strokes needed by an expert golfer to finish the entire course. Its figurative use for other kinds of expectation dates from the second half of the 1900s.

What is Cornucopian theory?

Cornucopian theory scoffs at the idea of humans wiping themselves out; it asserts that human ingenuity can resolve any environmental or social issues that develop. … If we need more food, the theory contends, agricultural scientists will figure out how to grow it, as they have already been doing for centuries.

What is another word for cornucopia?

In this page you can discover 11 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for cornucopia, like: abundance, smorgasbord, receptacle, horn-of-plenty, profusion, ornament, profuseness, richness, treasure trove, treasure house and horn.

What is denitrification simple?

Definition of Denitrification:


(1) The loss of nitrogen from soil by biological or chemical means. … (2) The breakdown of nitrates by bacteria living in the soil, resulting in the release of free nitrogen.

What is the synonym of identification?

Synonyms & Near Synonyms for identification. ID, ID card, identification card, identity card.

What does identification mean in psychology?

n. 1. the process of associating the self closely with other individuals and their characteristics or views.

What is de densified?

De-densification is the process of reducing office density by staggering attendance, expanding available floor space with satellite offices, or rearranging existing layouts to create additional room. In the last year, de-densification has emerged as perhaps the most important aspect of office design.

Is densification a real word?

Definition of ‘densification’

The industry term for this is a triumph of spin-doctor euphemism: it’s ‘densification’. Densification degrades the quality of existing urban space and places greater burdens on an already creaking infrastructure.

What is the opposite of densify?

Opposite of the act or process of making or becoming dense. decompression. diffusification. diffusion.

How do you say at the moment?

synonyms for at the moment

  1. directly.
  2. forthwith.
  3. immediately.
  4. instantly.
  5. straightaway.
  6. away.
  7. first off.
  8. here and now.

How do you use at the moment?

You use expressions such as at the moment, at this moment, and at the present moment to indicate that a particular situation exists at the time when you are speaking. At the moment, no one is talking to me. This is being planned at the present moment. He’s touring South America at this moment in time.

How do we use at the moment?

At-the-moment sentence example

  1. That was the only thing that mattered at the moment . …
  2. Destiny didn’t need her at the moment . …
  3. She wasn’t too proud of herself at the moment . …
  4. No, I wanted to talk to you, but I was with a sick friend at the moment .
