Is Convincingly An Adjective?


convincement. The act of convincing, or state of being convinced; conviction.

Is knitted an adjective?

knitted adjective – Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes | Oxford Advanced American Dictionary at

What type of word is convincing?

verb (used with object), con·vinced, con·vinc·ing. to move by argument or evidence to belief, agreement, consent, or a course of action: to convince a jury of his guilt; A test drive will convince you that this car handles well. to persuade; cajole: We finally convinced them to have dinner with us.

Is there a noun for convince?

The act of convincing, or state of being convinced; conviction.

What is the adjective for convinced?

convincible. Capable of being convinced or won over. convinceable.

Is knitted a noun or verb?

verb (used with object), knit·ted or knit, knit·ting. to make (a garment, fabric, etc.) by interlocking loops of one or more yarns either by hand with knitting needles or by machine. to join closely and firmly, as members or parts (often followed by together): The tragedy knitted the family closer together.

What is the verb of knitting?

transitive verb. 1 : to form by interlacing yarn or thread in a series of connected loops with needles. 2a : to link firmly or closely knitted my hands. b : to cause to grow together time and rest will knit a fractured bone. c : to contract into wrinkles knitted her brow.

Is well an adverb?

The rule of thumb is that good is an adjective and well is an adverb. Good modifies a noun; something can be or seem good. Well modifies a verb; an action can be done well.

Is Convincingness a word?

The state or quality of being convincing.

What is the noun of automatic?

automaticity ˌȯ-​tə-​mə-​ˈti-​sə-​tē , -​ma-​ noun.

What is the adverb of patient?

patient is an adjective and a noun, patiently is an adverb, patience is a noun:Be patient with the baby. … That teacher treats his class patiently.

What is adverb manner examples?

An adverb of manner describes how you do an action. For example, They dress elegantly. Some elderly people drive slowly.


Is convincing an adjective or adverb?

convincing adjective – Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes | Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary at

What is fast adverb?

Fast and quick mean moving with great speed. Fast is both an adjective and an adverb. Quick is an adjective and the adverb form is quickly.

What is the verb of transportation?

transitive verb. 1 : to transfer or convey from one place to another transporting ions across a living membrane. 2 : to carry away with strong and often intensely pleasant emotion.

What is the synonym of knit?

1 as in contract, furrow. Synonyms & Near Synonyms for knit. contract, furrow.

Can knit be a noun?

knit (verb) knit (noun) knitting (noun) knitting needle (noun)

What does kitted mean in English?

: to give (someone or something) the clothing or equipment needed for a particular activity The team was kitted out in new uniforms.

Why is it called knitting?

Knitting is the process of using two or more needles to loop yarn into a series of interconnected loops in order to create a finished garment or some other type of fabric. The word is derived from knot, thought to originate from the Dutch verb knutten, which is similar to the Old English cnyttan, “to knot”.

Is Snob an adjective?

of, relating to, or characteristic of a snob: snobbish ideas about rank.

Is envy an adjective?

full of, feeling, or expressing envy: envious of a person’s success; an envious attack. Archaic. emulous. enviable.

Which type noun innocence is?

innocency. (uncountable, archaic) Innocence; the state of being free from guilt or moral wrong. (uncountable, archaic) Innocence, simplicity, lack of deceit or guile. (uncountable, archaic) Innocence, harmlessness.
