Is Coff A Scrabble Word?


“OK” is now OK to play in a game of Scrabble. The two-letter word is one of 300 new additions to the latest version of the Official Scrabble Players Dictionary, which Merriam-Webster released on Monday. … Not all Scrabble players are OK with OK, however, especially at the game’s highest levels.

Is XI in scrabble dictionary?

Yes, xi is in the scrabble dictionary.

Is Coffs a word?

Yes, coffs is in the scrabble dictionary.

What is coiffed hair?

If someone has neatly coiffed hair, their hair is very carefully arranged. Her hair was perfectly coiffed.

Is Disheveledness a word?

untidy; disarranged: a disheveled appearance.

Is coif a French word?

Coiffure is a fancy French word for hairdo. … The word can be shortened to coif, but be careful as this word has other meanings as well.

What does quaffed hair mean?

(of the hair) arranged or combed in a coiffure; styled: An elderly lady with perfectly coiffed hair had just stepped out of the elevator. Also coifed .

Is it coiffed or quaffed?

The word quaff is derived from the German word quassen, which means to overindulge in something consumable. Coif means to style the hair. Coif may also refer to a close-fitting cap worn under chain mail or under a nun’s veil. Coif may be used as a noun or a transitive verb, related words are coif, coiffed, coiffing.

Is Coiffured a word?

noun, plural coif·fures . verb (used with object), coif·fured , coif·fur·ing . … to arrange or comb (the hair) in a coiffure; to style (the hair).


How do you spell Coiffe?

noun, verb (used with object), coiffed, coiff·ing. a variant of coiffure (defs.

Which word is most similar to Velocity?


  • speed, pace, rate, tempo, momentum, impetus.
  • swiftness, fast pace, swift pace, fastness, quickness, speediness, rapidity, briskness, expeditiousness, expedition, dispatch.
  • acceleration.
  • informal clip, fair old rate, fair lick, steam, nippiness.
  • literary fleetness, celerity.

What does word cajoling mean?

cajole, coax, soft-soap, blandish, wheedle mean to influence or persuade by pleasing words or actions. cajole suggests the deliberate use of flattery to persuade in the face of reluctance or reasonable objections.

How do you use the word disheveled?

Disheveled Sentence Examples

  1. His bleached hair was disheveled, his eyes squinting at the hall light.
  2. Her eyes were red, her red hair wet and disheveled, and she wore a flannel bathrobe and was barefoot.
  3. One look at her disheveled ’70s garb, and she decided to change into pajamas.

What does disheveled mean *?

• DISHEVELED (adjective) Meaning: In disarray; extremely disorderly.

Is GA a scrabble word?

No, ga is not in the scrabble dictionary.
