Is Catmint Native To North America?


The true catmint species described above is a big invasive plant. It reaches three feet tall, producing sparse white flowers. … Lush green rounded plants bloom late summer with foot long spikes of dark violet flowers. It is widely available and an exceptional choice for the first-time grower.

Is catmint a California native?

Nepeta is native to a variety of habitats, ranging from Mediterranean regions to Western Asia. … It has aromatic, gray-green, soft foliage on thin stems typically with spikes of tubular, two-lipped blue or blue-violet flowers.


What does catmint do to cats?

Nepetalactone is the ingredient in catmint—a member of the mint family—that makes cats crazy. Rather it makes 70% of cats crazy; about 30% of cats are unaffected by catnip. In addition, your new kitten will most likely not respond to catnip (good news, as kittens are plenty wild without drugs).
