Is Buggered A Rude Word?


While often used informally as an insult (like “jerk”) or to refer to any ole whachamacallit, bugger has also been used as a more offensive vulgar term for “sodomy.” … Keep context in mind when using this word or else someone might tell you to bugger off.

What does well buggered mean?

DEFINITIONS1. used when you are very surprised about something. Synonyms and related words. Ways of saying that you are surprised or shocked.

Is mucky a noun or adjective?

Covered in muck.

Is largely a adjective?

Largely is a useful alternative to “mostly,” “mainly,” or “chiefly,” and it comes from the adjective large, in Old French “broad, wide, or generous,” from a Latin root, largus, “abundant, plentiful, bountiful, or liberal.”

What is the verb form of specialist?

specialize. To make distinct or separate, particularly: (obsolete, intransitive) To go into specific details. (rare, transitive) To specify: to mention specifically.

What is the verb of the word large?

enlarge. (transitive) To make larger. (transitive) To increase the capacity of; to expand; to give free scope or greater scope to; also, to dilate, as with joy, affection, etc. (intransitive) To speak at length upon or on (some subject)

What does MIRY mean in English?

The definition of miry is something wet and soggy, or covered with mud. An example of miry is a pair of shoes covered with mud and wet grass. adjective. 2. Full of or resembling mire; swampy.

What is the word Feculent mean?

: foul with impurities : fecal a feculent odor of the breath. Other Words from feculent. feculence -​lən(t)s noun.

What do mucky means?

1 : consisting of, marked by, or full of mud or muck the mucky bottom of a pond The ground was mucky and full of stagnant puddles.— James Alexander Thom. 2a : covered in dirt or gunk : dirty, filthy mucky boots. b : offensive to the senses : disagreeable, unpleasant …

What does bloody mean in England?

In British slang, bloody means something like “very.” That’s bloody brilliant! Things that are literally bloody have blood on them or are made of blood. … To bloody something is to cover it in blood: “I will bloody your nose if you say that again!” It comes from the Old English blodig, from blod, or “blood.”

Is Wordily a word?

1. Relating to or consisting of words; verbal. 2. Tending to use, using, or expressed in more words than are necessary to convey meaning.

What does unhygienic mean in English?

: not having or showing good hygiene : not hygienic : unsanitary squalid, unhygienic conditions.


Who is a smarmy person?

Smarmy describes someone who is overly flattering and fake. A smarmy student might tell a teacher, “You’re looking even more lovely than usual today,” with a big smile. Smarmy describes someone who goes way over the top trying to be suave and charming — fooling no one.

What do sodden means?

1a : dull or expressionless especially from continued indulgence in alcoholic beverages sodden features. b : torpid, sluggish sodden minds. 2a : heavy with or as if with moisture or water the sodden ground.

What is a miry place?

The adjective miry, which is good for describing places that are boggy or mucky, comes from mire, “a stretch of swampy ground.” Mire derives from the Old Norse word myrr, “bog or swamp,” and shares a root (meaning “damp”) with the word moss.

What does miry clay mean?

n. thick mud or a troublesome situation. I look at the miry clay and see the. potential for it to become something great, something better than it is now.

What is the verb for joy?

verb. joyed; joying; joys. Definition of joy (Entry 2 of 2) intransitive verb. : to experience great pleasure or delight : rejoice.

What is the verb for vacant?

vacate. To move out of a dwelling, either by choice or by eviction. To leave an office or position.

What is the verb form of decision?

decision. verb. decisioned; decisioning; decisions. Definition of decision (Entry 2 of 2) transitive verb.

Is specialist a noun or verb?

From Longman Business Dictionaryspe‧cial‧ist /ˈspeʃəlɪst/ noun 1a person or business that has a lot of skill or knowledge in a particular subject, and often gives advice to othersspecialist inHe’s a specialist in the insurance industry.

Who is called a specialist?

English Language Learners Definition of specialist

: a person who has special knowledge and skill relating to a particular job, area of study, etc. : expert. : a doctor who deals with health problems that relate to a specific area of medicine.

What type of word is specialist?

specialist used as a noun:

Someone who is an expert in, or devoted to, some specific branch of study or research.

What is the difference between hygienic and unhygienic?

As adjectives the difference between unhygienic and hygienic

is that unhygienic is lacking hygiene, unclean while hygienic is pertaining to hygiene; clean, sanitary.

Is it Inhygienic or unhygienic?

If you describe something as unhygienic, you mean that it is dirty and likely to cause infection or disease. Parts of the shop were very dirty, unhygienic, and an ideal breeding ground for bacteria. … unhygienic conditions.
